1 JANUARY 1927, Page 1



ABATTOIR Society, the Model.. 322 Advertising, What it might 'become :

I. Its True Function in Modern Adolescent, the Education of the.. .. 32

Commerce.. 935

II. Some Crucial Failures .. 978 IlL .A Corrective of Some Na- tional Inertias .. —1014 Air Force Education : a Great Experiment Alsatian's Defence, the — 478 America : see under " United States."

American Prosperity, Can it Last ? 36 Animals, Humane Slaughter of ..1058 Aquarium Venture, the _ .. 321 Australia, the School Tour to .. 105 Australian Landscape . 939 Avalanche, an Adventure With an.. 35 BALKANS, the Danger in the .. 532 .1) Beethoven the Man .. _ 536 Bible, Gardens of the .. 798-842 Birds in the Frost .. .. 73 — the Winged Wanderers .. 145 Bread, Eat English .. 756 Bribery and its Prevention.. .. 537 Budget, the .. 680

CflAGE Bird Cult, the .. .. 238 Canada and Newfoundland— Boundary Judgment .. 413 Canberra .. .. 838 Cecil, Lord, on League Publicity .. 143 Census; Lessons of the .. 714

Cherry Tree, the .. 718

Children's Hearts, Saving .. ..1115 China, the large Policy in—British

Policy and 100 — Mr. Chen's Message .. .. 141 — the British Proposals for .. 176 — Hopes and Fears in .. 316 — the Powers and .. .. 584 — Another Change In....712 — the Next Step .. .. 933 — and the Pacific .. ..1013 China Station, On the .. 106 Christendom, the Union of .. 682 Church, the Crisis in the .. 101-893 Cinema, Children and the .. .. 34 Cinematograph Bill, the .. 473 Clissold Comes to Life ! 757 Cricket, the Feast of the .. 938 Crocus, the First .. 358

DEAF, We who are .. 73 Delhi, the Long Road to _ 533 De Mortuis non Curet Lex _ 234

en Hygiene 895 Devil, the Death of the _ 717 Disarmament Proposal, President Coolidge's .. 272 — the League and .. .. 752 Doctor, Every Man his Own .. 684 Dog Racing at the White City ..1117 Doumergue. .. 894 Drink Question, an Ordinary Man's Thoughts on the : I. Introductory 178 II. Prohibition .. 235 III. Bishop of Liverpool's Bill and Local Option. 274

IV. Disinterested Management . 318

Y. Mr. Arthur Shenvell .. 415 VI. Carlisle .. 475 VII. " Trust " and " Improved " Public Houses. 535

VIII. Why not an Agreed Policy ? 587

Drink Question, the 632

EARLY Rising, Painless .. 589

East, the Revolt of the .. 237 Easter Customs, Some .. .. 683 Eclipse of the Sun, the .. ..1116 Economic Conference, the Inter- national 792 Economize, How to .. 713 Education and the English-Speaking Peoples _ .. 142 — and the R.A.F. 588 Egypt, the Trouble in .. 976 Eight Hours Convention, the .. 352 England, Preserving 317

— In. Defence of .. 754 FARMING, British, How to Make it Pay : VIII. Food Habits ; Land Taxa-

tion .. .. 9

Fasting Cure, the . • • 357

Fish River Bush, In the ' .. 37 Foundling Estate for Chffillsood .. 981 Fourth Party, a, Wanted .. —1059 France, the Coming Crisis in .. 354

GERMAN Crisis, the .. .. 140 Ghost, British, Sad Plight of the .. _ ..1015

Girl of To-morrow, the .. 356 Good-bye, England • 181 Green-Eyed Monster, the .. .. 181 Green Gardens .. 585

HEALTH, High, Art of Attaining 718

Home to Live in, the .. 416 Hoylake, the Romance of .. .. 897

IBERLAN Railways, On .. 980 Ichabod . 840 Imperialism, the Slippery Slope of.. 69 Imperial Trade :

I. Need for Definite Policy .. 71 II. Policy of Stabilization .. 103 Index Expurgatorius, the .. 11 Inn, the Welcome of an. .. 102 Irish Elections, Meaning of the ..1057

TAMES and the " Movies " .. 10

eJoanna Southcott's Box .. 938

LABOUR Party, Rich Men in the 33 Labour Party, Position of the 68

Lansdowne, Lord .. ..1012 Latin, the Pronunciation of .. 794 • " Laver " .. 238 League of Nations, World-wide Publicity for the .. 7-70-177 — Lord Cecil on .. 143 — the Routine of the .. .. 412 — and the Traffic in Women and Girls .. .. 472 Leipzig—a Battle of the Nations .. 477 Lister and the Future .. .. 835 Liturgy, the Revised .. 319 Lords, Reform of the .. ..1112

MARRIAGE, the Future of .. 476

Memory by Machine .. 796 Midshipmaid, a, and a Cat ..1061 Mike, the Dentist _ 638 Ministry, Reconstruction of the .. 233 Misquotations, Familiar .. 715 Mode Feminine, u Propos de la .. 716 Morley and Gladstone .. 355

NAVAL Limitation .. ..1113 Nursery Rhymes and the English Language .. 684

0 XFORD Bill, the, and Education 839

PARLIAMENT : the Session in Retrospect .. 6 Parliament, the New Session .. 234 — the Week in 275-317-354-414-

474-535-586-636-683-755-794- 838-895-935-977-1058-1114 Pedagogue, a, Crosses the Pacific .. 278 Pestalozzi : a Remembrance .. 277 Playing Fields, More .. 755-977 Poem, Little, the Story of a .. 478 Pope, the, and the Fashions Prayer Book, the Revised .. .. 232 — — Revision, a Free Churchman on 276 Privacy, the Invasion of .. .. 937 Public School Theory, the .. .. 179

QUEEN'S Hall, the B.B.C. and.. 413 RA.C. Notice Boards .. — 182 . Racing Car, the Supercharged 590 Retirement, the " Pleasures " of .. 180 Rheumatism, War against .. 104-1115

River, the Road by the .. .. 898 Riveter, the .. . Roads and the Rural Revidution .. 473 Russia, Great Britain and .. .. 353 — the New Terror in .. —1056 (ZIALMON, Among Snow-time .. 183 Ii Saltings, On the .. .. 981 Scheldt, the Problem of the .. 585 Schoolboy Spelling _1060 Schools, a Schoolboy on .. .. 144 Science, the Profession of .. .. 417 Ski-ing in Switzerland — .. 277 Snowden, Mr., on the Bank of England .. 837 South Africa, for the Sake of .. 892 Soviet, the Breach with the .. 932 Spring, the Colours of .. .. 539 Springbuck, a Vision of .. 590 Stars, Christ and the .. 143 Steel, Our •Gods of . 896 • Swans. Brave, and Timid Gulls .. 418 Syracuse, the Greek Plays at ..1017

TEST. the .. . 146 Tolstoy's " Power Of Dark- ness " and Alexander III... 841

Totalisator, the Coming of the .. 934 Trade Union Debates, the .. 273.793 Trade Union Bill, the .. 633 Turnip Top 72 TNIONIST Party, the Outlook for the ..1013 United States, a Change of Opinion in the — — and Imperialism . 69 — — President Coolidge's Disarma- ment Proposal .. 272 — — Chicago Election, Mr. Hough- ton's Speech, and Mr.

Eastman's Gift .. .. 753 -- Mr. Mellon and the British Debt VARSITY Sports, the . 538 . Vulcan's Throes .. 758

vAGES, High, in Industry .. 634 Wainwright Park, a Day at.. 797 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon : a

Remorseless Benefactor .. .. 534

Watsons, the Date of the .. ..1016

Westminster, the Slums of .. ..1113 Wild Birds' Protection Bill, the .. 636 Winged Wanderers, the .. .. 145 Women, Where are they Going to ? 321 — and Girls, the Traffic In .. 472 — Young, Votes for.. .. .. 681 Word-War, the Great .. 637 POETRY.

Ally, the (Gwen Clear) .. 109 Brother Body (L. L.) _ 553 Château Garden, the (Alfred Tresidder Sheppard) .. 850 Clarice (John Anderson Stewart) .. 115 Coronado for a Mountaineer (Hilton Brown). ..1068

Crazy Jane (W. M. Letts) 541

Earth and her Daughter (M. E.

