1 JANUARY 1965, Page 9


The Trustees of the Richard Hillary Fund announce the creation of the Richard Hillary Memorial Prize to be awarded annually by the Trust. The prize of £400 will be given for a contribution of original imaginative literature, prose or poetry, published or written in the preceding calendar year. The Prize is open to men and women of British Commonwealth citizenship of the age of thirty or under.

The judges' panel for 1965 will consist of Professor Raymond Carr, Mr. John Buxton, Mr. Peter Levi, Mr. Alan Ross and a Spectator nominee whose name will be announced in due course.

Contributions should be sent in the first place to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, WC1, marked 'Richard Hillary Memorial Prize,' to arrive not later than March 31, 1965. The winner of the 1965 prize will be announced some time in the summer.