CHRISTMAS QUESTIONS SIR,—The maximum possible break in snooker is n
147, as stated in the answers to your Christmas Quo tions, but 155. It can be made in the following way'
Before any of the reds have been potted your o ponent plays a foul shot which leaves you snooker You are therefore allowed a free ball, which s• pot. This counts one point. You then nominate, all pot, the black, bringing your score to eight You the pot a red and a black, a red and a black, and so 00 until you have cleared the table—by which 1110 your break will be I55.—Yours faithfully,
Savile Club, 69 Brook Street, WI PS.—It was Rilke. not Dylan Thomas. who first said : 'For a poet a job is death ,without the dignitY of death.'