Askins) 16 Eheu Fugati (S. V. F.-G.) .. .. 282 English Cottage, the (Hamish Maclaren) .. 153 Epitaph (Jan Struther)....044 Fairy Hill, the (W. F. Marshall) .. 692 Farewell, a (Marjorie Wilson) ..1125 Fly in Church, the (Jocelyn C. Lea) 247 Gothic (Violet Alleyn Storey) .. 324 Green Branches (Isobel Hume) .. 593 Keep Faith (C. Henry Warren) .. 360 Memory's Garden (M. F.) .. 593 Nursery on a Wet Day, the (Betty Askwith) 186 Old Love, the (I. M. Stenning) .. 44 Overheard in Arcady (Gwen Clear).. 282 PietA (Richard Church) 432 Pretty Girl (Barbara Euphan Todd) 324 Rose and Gold (Katharine Tynan).. 76 Saint Bride of the Isles (John Anderson Stewart) .. 421 San Leman) (Viola Gerard).. .. 764 Skooter, the (Helen Thorp) .. 593 Spring Cleaning (Barbara Euphan Todd) .. .

Tangle of Bells, a (11. Lejeune) .. 366 Violins (Humbert Wolfe) ....482 Wayfarer's Thorn (Hamish Mac- laren) 801 Willow Song (Hamish Maclaren) .. 482 THE THEATRE.

Beaux' Stratagem, the, at the Lyric,

Hammersmith .. .. 147

Bert's Girl at the Court. 638 Blue Comet, the at the Court .. 358 Broadway at the Strand .. 107 Chester Mysteries, the .. 74 Cocks and Hens at the Royalty .. 419 Constant Wife, thep$t the Strand.. 685 Desperate Lovers at the Comedy .. 183 Dybleick, the, at the Royalty .. 638 Fanatics, the, at the Ambassadors.. 479 Father of a Family, the .. .. 107 Forum Theatre Guild, the .. 279 Hen upon a Steeple, a, at the Globe 591 Interference at the St. James's .. 240 Joker, the, at the Royalty .. 147 Letter, the, at the Playhouse .. 358 Lillian at the Duke of York's .. 38

Little Plays of St. Francis .. 108

Loot Property at the Everyman .. 74 Macbeth at the Princes .. .. 12 Marquice, the, at the Criterion .. 323 Meet the Wife at the St. Martin's _1061 No Gentleman at the St. Martin's .. 470 On .4 pprooal at the Fortune .. 800 One More River by Stage Society • • 279 Professor Tim at the. Vaudeville .. 591 Shadow of a Gunman at the Court..1061 Transit of Venus at the Ambassadors 800 When Crumndes Played— at the Lyric, Hammersmith .. _1061 Wicked Earl, the, at His Majesty's.. 358

Circus at Olympia .. .. 12 THE CINEMA.

Faust at the Albert Hall ..39 Golden Eagle, the Filming of the .. 639 Hiudie Wakes, Roses of Picardy, and Hotel Imperial at the Plaza .. 147 Metropolis .. .. 540 Michael Strogoff .. 184

War and the Films .. . . —1062

What Price Glory at the Plaza .. 480


Beethoven Centenary, the .. .. 359 Covent Garden Opera .. 843

Diaghileff Ballet : The Cat ..1118

Mozart's Light Opera .. .. 592 New Gramophone Records 184-323-719 Pianist, a, and Two Singers .. 480 State Music ART.

Flemish Art at the Academy .. 75 Imperial Gallery of Art Exhibition.. 685 Marchand, M.

New English Art Club, the .. 419 Royal Academy, the .. 759-799

SUMMER HOLIDAY SECTION. (Spectator, June 11th.) SPRING TRAVEL AND MOTOR SUPPLEMENTS. (Spectator, March 19th and April 2nd.)



ADVERTISEMENT Design—R. P. Goesop 87

Aeolus--Oliver Stewart .. — 729 African Misery, Anatomy of—Lord Olivier _ 555 Agriculture, Selling Side of—W. H.

Sessions .. .. 949 Agricultural Problems in their International Aspect .. 949 Air Communications, Imperial- H.M.S.°. (pub.) .. — 84 — Facts and Problems — Lord

Thomson .. .. 729 Alma Roma—A. G. Mackinnon .. 868 American Civilization, Rise of—

C. A. and Mary R. Beard —1086 — People, Short History of—R. G. Caldwell ..1086 Animal Mind—Frances Pitt . 290

Animals, Fair Treatment for—E.

Bell 290 Books in Art, Painting, its.

Alcmeues---Sir C. Walston .. 511 Architecture, Substance of-A. S. G.

Butler .. 46 - Theory and Elements of-R. Atkinson and H. Bagenal .. 46 Architectural Style -A . T. Ed wardes 46 Art, History of-J. Pijoan 551 - Balling : or the Future of-C.

Barman.. 46 Battersea EliallilS-Egan Mew .. 553 Chinese Paintings in English Collec- tions-1.. Itinyon 870 Decorative Painting, Art of-W.

Rajas .. 551 France, Small Manor Houses


II. D. Eberlein and It. W.

Ramsdell 46 Ivoriea, English- -H. M. lAnighurst 553 Landmarks in Inth Century Paint- ing-C. Bell

!Aral, Elyse-Studio Multi.. 553

3letluod, Essays in--111.

Berenson 861 Alexlean Arehitecture-W. H.

Kilham 912 Painting. the Approach to-T.

the Art in A. C. Barnes 551 Peking, Imperial Palaces of -0. Sinra Port ra it fainting-H. Furst

Spaubill Art- -151. by It. Tatlock Whistler Intro. by Si. C. Salmon.' 553 Woodcut. the Ed. by Ii. Furst .. 553

Astronomy. Nradern-11. alaeplierson 18 At , iire of the-E. Andrade 549 Australia, White or Yellow II Udell 559 (low they I.ive - E. M.

11 Nicholson 813 Birth (androl. Medical Views on - Ed. by Sir J. 31archatit 332 Bisnuarek to the. World War-E.

Brandenburg .. 915 Black Flag. Yoder t I Don I*.

Seitz 11110 Books of Biography, Memoirs, etc. Admiral's Nienairies--Sir S. NI.

Earilley-Wilmot 768 Andersen, Hans - Traita. by Mary Ilowitt

Arnold, l'hoinas --It . .1. Campbell: .111:'8

11 Austen, lane- E. A listen- Leigh .. 1511 BEETIWV EN. Books on 519 Brougham. Lord. and the Whig

Party---A. Aspinall .. _1131 Bryn.. James- II. A. I.. Fisher .. 601 Burke. Edmund-IS. Newman .. $57 Byron In his Letters-- 11. V. ('alibis 857 Carlyle at lila Zenith - I). Wilson.. 1)49 Cavendish, Lady rafflFrialerick,. Diary of 1,1,, Ed. by .1. es-


Cavour-Maurice l'aleologne .

Chit-flint- Lady Augusta I no .

('raiimer. Thomas-A. C. Dean, Daniel, Julia Lite of-Holden Davies. Emily. act Girton Collet:,

Lady shadier)

Dewar. Sir .1.. 1'41110.1641 11111)Prs of c.11•.I. (pith.) 20 Disraeli I). I,. Murray 331 Doughty. Charles 31.--it. Fairley.. 854 Drake. Sir Francis--E. F. Bells( Ili.. 808 Eliot. George, and her Times -

Elizabeth S. Haldane....332 Emerson'', Journals. Heart of - Ed.

by Bliss Perry .. 118 Emperors. Fialer Three Baron von

Reischach 250 Evelyn's Memories for my Grutdsxt 21)1 Foreign secretaries, British


Fraiwe. .5 wool,. Rambles with -.

