Below are printed the answers to the Christmas Questions Published in the Spectator of December 25th.
I. a. Sir Alfred Suenson-Taylor. b. John Buchan. c. Lieut. Commander J. M. Kenworthy. cl. Herwald Ramsbotham. e. Sir John Maffey. f. Lord Hugh Cecil. g. Professor Lindemann. h. Sir John Anderson. i. Miss M. Thomas. 2. a. Cumberland. b. Somerset. c. Yorks (N. Riding). d. Nqrfolk and Lancs. e. Yorks (W..Riding). f. Yorks (W. Riding). g. Cum- berland. h. Westmorland and Cumberland. i. Yorks (N. Riding). J. Somerset. k. Devon. I. Devon. m. Dorset. n. Worcs. o. Hunts. P. Devon, q. Devon. r. Wilts. 3. a. Northamptonshire (before 1881, 2nd Bn. was 58th Foot or Rutlandshire Regt.). b. King's Royal Rifles (who were in the ship When she was wrecked). c. Royal Siissex (who defeated Regiment of Roussillon on the Plains of Abraham). d. Grenadier Guards. e. Worcestershire (having been surprised in the mess by Indians in N. America in the eighteenth century). f. Queen's (whose badge is a Paschal Lamb). g. 14th Hussars (captured at Vittoria from Joseph onaparte's baggage train). h. Royal Welch Fusiliers (apparently to commemorate the fact that they were the last regiment to wear the Pigtail, since they were serving overseas when it was abandoned in 1808). i. Intelligence Corps. 4. a.- Rembrandt. b. Rembrandt. c. Constable. d. Rubens. e. Rubens.
5. a. The Young Visiters (Daisy Ashford). b. The Crock of Gold (James Stephens). c. In the Beginning (Norman Douglas). d. Sybil (Benjamin Disraeli). e.. Great Expectations (Dickens). f. A Senti- Perna! Journey (Sterne). g. Kipps (H. G. Wells). h. David Copper- Vet (Dickens). i. Darkness at Noon (Arthur Koestler). j. The "istwY of Mr. Polly (H. G. Wells). 7. a. Hobbes, of the life of man. b. Disraeli, of London. c. Herbert Spencer, or evolution. d. R. S. Surtees, of hunting. e. Edgar Wallace, of a highbrow. .f. Bernard Shaw, of England and America. g. Sir W. Churchill, of Russia. h-Oscar Wilde, of the peerage. i. Byron, of George Ill. j. Elizabeth I, of herself. k. Dryden, of Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. 8. a. Allusion to packman's habit of travelling with talbot (old English,hound). b. Corruption of " Mourning Bush," in mourning for Charles I (Shifnal, Salop). c. Device of the Glaziers' Company.
d. Badge of Richard II. e. Roman practice of exhibiting a pole bearing ivy and vine leaves as a symbol of Bacchus, adopted in mediaeval England to distinguish ale-houses from other cottages.
f. Crest of the Watermen. g. House' used by machine-breakers (Tetbury, Glos.). h. Device of John of Gaunt. i. Inn called " The -Old Fox " converted into a temperance hotel (Bricket Wood, Herts). j. Eldest son of 3rd Duke of Rutland, b. 1722, who became Commander-in-Chief on the continent.
9. a. Parts of a tennis court. b. Sizes of writing and drawing papers. c. All clarets from the Pavillac parish of the Medoc. d. The Australian cricketers who did not play in the Oval Test, 1953.
e. All virus diseases.
10. a. February 2nd. b. the first Sunday and Monday after Twelfth Day. c. The fifth week after Easter week. d. The Monday and Tuesday after Low Sunday (i.e. the Sunday after Easter). e. January 6th. f. The octave of Beltane, the old Celtic festival, was May 1st to May 8th. g. The fourth Sunday in Lent. h. The second Sunday in May. 11. a. All gave their names to types of primitive man. b. All gave their names to geological formations. c. All held out for the king amid territory held by Parliament in 1645. d. All contain majorities speaking Finno-Ugrian languages. e. All are the sites of ruins of ancient civilisations. f. All were formerly the seats of bishops. 12. a. Salisbury and Lincoln (there are two in the British Museum). b, Lincoln. c. Winchester. d. Ely. e. Hereford. f. Lichfield.
g. Wells. 13. Winchester College in the fourteenth century ; the Royal Society, the London Gazette, and White's in the seventeenth century ; the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Institution, The Times, the Morning Post and the Observer in the eighteenth century ; the British Association and the Spectator in the nineteenth century ;- the
British Academy, and the British Gazette in the twentieth century.
14. a. Autumnal summer generally occurring in the first fortnight of October. b. An old name for a nail concealed in a piece of wood, against which a carpenter jars his saw or chisel. c. The four fingers and thumb. d. A treacherous gift like the Wooden horse of Troy. e. Strips of palm leaf imported from China. f. Clocks of German (Deutsch), not Dutch, manufacture. g. A plant which grows in the great mountain chain between Tartary and Siberia. h. The government of Rome, in the early tenth century, by certain courtesans. i. A stage device for presenting apparitions. j. A nick- name for The Times in the nineteenth century.
15. a. Queen ofCastille. b. King of France 1285-1314. c. Elector of Saxony and King of Poland. d. Prince of Orange, Stadholder of the Netherlands. e. King of the Franks (in fact though not in name).
f. King of Western France. 16. a. J. Y. Cousteau. b. Brigadier Fitzroy Maclean. c. Chester Wilmot. d. Duff Cooper. e. Dwight D. Eisenhower. f. Dr. Alain Bombard.
17. ' a. New York. b. Connecticut. c. Illinois. d. Missouri. e. North Carolina. f. Oklahoma. g. Virginia. h. Louisiana. 18. a. Frank Baum. b. Christina Rossetti. c. Rudyard Kipling.
d. Oscar Wilde. e. Kenneth Grahame. f. The Bible.
19. a. Mary Queen of Scots. b. The acquisition by the Homer family of the Manor of Mells at the dissolution of the Monasteries. c. The dissolution of the monasteries. d. Queen Elizabeth I.
20. a. Kent. b. Paxton. c. Vanbrugh. d. Frank Lloyd Wright.
e. Lutyens. f. Barry. g. Inwood. h. Butterfield. i. Hardwick. j. Nash. k. Wilkins. I. The monks. 21. a. Companion, Order of the Star of India. b. Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society. c. Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. d. Fellow of the Institute of Radio Engineers. e. Licentiate in Theology. f. Member of the British Ornithological Union. g. Fellow of the Linnacan Society. h. Territorial Decoration. 22. a. Vermeer. b. Rubens. c. Hals. d. Rembrandt. e. Uccello.
f. Blake. g. Velasquez. h. Rembrandt. i. Breughel.
23. c, g, h. k. I. m, s, and t are fictitious.
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