1 JANUARY 1960, Page 24

EDWIN MUIR MEMORIAL FUND Sia,—An international appeal is being launched

13 create an Edwin Muir Memorial Fund. The sponsors include Mr. R. A. Butler, T. S. Eliot, Neil Gunn, the Marquis of Lothian, Sir Compton Mackenzie, the Earl of Selkirk—and, in the US, Mr. Lionel Trilling and Professor Herbert Faulkner West.

Chairman Of the Committee of Management 01 the Fund is Lord Guthrie, The fund will be al. ministered without expense and its purpose is to create a permanent memorial to the poet—the exact nature of which will be decided by the committee when subscriptions have been received—and also to meet the essential needs of the late Mr. Muir' family, so far as possible and so far as neeessar • I shall be grateful if you would bring this appeal to the attention of the many admirers of Eck,. in Muir among your readers. Contributions should he sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Edwin Muir Memorial Appeal, Mr. Peter C. Millar, WS, 37 Frederick Street. Edinburgh.—Yours faith fully,

Hon. Scerelltry