S. i .. 410 Frederick Ill.. War Diary of. 1870-

71 Tratis. by .5. It. Allinson .. 25)) Valli.- .1. NV. Sullivan 604 George I. sir II. Imbert-Terry 564 Godley, A. 1). : C. R. I.. Hotelier . 57 Gwyn. Nell, story of P. C 111'4 1111111

Haydn Nlieliel Ifrenet I - and seine seedling .5. Selineriell 511 Healy. Tim, Life of L. 0'1.1111-rty los9

Lal, Arehbishop A. S. 1...1 ...1131 Lind. Jenny. 1.8.' of airs. R. }laude 21) Marlowe - NI. Ellis-Fervor .. 252 31f John. Early 1.1f.'311141 1.111-ts w F. W. Hirst 156 y raking Life 1.4■T11 Sydenhain 1087 Napoleon Emil Ludwig 760 Novelists of 19)11 1N...tray- M. 14.11555 08111.111 1)1V111 -11. J1lekS0111 l'arson. Country. Diary of a --Ed. by .1. Beresford ..108$ Pascal- Mary Inielaux 440 People of Importance. Certain - A. G. Gardiner Pero Tatr : Travels, &v.-Trims.

by M. Letts Pharaohs. the. Vol. 11.--A. Weigall 601 Physivran's Portfolio. Leaves front a

--sir J. Crichtraeltrowne .. :185 Mandell.), Luigi-1)r. W. Starkle.. 295

Poe. E. A. (Isratell-H. Allen .. 857 r011ee1111111, 52 Years a-Sir W. Not t- Irawer l'onsonby, Mary-Murray (pub.).. 048 Proust, Marcel-L. Pierre-Quint .1130 St. James's, By the ('hock of-P. Annytage . ..102:i St. Thomas of Canterbury-S. Dark 1131 Sargent, John-Hon. E. Charter's.. 992 Spinoza, Oldest Biography of---Ed. by A. Wolf 550 This Generation-T. Cox Meech _1027 Trollopti : a Commentary-M.

dad r • • .. 120

Turgenev-A. Vannolinsky .. 853 Vanities and Vicissitudes-R. Nevin 564 Victorians, the Last-A. Ba11111.11111 331 Wesley. John-W. H. Hutton .. 859 Wollatoneeraft. Mary. Memoirs of- W. Godwin Bradstreet's Register 767 Britain Looks F'orward-Ed. by Sir A. Robbins

IIAPITAI. for Labour-W. F / Lloyd and B. Austin 728

refilmite Lives-George Moore .. 249 clf 11.1.1t EN'S BOOKS .. 4311-432 china and the Nations-W. Ching- Wai 444 - In Revolt -T'ang .. 444 - in Turmoil-Louis 31. King .. 444 - of To-day-Stephen King-Hall.. 444 - Our Far Eastern Assig rat-F.

Morley .. 444 Civilization, Racial Basis of--F. H.

Hankins 295

(lose Ilauled-K. A. .. 50

Cora : a Challenge to Nat hand conseienee-Ed. by A. Porter .. 659 Olour-alusie--A. It. Khan .. 771 Cricket Eleven, a-Howe (pub.) .. 993 -- Englund Over- D. Carew 993 Currency. ('relit, and the Exchanges -W. A. Shaw 853

I)EA FN ESS Explained-C. it. M. BATA 605 Decoration and Furniture-E. S.

Holloway .. 82 Decorative Wall Treatments- Nancy Meelelland

Delphos-Sylvia Pankhurat .. 5 I 1 Delusion, the I freat --" Niai " 508 Demoiraey under Revision-- fl. G. Welk 56.5 Dickens, Rogues and Vagabonds of -11'. Dexter 653 Ilradenimin Edit if m of Novels of-Intro. by P. Gimbal:I 1$

Dogs - Edward C. Ash 1147 Dumas, Alexandre. New Edition ui

Roiuiuces of-Dent 943

EroNOM ICS and Christianity. -- Rt. Rev. A. C. Ileadlani .. 659 EDUC.1TION A 1. BOOKS, Soar.. 1132

Ego and the Id--S. Freud .. 198

Books of Essays, Letters, etc.

Bookmark. the--C. E. M. .load .. 365 Days (and One Mora) E. V. Lucas Essays, EdwardThomas..4 4401 1;j:,ing.114,11..,.... Letters of-Coll. by .5 E. 83 Ilazlitt : New Writings, Series II... 436 II lira& Baron F. you : Letters .. 700 Individualist, Letters of /111 --Sir E.

Brain Literature. History. I.. %Void( 869 Little Angel- --Itobert Lycra .. 46

l'i..t.c. Eliza. Letters of. 1751-75 .. 649 eindiees (Series V.)-II. L.

ei ken :ilia Saints in Sussex-S. Kaye.Smitil.. 46 Stanley, Lady Augusta. Letters of.. 500 Walpole. Horace. Sel. Letters of-- Ed. by W. S. Lewis .. 194 Wellingtom Bake of : Letters-Ed.

by Lady Bor.:lidera 809 A It NI I NG. E1101811- Lord Ernie 949 - Giuseppe Pie7.1.011111 651

Fascism, siiiiic spells T. Titbrai

France, 1ii )'raise 13 S. .. 993 Funeral e ustonis II. S. hickle .. 201

I 1 A it DEN S and Gardening, Hooka

lI on 953 God, Man. and Epic Poetry-H. V.

Routh .. 447

HEALTII, Good. and IlappilleSA --J. E. Barker 602 Dousing of the Nation IJA 111.

Frenlallt le . . . . 669 lium llll iats. Modern, Reconsidered

-J. N. Robertson 8a3

INDIA, Bygone. Light and Shade Thornton .. 65s alodern-V. H. Rutherford .. 65$

--- a Pageant of-A. Waley .. 767 Indian Philosophy-S. Rad I k- rishuan 728 1111110111/116111, the Philoaophy of .. 864 Industrial Combination in Elialatel - Fitzgerald 113‘) - Iterovery, Towards-H. Quigley 11125 Industry and the State-It. Bootiray, 602 Inquisition, the-A. I.. haycock .. 1211 Ireland-Stephen Gwynn 993 Islamic Pottery- -A. J. Butler .. 250 Italy of the Italians-E. R. P. Vincent 86s.

OHNSON, Authorship In Days of el -A. S. Collins.. ..1026 Jutland, Truth about-J. E. T.

Harper .. .. 990 ING LEAR. the Tragedie of- Intro. by H. G. Barker .. 908 Fables-Trans. by B.

Pares .. 158

LADIES, the-E. Barrington .. 202 Land, Sea, and Air-Admiral

Mark Kerr 557 Lay Sermons-Lady Orion! ..1128 League of Nations Trade Barriers Committee Report 771 Lion and the Fox-W. Lewis .. 159 London Child, the-Evelyn Sharp.. 768 - Mediaeval-Gordon Home _1388 - Spy, the-Ned Ward .. -1088 Londoner's Own London-C. G.

Harper -1088 MAGAZINES, the 50-202-448- 697-870-1027 Marriage, Book of-Count Keyser- ling .. 117 - Short History of-E. Wester- marek 117 Medici. Women of the-V. Maguire 1132 Merchant Men, Fighting-Com. Manny 384 Microbe Hunters-Paul de Kruif.. 252 Middle Age, Outwitting-Dr. C.

31ind and Personality-W. Brown.. 53 31oney-Kari Helfferirli 853 Murder, Psychology of-A. Bjerre.. 950 31usic of the Spheres-Florence A. Grondal 603 Muskat Re(ollectiona-H. Chorley 771 xrAPLES-C'eeil Headlam .. 868 .01 Nature, Forward to-J. S.

Navy To-day-Sir George Aston .. 384 Negro in American Life-J. Dowd.. 438

P()TWAY, Thomas. Complete Works-Ed. by M. Summers 434 ARIS Embassy. the-B. Willson 564 Plant Autographs and their Revelations-Sir J. C. Bose 907

Books of Poetry, etc.

Bird Cage. the-A. J. Young .. 296 Brother Man-Eden I'hlllpotts .. 296 Candle in the Cabin-V. Lindsay.. 296

Canton. William, Poems of .. 863 l'yder Feast-Sacheverell Sitwell ..1129 Difficult love-L. A. G. Strong ..1129

Eldest Sister, the-Gwen Clear .1129 First and Second Poems-Ruth Pitter .. 863 Lyrics from Ohl Song Books-Coll. by E. Duncan 863 Meleager---R. Trevelyan .. 803 Neiliardt..1. G., Poems of 863 Poems C. 'lb Doyle 771 - Primes. Bibesco 771 Poet Passes-D. L. Kelleher .. 566 Poets, Lesser, Cambridge Book of - J. C. Square Queen of Seven Swords-G. X. Chesterton

Requiem-- Humbert Wolfe.. .. 810 Store-Wrack--J. A. Mackereth .. 863 Stuff and Nonsense-W. de la Stare 1129 Twilight songs-Katharine Tynan 1129 Verses Nee) and Old-J. Galsworthy 296 Vim that Come After-Mary Siegrist1129

Political Myths and Economic Delalsi .. 155 Poor 1.8W, the 01.1-8. and B. Webb 908 Post Office, the-Sir E. Murray ..1127 Practically True-Ernest Thesiger- 855 Prosperity, Road to-Sir U. 506 Isa1nannzar x Formosa-Holden (pub.) 87 Psycho-Analysis, Theory and Tech- nique of-S. Feremzi 198 Psychology and Validity of Christian Experience-C. H. Valentine.. 47 - Applied to Education-J. Ward.. 47 Public-house, the English-E. Schley 868 ()CA It T ER Li ES, the .. 202-1090 D.ASPUTIN, Reign of-M. Roi- it zianko 14$

R E ENCE ROOKS 20-:735- 1134

Regency and Early Victorian Times,

Life iti-E. 11. Chancellor .. 252 Books on Religious Subjects. Historical Life of-J.

