News of the Week
EVENTS in Central America arc moving to a climax. Not often has the United States had so many difficult problems on her hands which affect her relations not only with the Republics of Central and South America, but, 'incidentally, with Europe. The truth is that the Monroe Doctrine which tells the Old World not to touch any part of the New World conflicts with the obligations expected of all those members of the New World who have joined the League of Nations. A dramatic point is given to these political tangles by the news that Admiral Latimer has landed seamen from his ships on the Nicar- aguan coast and has declared certain districts to be neutral in the Nicaraguan Civil War. Very likely Admiral Latimer has no other intention than to protect the lives and property of American citizens, but, however that may be, the United States is credited with the intention of striking an indirect blow at Mexico. Mexico is backing Dr. Sacasa, the Liberal leader in Nicaragua, whereas the sympathy of the United States is entirely with Dr. Sacasa's rival, the Conservative President, Senor Diaz.
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