[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] have no intention of
prolonging the correspondence with Mr. Oldmeadow, even if you were willing to grant space for this purpose.
If Mr. Oldmeadow will kindly read the letter from Sefior Enrique Moreno, Spanish Lecturer at the University of Oxford, which was published in The Church Times of Decem- ber 18th, he will find a reply to his allegations of inaccuracy. Senor Moreno says, " As a Spanish Catholic, and speaking in the name of many others, I think it is my duty to protest publicly against the campaign that the Catholic Press in this country is carrying on in favour of the rebels." While Selior Moreno does not deny that atrocities have been committed by professed supporters of the Government, he says
" The rebels have let loose a terrible war against their country ; the rebels have organised what they call ' la lirnpia,' that is to say, the systematic killing of all Liberals, Socialists, Communists and anarchists, who have fallen into their hands ; they have massacred thousands of men at Rio Tinto and Badajoz ; they have thrown bombs through the windows of the workmen's houses in Seville ; they have executed Spanish soldiers for the crime of being faithful to their oath ; they have brought the Moors into Spain to cover their lack of national support ; they have shot the great Spanish poet, Frederic() Garcia Lorca ; they killed the wounded in the hospitals of Toledo ; they have given up Spanish girls. to the Moors."
The Church of England Newspaper, 17 Tavistock Street, London, W.C. 2.
[The Spectator has devoted considerable space in the last few weeks to the letters embodying charges of persecution and atrocity on both sides in Spain. The correspondence must now cease.—En. The Spectator.]