Warschauer. . 155 - N.T. Doctrine of the-•-A. E. J.

Rawlintran 197 Christianity, an Outline of .. 658-1026 - as ithakti Maga-A. J. A ppasamy 382 Deity, Nature of-J. E. Turner .. 564 Divinity in 3litn-J. W. Graham .. 564 Faith, In Defence of the-l'. Gardner 119 God, the Quest for-G. 31eldis .. 869

Inraikon .

Jesus Christ and His Revelation- V. Burch .. .. 603 - Life of-J. M. Murry .. .. 155 - the Mind of-L. Howland .. 869 Johannine Writings-J. E. Car- penter .. Optimist, Religion of au-H. Fyfe.. 912 l'rayer Book, the-Sidney Dark .. 911 - - Revision-Bishop of Norwich 292 Preaching-S. McComb .. 333 Religion. Thoughts on-S. Shattock 333 Religions, Intro. to History of- T. H. Robinson 251 Resurrection, Narratives of the-P. Gardner-Smith .. 19 Sacramental Principles-W. .1. Sparrow-Simpson 333 St. Paul-F. J. Foakes•Jackson .. 436 Scriptural Prophecy, Basis of- " Sepharial " . 696 Western Mysticism-Dom Butler 564

Reparations. History of-('. Berg.

694 Revolt in the Desert-T. E. Law- rence. • . 429 Rome and the Renaissance-J. Klaczko 50 - Gardena of-Gabriel Faure .. 50 - In and About-C. It. Coote 50 Russia, History of-Sir B. Plow.. 48 - - Vol. 4-V. 0. Kluckevsky .. 48 - iu Retrospeet--Baron Wrangel.. 605 Russian Literature, Modern .. 649 Rusticus-Martin S. Briggs .. .. 994

SAFEGUARDING and Protee- tion-F. N'. Hirst 810 Sailing slap, the-R. and R. C. Anderson........50 Sailing Ships of W. Mediterranean-

E. Wadsworth .. 50 Scholars, the Wandering-H.

Waddell .. ..1131 School, On Leaving-Sir C. C.

Wakefield -1128 Science, Leading and Misleading- A. Lynch . 864 Scotland. News out of-Eleanor M.

Brougham . 813 Scotland Yard-George 'Minot .. 49 Second Empire and its Downfall: 157

Hutchinson (pub.) Seen and the Unseen-Sir W. R.

Nicoll. 333 . .

Shakespeare's Workmanship-Sir A. Quitter-(' _ .. 383 Ships, Historic- It. S. Holland .. 990 Spanish Mystics, Studies of-E. A. Peers .. 194 Speedwriting 661

Books of Sport and Travel. Africa, East and West, Hunting in

-C. 1'. and It. G. Curtis .. 198 - Northern, Vanished Cities of - Mrs. S. Erskine .. .. 512 America, South-Dr. Shanahan .. 559 Angling Theories and Methods-R. A. Claysta I Arabia, Ln Unknown-Major R. E. .. Cheesman 157 _Ashanti and Beyond-A. Cardinal' 559 Bird Life at Home and Abroad -

T. A. Coward .. 992 Bowrey, Thomas. the Papers of .. 991 ('ape to Cairo-Stella Court Treatt 447 Chinese Central Ar11:1-C. P. Skrine 157 Fisherman's Knots and Wrinkles-

W. A. Hunter 560 Frozen North, Cutler Sail to the- Com. F. A. Worsley 296 Golden Eagle, Days with the-S. Gordon . • .. • 992 Grand Turk, Log of the-R. E.

Peabody . • .. .. 655 "reeve. a Three-legged Tour in- Ethel Smyth 696 Greenland, David Goes to--D. B.

Putnam .. 119 Gun-running in theGulf-Brig.-Gen. H. H. Austin .. 119 Harboro' Country, the--C. Simpson 647 Horse and Hound-H. A. Bryden.. 647 Islands near the Sun-E. Cheesman 655 Japan-Walter Weston .. 158 Kamchatka, through, by Dog Sled -S. Bergman 5541 Kenya, (Till Dwellers of-J. A. Massaro 559 Kinabalu-Major Enriquez.. .. 655 Knocking Around-F. H. Shaw 991 land of Promise, Through. a-31. Terry 508 Marine, Memoirs of a-Lt.-1:01. W. F. Drury .. 119 Naval Officer, Perilous Adventures of a-Ed. by It. Burrows .. 507 Nippon-Louis Couperns 158 Pheasant Jungles-W. Beebe .. 559 Polar Sea, First Flight across-R. A dsen and L. Ellsworth .. 507 Se.. Brotherhood of the-E. K. Iii ittorton Seamarks and Landmarks-Surg.- Capt. D. W. Andrews .. 507 South Sea Settlers-31r. and Mrs. Grey Sudan, Black, Savage Life in-Mr.

Doinville-Fife 559 Tramping. Gentle Art of-S. Graham 66(1 Trout Streams-W. C. Platts 560 Venture Book, Further-E. Mor- daunt

. 119 White Waters Black-U.

MacCrerad... 655 Springs of Water-R. Tompkins .. 333 Stendlial in English ..1127 Suisse, Histoire de la-W. Martin.. 385 Surrendered-" Grid " .. 384 FIIHEATRE-GOING, the Gentle

• Art of-John Drink-water -1086

Tiger and other Game-Col. A. E.

Stewart .. .. 290 Time, an Experiment with-J. W. Dunne .. 651 Towards the Open-H. C. Tracy .. 733 Tut-ankh-amen, the Tomb of, Vol.

II.-H. Carter .. 560 Typography, Some Delights of .. 660 ERSAI LLES, Great Days of- , G. F. Bradby 157

VVTARFARE, Study of-Ed. by Sir G. Aston.. .. 557 White Nail's Mate-L. S. Palen . 384 World Crisis, 19113-18--W. S.

Churchill 382


AFRICA, North—H. Me Lauren .. 662 Agricola's Road Into Scotland —Jessie Mothersole .. 209 Agricultural Co-operation, Year Book160 Algeria from Within—R. Bodley .. 916 America. Dependent—W. C. Red-

field .. .. 455 — Early. Hawkers and Walkers in —R. Wright .. .. 916 Ancestors, Our Early—M. C. Burkitt 21 Anglo-Irish Literature—H. Law .. 209 Anglo-Saxons in England—N. Aberg 734 Anlaby and Canton, Legends of - Sir Sir J. D. Legard .. 300 Ants, British—H. St. J. Donis-

thorpe :389 Apelia—a Quarterly Reviewer .. 123 Armstrong, H. R.—Ed. by F. Young 662 Ashanti. Religion and Art in- Capt. C. S. Rattray 7:14 Athens and Sparta. War between - B. B. W. Henderson .. 336 BELIEVING World—L. Browne 389 II Benedictines, the—E. Schnei- der .. 254 Birds, British. III.—T. A. Coward 88 Bismarck. Andrassy, and Successors — Count. J. Andrassy 734

Bouquet, the—G. B. Stern ..1137

Brains of Rats and Men—C. J.

Herrick .. .. 123

Brazil, Conquest of—R. Nash .. 817 Browning, Oscar—H. C. Wortham.. 872 Burney, Fanny, and the Burneys-

It. B. Johnson .. .. 21 Byzantine Portraits—C. Diehl .. 605

rIAMBRIDGE Ancient History, IL../ Vol. V. .. 065 Cambridge University—A. Gray ..88 — — Ceremonies—H. P. Stokes .. 062 Camera, How to Hunt with the—

W. Nesbit .. 775 Canada, Early Days in—J. Langton 516 Canadian Literature—L. Stevenson 775 Cannibals, Life and Laughter 'midst —C. W. Collinson„ :300 Charles I. in Captivity—Ed. by G. S. Stevenson .. 257 Chemistry, Comprehensive Treatise

on—.1. W. Mellor 608 China and Foreign Powers—Sir I'.

Whyte .. _1137 — Classical, the Family in—H. 1'. Wilkinson :330 — Long Old Road in—L. Warner.. 775 the Facts—Lt.-Col. P. T.

Etherton 814 Chinese Bandits. 10 Weeks with—

H. .1. Howard 123

— Dog—F. Ayscough .. 567

Christian Polities, Essays on—W.

