This prospect is not altered by the fact that Mr.
Mosley ,himself inclines to belong at present to the left wing, This prospect is not altered by the fact that Mr. Mosley ,himself inclines to belong at present to the left wing, and gives Mr. Ramsay - MacDonald many bad quarters of an hour by advocating those policies of the Independent Labour Party which are particularly abhorrent to the ex-Prime Minister. If, • however,. the more vehement opponents of Mr. Mosley behaved foolishly, it • must be added that Labour speakers were either muddle-headed or dishonest enough to continue denouncing Unionists and Liberals for the mere possession of wealth. They cannot have it both ways. They cannot fairly speak of rich men as pariahs when they are Unionists or Liberals, but receive them with acclamation into the Labour Party when they are Socialists. We shall soon sec whether Labour has any cause to congratulate itself on Mr. Mosley's return to Parliament.