Temple .. 997 Church and Parson in England—

Bp. Hensley Henson 875 —of England, Future of—Ed. by Sir 3. Merchant .. 303 City Council from Within—E. D.

Simon .. 52 Civilization, Conquest of—J. H. Breasted123 — Ordeal of—J. H. Robinson .. 123 Congress—Robert. Luce .. 734 Constable—A. Fontalnas .. 515 Conversation—Olive Heacltine 817

Convict of To-day—S. A. Moseley.. 916 Coronet and Falklands—J. Irving..1041

DANTE. Minor Poems—Oxf. 1%1'. 124 Democracy--H. L. )(maim.. 775 Democracy. New—Woodrow Wilson 52 Devon, Unknown—b. 1)u G. Peach

and G. Russell .. ..1093 Diplomacy, European—G. P. Gooch 665 Diplomatist in Europe—Sir A.

Hardinge 3S9 Dorset, Unknown—D. Maxwell .. 875 Drama. 18th Century—A. Nicoll .. 567 Dunraven Castle—Lord Dunraven 55 EAGLE, to Land of the—P.

.12.1 Edmonds .. 958

Earl, the Rebel—W. Itoughead 55 East, On Edge of—F. II. ltose .. 516 Economic History of Modern Britain

—.I. H. Clapham 336

— — Review, Vol. 1 . .. 160 Edinburgh, Fringes of—J. Geddle.. 52 Edward II., Year Book of .. 209 Eighth Division in War: : 1914-18—

Lt.-Col. Boraston and Capt. Bax 124 England, History of—H. Belloc .. 662 — How it becomes Prairie—Sir W. Beach Thomas .. _1041 English Church-13p. Welidon .. 257 — Studies, the Year's Work 14)— 03f. C. P. (pub.) 700 Erasmus of Rotterdam—J. J. Mangan — _1093 Eton College—C. Hussey .. 209

Eumorfopoulos Collection Catalogue

.. 997 — R. L. Hobson Europe, Mediaeval. Life and Work in—P. Boissonade .. 817

FACING Europe—F. Bauman 303 Fairbridge, Kingsley : Auto- biography _ .. 336 FantinsLatour—G. Kahn .. . 515 Fish, Fishing, and Fishermen—W.

Caine .. . _1137

Florentine Diary—L. Landucci 775 Flowers and Elephants—C. Sitwell 300 France, Cathedrals of—T. F.

Bumpus 998

— Ports of—H. Adams .. 389 French Republic. First, Armies of— Col. R. W. Phipps .. .. 452 — Revolution, Christianity and—

A. Aulard 455 Franklin. Ben(amin—P. Russell 993 ALSWORTHY, J., as Dramatic

Ur Artist—R. H. Coats .. 568 Galtees, Book of—P. S. Flynn .. 160 Germany, St. Simouian Religion in

— E. M. Butler 21 Gladstone and Britain's Imperial Policy—P. Knaplund _1093 — Morley's Life of .. 665 Glass, Old—H. H. Moore .. .. 52 Goods, Where we Sell Our 665 Gramophone Record, First Book of

— 1'. A. Schoies 563 Great Seal of England, Historical

Notes on—Sir H. M. Lyte .. 515

HAND, Book of the—Mrs.St. Hill 1134 Happy Family. My—C. Kearton .. 303 Hartlebury Castle—Bp. Pearce .. 568 Health, Public. Education in—W. A. Daley and H. Piney 88 Hereafter and the Undying Hope— Rev. It. H. Murray .. 335 Highwaymen, else., Lives of—Capt.

A. Smith .. .. 55 Home Life in History—J. Gioag and C. T. Walker 700 Howling Mob, the—Gentleman with a Duster .. .. 303 Human Power—C. Jeffery .. 68

IMPERIALISM and World Politics 1 —P. T. Moon .. 737 Income, National, 1924—A. L. Bowley and Sir J. Stamp .. 737 Industrial Fluctuations—A. C. Pigon 700 Ireland, Judges in—F. E. Ball _ 55 Italy, Primitive—Prof. L. Homo .. 209

lint: SALES( Gospel, the Original

1)/ —Rev. J. M. C. Crum .. 872 Jesus : at Myth—G. Brandes .. 254 LI`: ENT, Victoria History of .. 510 King's African Rifles—W. LL Jones .. 52 AMUR and Capital hi Alliance —W. H. Hazen .. _1041 Ladies Half-way—B. M. Hastings.. 700 Lainuriac--Lady Cromer .. 875 Land, Politics and the—C. D. Whethain .. 335 Lewis and Clark, Trail of-0. I).

Wheeler .. 389 Literature, Essays on—E. Shenks.. 452

Local Government: Old Poor Law

— S. and B. Webb 608 London Views, 1832—T. S. Boys .. 52 Long Sand. Blythe City of—A. T. Hobart .. .. 257

MANSON, Sir P.—P. NI Bahr and Col. Alcock 665 Marketing Problem—E. J. Elbourne 52 Master and Men—.1. B. Booth .. 124 Maupassant —Ernest Boyd .. 109 Miniatures and Silhouettes—M. von llochn —1134

Minimum Wage—,1. H. Richardson 700 Minorities, the : Roumanian Tran-

sylvania—Z. de SZAAZ .. _1137 More and his Utopia—K. Kantsky.. 916 Mount and Man—Col. MeTa„art.. 568 Muir, Sir Rich and—S. T. Felstead .. 872

Music—A. Eagletield-H nil .. 817

NAVIES and Nations—H. C. Bywater _1134 Netherlands Display'd-31. Ilowen 209 Nether! Rackham 300

Northumbria's Decameron—H. Pease .. 916

OIL War—Anton Mohr .. .. 257 On High Hills—G. W. Young 209 Oriental Rugs, How to Identify- ffrida and A. T. Wolfe .. 775 3▪ A TR I DC — Field Press

• (pub.) 700 Peasant Art 111 Europe—II. C. Bossert :300 Philosophy of Recent Past—R. B.

Perry 608 Piedmont, Defence of—S. Wilkinson 875 Pirates, History of—C. Johnson .. 455 Plasterwork, English Decorative, of Renaissance—M. Jourdain 300 Plutarch's Moralla—F. C. Rabbit.. 998 Poems of 1926, Best—T. Moult .. 210 Population Problems of the Pacific — S. H. Roberts 775 Preachers, British—Putnam (pub.) 662 Progress, 'Pulse of—E. Huntington 567 Public Service, 30 Years in—Rose Squire :1:16 QUAKER Saint of Cornwall, a— L. V. Hodgkin .. _1137 Quakers in Ireland—I. Grubb .. 568 -101) EALITY, Quest of—A. W. Tilby .. 254 Recollections of 60 Years—A. Fee.. 998 Rhone, Land of the—H. Quigley .. 916 Rome the lawgiver—J. Declareuil 455 Rural Industries—H. E. FitzRan-

dolph and M. I). Hay .. 335 Russian Revolution—L. Lawton .. 817 CIPIO AFRICANUS—B. H. L. 1,.7 Hart 209 Scotland, Settlements and Roads of—Grace Melkiejohn 700

Security, Problem of—J. W. Ben-

nett and F. E. Langermann .. 817 Seventh Division, 1914-18—C. T.

Atkinson .. 734 Sicily. Cities of—E. Hutton ....124 Sltwells, the—R. L. Megroz.. .. 608 Socialism, Economic Consequences of—G. W. (tough 60$ Social Psychology—L. L. Bernard.. 568

Socrates—H. F. Carlill 698

— among his Peers—O. 1134 State, Mechanise) of the—Sir J.

Marriott .. 775 Straphangers—Arnold Palmer .. 875 Suffolk Sea-Borders—H. A. Tripp.. 21 Sfamer-Aryan Dictionary, Pt. 1.— 1.. A. Waddell 097

Fr ODOR Drama—A. W. Reed .. 55 VVof Italy—C. S. Fore IC Emm AN l'EL 1111■1 Unison ter .. 775 \\TA:sip:21 \or,. Further—M...


War, Modern, Indecisiven.e.ss of —

.1. H. Rase _ 997

Week, the—F. H. Colson .. 209 Whaling—F'. Morley and J. Hodgson1094 Wilkinson, Kitty, of Liverpool .. 775 Witchcraft. Geography of—M.

Smumers ..1093 World at War—M. B. Synge .. 567

YACHTING and Yachtsmen — W. I). Bowman .. 916 York and Lancs. Regt., 114th Balm. —Capt. Grant .. 958


ABSOLUTE: at Large—K. Capek 994 Adam in Moonshine—J. Priestley .. 160 Ale-house Guest—Joan Young .. 81:3 Alfred the Great—A. Monkhouse.. 452 Allinghams. the—)lay Sinclair .. 606 And then Face to Face—S. Ertz BEATRICE—Arthur Seitnitzler.. 205 Belated Reckoning — 1'.

Bottome —1028 Ben Watson—C. J. C. Hyne .. 55

Bernard Quesnay—A. 51a finds .. 1(10

Black Buddha --Lady Chitty .. 734 Black Pawn, he—Bruce Norman ..11:33 Blaze, the-7ona Kossak ..1133 Blue Magic—Roy Devereux .. 299 Blue Tiger Vont —C. Landstone _1028

Blue Voyage—Conrail Aiken .. 957

Brother Saul—Donn Byrne 697

By Night—Robert ('lay .. 662 CASE of Bevan Yorke —W. IL Maxwell Charterhouse of Parma —Stell+11111..1127 ltildren of Fog—C. Haden (Sliest.. 814 Clara Barron—Harvey Higgins .. 606 Cock -a-doodle-4!. E. La wreme ..I133 Cousin Georgina —Mrs. Birks Beach 6116 Crazy Pavements—B. Nichols .. 254

Cut Flowers—Oliver Onions .. 512

DARK Fire—Elinor Mordautit 163 Dark Sea—Mrs. P. C. de

Crespigny 81:1 David Arnot —Michael Barrington.. 915 Deadlock, the—V. V. Vieressaiev .. 3811 Death Watch—M. Cape-Meadows.. 772 Deep End, the—P. Miller .. 81:1

Demon lover—Dion Fortune _1093 Desirable Residence—M. Revell .. 224 Devil's Tower-0. Ainsworth .. 452

Dionys—Nancy Roper .. oos District Boingalow—l2. C. Lewis .. 451 Doomsday—Warwiek Deephig .. 124

Door Unlatched—Marie Cher .. 1112$ Drums of Aulonto-11. W. Chamber- 871

Dry Martini—John Thomas .. 163 Dusty Answer—Rosamund Lehmann 872

'VAST Side, West Side—F. ..11( Reisenbmg 1(57

Elmer Gantry —Sinclair Lewis .. 5116 Eros the Slayer—Aino Kailas .. 994

VAIRVHOOD—Clare Searlett _1028 1' Feathered Serpent—Edgar

Wallace .. 872

Fiddler in harpy—R. Nathan .. 813 Fiesta—Ernest Hemingway ..1133 Five Winds—Marjorie Bowen .. 515 Flaming Flower—E. Mansfield —1093 Flower Show, the—D. Mackail .. 957 Flying Buttresses—U. Stone .. 512

Folly's Handbook—Mary A.

Hamilton .. ..1133 For Sons of Gentlemen—K. Shaw.. 179 Friend of Antaeum—G. Hopkins ..1028

From Nine to Nine—L. Perutz 606

GALLANTS, the—E. Barrington 452 Gerfalcon—Leslie Barringer.. 772 GERMAN Novels. S01110 .. 695 Gipsy Patteran—Ed. by .1.Ellner .. 21)6 Goblin Market —H. de V. Stotepoolo 515 Good. Better, Best—J. A. Lloyd .. 55 Go She Must !—D. Garnett.. .. 1110

ARD Boiled Virgin—F. Newman 385 Barone of London—K. Tynan 997

High Snow-- Ganpat " 734 House of Happiness—Ethel Dell .. 734 How the Old Woman Got Home— M. P. Shiel —1026 IMPASSIONED Onlooker —I3,


Pat more . .. .. .. 8.4 Indian Day, an—H. Thompson .. 957 Inn In the Valley—K. 1'. Bouverie— 915 In Spacious Times—Sir H. M. Imbert-Terry .. .. .. 4157 T EIVEI, of Malabar--D. Sinderloy 472 oti Jew Siiss—Lieu Fasuchtwanger 430

J011111..! 'S Home—A. G. Thornton 772

Jury. the—Eden .. 872 I:INDIAN() and Ashes—G, it Slel'uteheon 386

Knock Four 11111eS-31. Irwin .. 697

y EADON 111111—Rielunal Cromp-

LI ton . 51 . .

Left Bank. the—Jean Rhys .. 772 Lighten our Darkness—R. Kimble.. 452 1.ontrewt Shadow, the—J. E. Jeffery 772 Love Iles Dreaming—C. S. Forester 452

Lovely Ship—Storm Jameson .. 4197 Luck —Mary Arden 611A Lueky Nil tubers —Monte cue 512

MAI: IC For a, the—L. P. Junks S71 Man Reset —John Carroll hers 916 .Man who was Nobody—E. Wallace 662 31:inhattan Transfer—J. Dos Pawls 206 Marionette. the—Edwin Muir .. 571 Marriage of liarlequin—P. Franklin 871 Matlock—•I es Stephens .. 994

Max Havelaar—Stultatull 733

Meacham—W. L. Buxton 512 Misses Mullet—E. II. Young .. 253

Mr. Foamless Maggot—S. T. Warner 772 Mr. Priestley's Problem—A. B. Cox 915 Mrs. llinoultis and Lord SeredIngton

—It. .('Ines 662 Modern Love—II. W. 1 oxall 3S5

3losonra ker — DaVid 111111.111/111 2115 11100111111:(7—Temlygois Jesse .. 205 Morals for Matilda —I'. Blundell .. 124 Morris in the Dance--E. Raymond 1194

Mortal Image—Elinor Wylie .. 160 Mosque of Roses --Ii. krilistrong .. 253 Mot ter Knows Best Edna Ferber 1133 Mysteries —Hotel 957 NOW East, New West--S, Ertz..1090 0 LI) Countess--Anne nne D. Sedgwick. 697 Out of Darkness—K. Ingram 772 Overbury Mystery—Judge Parry .. 293 ANDENION I I! )1 — lwr Rover 916 PassloolatP Clan1111--11. Maxwell .. 994

Passionate — Vestries Sheep- shank,. 567

Pearl and Multi--E. A. Griffin s71

People and (louses —Ruth Suekow 334

—Ranted the Corner—T. S. Winslow.. ..I133 Daughter II. !Willman :186 Pilgrims— Et Ind 3s5

Plignerat —Bawl Tarkington .. 205

Portrait of flare —1'. Itril I-Young .. 061 QUEER Kellows —1'1'1,1191v NIvell 1133 13 ESPEl"rA LIT V

I Lynch 731 Return • 9 Doll Chesterton 915 Revelry --S. II. Adams 12) Roderic Fyfe —.1. ()senile in .. 871 Rogue- and Vagalrosicht —

Mackenzie 994 CAINT in Ivory L. Protest,. ..102s Is Sands of Fortune S. Murray 2115 Daneliter-31av Gaunt .. 299

Savio4 Clause. the—'' :tapper " 997

Starlet Blark --Stendlial _1127 Sranoa Ntele for .loy Illaek burls 1133 seeletal v of State -S. AleKelloat .. 253 Seed-pods—Mrs. —Mr.. II. Dusieney .. 7:14 Servant of 31Ighthst--Mrs. Wingate 163 Shadowy 'Third --It. Spriggs .. 299

Shepherd's l'ir--Owton Archer _1090

Moot ! 1.91R1 Pirandello .. 124

Short Stork: of 1926, lItst .. 124 — American 452

Shortest Way Home -D. Nieholson 515 Sir Pompey and Nine,. Juno-31. A roost room.'($2 Sister Carrie—Theodore Weiser .. 859 Skin-deep—N. Itoyde-Sinith

Suing Bachelor --P. I . Wodelehes,.. 814

Sole 1141) H. Bonita, 254 Splendour of Asia- - I.. A. Beck .. 697 Starling, the—Doris Le-1h, .. 254

Store of Ladies—L. (folding 334 Sun In Splendour—T. Burke .. 567 -- of the Dead —I. Slonelov

TAMPICO—Joseph If ergesheinier 334 Tapestry, the—J.1). Berisiford 512 Terewity—Guy Cottar .. 734 There and Beek Again—M. Crosble 515 These Frantic Years—J, W. Beliah 1133 Three Faces—Helen Nicholson .. 386

Three Lives—Gertrude Stein .. 994 Three Silences—Catherine Dodd .. 606

Three Taps—R. A. Knox .. 253

Time of Man—E. M. Roberts .. 253 To-morrow—Alfred 0111 vent .. 451

VANITY Bag-W. Gerhardt .. 229

WALL of Glass-A. Williams-

Ellis 814 Waste Corner-Ruth M. Randers .. 662 Wife of Evelyn Strode-L. Smith.. 606 Wilkins, Mary E, Best Stones of .. 915 Wives and Celebrities-IL G.

Barker .. .. 253 Woman who Stole Everything-A. Bennett .. ..1090

yo UNG Men in love-M. Arlen .. 772 Young 'Un-H. de Ffelineourt 872 Your Cuckoo Sings by Kind-V.

Dohree 299 Youth In Saddle-Kathleen Coyle.. 451 MURDERS AND MYSTERIES.. .. 662

NOVELS IN BRIEF 124-206-300-334-

:386-515-587-698-872 READABLE NOVELS .. 88 CORRESPONDENCE.

ADVERTISING. What. it Might Become, 1066-Aldermen and Councillors, an Age Limit tor, 544-598-Aldworth for the Nation, 426-Alexandra Orphan- age, 80-America " Please, may we share the Ocean 7 " 112-191 ; Can her Prosperity Last ? 113-152-192-362 ; Eng- land and the Civil War, 243.285-32A ; Industrial Methods of. 326 ; and Pro- hibition, 545-597-725-849; Labour Con- ditions in, 545-596 ; " Good-bye, Eng- land ! " 598 ; Climate Stimulates High Output, 725 ; Relationship of Canada and, 725 ; a Scottish Artisan on Labour Conditions in, 803-American English, 114-090-Anglo-Catholic, Some Ques- tions to an, 424-Anglo-Indian Children, Lonely, 1068-Animals : in Captivity, Do they Enjoy it 7 44-115-191 ; Humane Slaughter of, 543-597-1123-Apple Trees, Wassailing, 16-Arbitration, Compul- sory, a Failure, 152-Athens, a Letter from, 148-Author Wanted, 246 'IL'selizi.orts, Taxation of, 81-Balliol

Players' Tour, the, 1124-" Bath- tubs and Bores," 243-Battlefield, a Forgotten, 44-" Beggar's Petition," the, 329-Belvidere, the New, 115- Bermuda , a Letter from, 109-Black and White, 598-642-691-724-805 - Blake's Grave, 288-Bombay, a Letter from, 540 -Books which have Influenced us, 16- Boy of To-morrow, 545-Bread, Eat English, 849-Bristol, a Letter from, 686 -British Depression and U.S. Pros- perity, 764-Broadcasting Football Matches, 488-Budapest, a Letter from, 541

CAGE Bird Cult, the, 326-364-425-487 -Cambridge, a Letter from, 240- Camps, National, 327-Canada, Safe- guarding British Investors in, 485- Canadian Flag, 43-365.597-Cane Sugar

v. Beet, 247-Caravan Holidays, 1124- Carolina's (Mrs.) Nigger, 488-Census, Lessons of the, 761-806-846-Chelsea Playground, a, 329-China and the Missionaries, 15-Chinese Puzzle, the, 366-Chinese Student's Letter, 724- Christ and the Stars, 191-245-288- Christendom, the Union of, 804- Christianity, Coal, and Common Sense, 600-Church Registers, 488-Church. the Crisis in the, 151-188-243-484-543- 595-643-689-723-761-804-848 - 1067 - 1122 -Cinema, Children and the, 113-245- Classical Village, a, 247-Coffee : a Good Cup of, 245-287 ; a Californian View, 546 ; a Letter from Chile, 1068- " Come to Britain " : an American View, 151-Co-partnership, 41-Cor- morant at Worcester, 192-Cormorants at Oxford, 115-Corrections, 644.850- Corrugated Iron as a Building Material, 726-764-Corsica, a Letter from, 76- Covent Garden, 80 - Cross-words, Gambling in, 81-Cuckoo in Edinburgh, 426-Cyclometer, a, in 1657, 850- Cynical or Inspiring ? 692 nRAF, we who are, 152-192-" Deutsch - land fiber Alles," 247-Dog Homers, 44-Dog, How did it Know ? 246- Drink Question, the, 288-329-688-722- 761-849 ; the Country Publican, 7.23- 805 ; the " Oxford " local Option Bill, 805-Dublin, Letters from, 186-640 VARLY Rising : Milk and, 724-805 ; ▪ Painless, 763-Easter Island Statues, 43-78-114-153-244-Eclipses and Planetaria, 365-Economics Library for Wage-earners, 80-Economize, How to, 848-Edinburgh, a Letter from, 759- Education : the New Way in, 14; British and American Compared, 286- Egypt, Route of the Flight into, 485-545 -Eheu Fugati. 426-Election Abuses and their Remedy, 14-Elephants, Mad, Democracy and, 190-329-Elmer Gantrys, No, 850-England : Preserv- ing, 363.423-485 ; See it First, 485

FAMILY, Problem of the, 41-79- Farming, How to Make it Pay, 14- 153.191-Fasting Cure, the, 424.545- Fire, Wood, Lighting a, 764-Florence, a Letter from, 1119-Fly in Church, the, 288-Flying, Safety in, 806-Fourth Party, a, Wanted, 1123-Fruit Steam- ship Line a, 329 GAELIC University for the Highlands, a, X481-1118-Germany 1063-1122-Geneva, Letters from, 481-1118-Germany : an Englishwoman

in, 686 ; English Applied Art in, 1124- Girl of To-morrow, 486-544-596-644-691 -Gissing, George, Letters of, 153- Glasgow, a Letter from, 39-Golf, Correct, 16-" Good-bye, England ! " 598-Greece, a Three-legged Tour in, 764-Greek, the Pronunciation of, 10438

IIAOUB, a Letter from the, 801- Health, High, the Art of Attaining, 763-Hinds, Hunting of, 806-Holland, a Lesson from, 16-43-Hollywood : Penury and Opulence, 185-Hotel, an Old-fashioned, 764-Howlers, 192-288- Humane Killer, the, 426 IMPERIMPERIAL Trade, 190-246-Income Tax IAL 642-India, Modern, 848 -Industry, Good Will in, 15-41-80- Influenza and Onions, 192-Inge, Dean, Correeted. 247-Ints. the Welcome of an, 180-Irish Elections, Meaning of the, 1121-Irish Language in Schools, 44- Irrigation, Antiquity of, 286 JACKDAWS, Persistent, 546-599.T26- Johannesburg, a Letter from, 800 KOVNO, a Letter irons, 11 LABRADOR Boundary, the, 596-Lake District Reserve, a, 597-Land Reforms, Two Essential, 78-Language, International, 488-Lao-Tze, Sayings of, 365-Latin Pronunciation, 192-846- laver, 287.328--League of Nations : and Publicity, 42-78-111 ; the Press and the, 150-188-642; and Broadcasting, 150 ; Prayers for the, 192 ; World-wide Publicity for the, 244-285-327-Leipzig, a Letter from, 480-Licensing Reform, 642-Links with the Past, 81-246-329- 644-Lister : Centenary of, 688 ; and the Future, 688-Literary Parallels, 44 ; Coincidences, 288-Liverpool, a Letter from, 481-London Village Church, a


MANCHESTER, a Letter from, 281- Manchuria, a Letter from, 185- Marriage Reform. 1123-Mexico, a Letter from, 720-Milton, Ancient

Chantry of, 487 - Misquotations, Familiar. 763-806-850 - Moccasins, Water, Habits of, 1124-Montreal, a Letter from, 592-Morley and Gladstone, 488-Moscow, a Letter from, 281- Motoring Holidays, 366 " NTETHEILLANDS Display'd," the, 245- -L/ New Orleans, a Letter from, 1063 -Newton, Bicentenary of, 546-New Zealand Dairy Produce, 1067-New Zealand Farmer's Letter, 803-New Zealand Grievance, a, 847 - Non- Smokers, Fair Play for, 425-486-546- Notice Boards, R.A.C., 244-286-Nur- sery Rhymes and the English Language, 726 OTTER, Spare the, 1068-1122 penis : the British Institute in, 328 ; a Letter from, 421-Patent Laws, 81-Peking, Letters from, 108-324-359- 420-593-640-844-Penny Postage, 692- Pickets and Peace, 192-Pigsticking, 764 -Poem, Story of a Little, 692-764- Police Evidence, Uncorroborated, 328- 363-Political Vendetta, a, 16-Por- ridge, the Truth about, 763-850- Prayer : a School of, 152-247 ; Prolixity in, 366-Prayer Book : Revision of the, 189 ; the Revised, 284-329 ; a Free Churchman on Revision, 363-424- " Pretty Girl," 366-" Priest who can Fiddle," a, 726-Public School Theory, the, 247-Public Schools and Social Service, 114-151

QUARTETS, the Last, 487-546-691- "Queen Mab " and " The Cenci," 80 RABBIT Trapping, 1121-Railway Out- look, the, 15-Railway Time- tables, British, 1068-Regimental His- tories, 599-Rent Acts, Vagaries of the, 79-Retirement, Pleasures of, 243-363- Rheumatism : War against, 192-247- 288 ; Yerba Mat6 for, 598-Riviera, Letters from the, 76-720-Rivers, Pure, 285-Robins' Mistakes, 426-599-Roman Index, the, 43-Rooks, Persistent, 644 -Rural Industries, 366 ST. MARY'S Church, Finchley, 804- Sao Paulo, a Letter from, 420- Schoolboy Spelling, 1123-Scouting to Take Place of O.T.C., 79-Scriptures, Circulation of the, 426-" Servant of the Mightiest," a, 245-Seven, the Number, 42.114-191-288-327-365 - Shanghai, a Letter from, 280-Shoes, New, 329- Singapore Base, the, 847-Slum Garden, a, 288-Somerset, Down in, 806- " Something in .the Cupboard," 288- South African Flag, the, 16-Soviet Mission, Expulsion of the, 1067- .9pr:dolor's Oldest Readers, 362.599- Steel Traps, 192-247-Stockholm, Letter from, 360-Stourbridge Election and its Lesson, 365-Strikes and Lock- outs Illegal, 112-Swakeleys, 246- Swallows Kept in Winter as Pets, 81- 115-Swifts, the Habits of, 599 TEMPERANCE Reform, Sane, 488- Thames, Surrey Side of the, 81- "These Kind of Thing," 850-Thrift, National Lack of, 364-Totalisator, the Coming of the, 1066-1121-Trade Unions and Politics, 849-Trees, Physicking 247-" Trifles Make Perfection," 850-Z Tyrol or the Tyrol, 80-115 UNIONIST Party, Outlook for the, 1122 -" Ut Unum Sint," 329 VILLAGE, the New, 488 WAGE-EARNER, Financial Security for the, 362-Warsaw. Snapshots in, 211-Washington, Burning of, 366-486- 544-Watts' (Dr.) Poems, 288-'(Wave," the Modern, 192-Whipping Posts and Gibbets. 488-599-850-Wild Birds' Pro- tertian Bill, 847-Women, Where are they Going to ? 425-486 "EA " and Corruption of Spoken -I- English, 190 20TH Division, Memorial Service to the, 726

APPEALS.-King Edward VIL's Hospital for Officers, 287.-Moorlields, 366.-Educating the Indian Woman, 488.-Easter Gift for Prisoners, 598.-A Sunnuer Camp for the Boys' Brigade, 1125.-Holidays for Women Workers, 1125.


AGRICULTURAL Stations in the Empire, 760. Alsatian Quality, an, 110.

Animal, the Cleverest, 13.

Animals : Why Kill them ? 283 ; Pampering, 325.

Antipodes, British Trees in the, 325. April and Tennyson, 687. Athletic Training, a Question of, 483-542 Australia, Western, from, 483.

BRECHES, Save the, 361. Beneficent Greed, 941. Bird Protection, Doubts about, 802.

Birds : Pairing, 40 ; in January, 149 ; rersus Mammals, 542; Where they Build, 802 ; Rarer, the Increase in 1120.

Bradshaw, an Old, 77.

Bread, English, 242. Breeds, Pure, and Climate, 283.

Bridge : Destroying, 325 ; a Contro- versy about, 760.

CADDIE, a Clerkly, 149. Canberra and its Birds, 325-845. Catalogues, Garden, 77.

Cattle and Oranges, 542.

Cherries and Daffodils, 721.

Church Registers, 40-149-187.

('lose Seasons, 77 ; and Poaching, 187. Clover, Wealth in, 110. Colour, Inventing, 77.

Conservation as Advertisement, 422. Cormorants, Inland, 242.

Country Children : the Education of, 149 ; and Preservation of Rural Amenities, 594.

Countryman : a Quarterly, 845. Crafts, Vanishing, 242.

Cruel Traffic, a, 1064-1120.

Cuckoos : Premature, 361 ; Unmusical, 941.

Doa and Horse Allies, 641. Dog's Origin, a, 283.

I,IAGLES, Hawking with, 641. LA Easter Coincidence, an, 687. Eclipses, Animals in, 1120. Egg a Day, an, 721.

Egg-laying Mystery, an, 361. England, the Face of, 901.

FARMER, the, and Fresh Food, 283. Farming : 150 Years of, 941 ; is it Doomed ? 941.

Farm Scheme, a New, in London, 242. Farms, Depressed, 901. February's Failure, 283. Field Census, a, 110.

Finchley Church, 641. Forestry Experiments, 13.

Frost ; a Miracle of, 802 ; Relics of, 845 " Frozen Cacophony," 483. °ARDEN City Problems, 187.

`.-.7 Garden Search, a, 594.

Gins, More, 641. Gipeies and Motorists, 641. Gladiolus, Disappearing, 760. Goldfinches at Canberra, 325.

Golf and Gymnasts, 187. Golfer's Gesture, a, 422.

Golfer, Two Kinds of, 40.

HAWES, Where they Flourish, 1120 ilaysel, a Changed, 1120.

Health Week, a, 941.

Hedge, a New, 187. Homeland Remedy, a, 283.

Horse, the Stupid, 594.

INNS, English, 422.

JANinnAnT4:). of Contrasts, 110; Bir licre,4t2.lie, his Question about Training, LAKES, the Desecrated, 483. Loudon and its Rats, 687. itifer-FLY, the Sensitive, 941. ILL Mertensia Virginica, 687. Migrants, Multiplying, 901. Moles, the Multitude of, 110. Morning Light and Colour, 422. Motor, the Influences of the, 641.

ONIGHTINGALE Year, a, 845. Norfolk Sanctuary, a, 187. AKS, Migrant, 325. Orioles and Hoopoes, 594. Ostler's Bill, an Old, 1120. Oxford Blackbird, an, 901.

PAMPERING Animals, 325. Pasque Lily, the, 760. Pike, the Voracious, 77.

Plant, a Neglected, 687. Plants and the Empire, 687. Playing Fields Movement, the, 901 Playing Pamphlet, a, 901. Plovers for Sale, 721.

Poplar, the Black, 721. Primula, the Earliest, 422.

RABBIRABBIT'S Humour, a, 687. T'S : Village, 40 ; More Parish, 149.

Rhodes Scholars and Athletics, 594. Robin's Nest, a, 760. Rothamsted, 760. Rural England, the Preservation of, 845. Rural Revolution, a, 325.

SALMON and Otter, 542 ; in Shoals, 483. Seals on the Welsh Coast, 242.

Shooting on Sunday, 594. Spaniel's Fate, a, 149. Speed of Flight, the, 13. Spring : Watching the, 325 ; a Real English, 542 ; Eccentric, 641. Staffordshire Claim, a, 845. Stars In Daylight, 361. Steel Traps, 1064-1120. Sun the Enemy, 802. Switzerland, Why Only ? 40.

THRUSH-ROBIN, a, 941. Trapping, the Cruelty of, 1064-1 120 Trees : Some New, 13 ; Money in, 721. Trout, the Retuns of the, 361.

Tumor, Mr., his Ideal Village, 110. "VILLAGE Activity, More, 542; V Village Pitches, 900. Village, the New, 361.

Villages, Where they Excel, 802.

WHEAT, More British, 721. Why Kill ? 283. Winter Lightning, 242. Wood, Villagers and, 77. ZoO, the New, 422.


Brandes, Dr. Georg .. 315 Bury, Professor J. B. .. 975 Chamberlain, Mr. Houston Stewart 87 Hills, Mr. Arnold .. 411 Japan, the Emperor of Jerome, Mr. J. K. -1055 Lansdowne, Lord .. -1012 Leaf, Mr. Walter 411 McEvoy, Mr. Ambrose Monteagle, Lord ..


Bosu or:in.-Sir W. Edge (Lib.) 974 LEITH.-Mr. Ernest Brown (Lib.) 583 NORTH SOUTHWARK.-Mr. E. A.

Strauss (Lib.) .. , 583 SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES.- Mr.

John Buchan (U.) 791 SMETRWICK.-Mr. Oswald Mosley

(Lab.) .. . 3

STOCRBRIDGE.-MT. Wei- lock (Lab.)

WESTRURY.-Major Long (U.) ..1111