Gentiles were chosen from the very poorest class in Leeds,
those of the Jews were carefully selected from the best of that race." I challenge Mr. Alexander to give the name of this "good authority," whose statement is not only false, but libellous, as I am assured. I have reoently examined carefully one thousand Jewish and one thousand Gentile children, all apparently poor, and living near together in the poor districts of Leeds. The Jewish are much superior in physique, are much less rickety, and have much better teeth than the Gentile children. I have also given much time to investigating the diet of both classes, and in this my medical knowledge and my recent experience convince me that poor Jewish mothers- have the faculty of feeding their offspring properly, and that the great majority 'of Gentile mothers have not. My photographs, taken without invidious selection, were published in the hope of promoting some practical endeavour to remedy this great national evil. Further, to show that suitable food is most effective, we have for almost two years fed daily upwards of one hundred poor little Gentiles, those in the photographs included, and the great improvement in their physique ie most gratifying. Mr. Alexander states that when Jewish children reach adult age they do not possess "athletic proportions." He is evidently ignorant that some of the best athletes in England are Jews. As to the frequent want of "athletic proportions" in adult Jews, Mr. Alexander also appears ignorant that this is readily explained by their sedentary occupation in impure atmospheres. Yet the poor Jew is certainly more self-reliant, and his power of endurance is as great as, if not greater than, that of the Gentile. He is also more temperate, and has apparently greater power of resisting infectious disease, these latter good qualities being probably connected with his superior diet from infancy onward.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Hillside, Headingley. WM. HALL.
[Readers who desire to form a personal opinion on the matter will find the photographs of the two groups here alluded to, one of Jewish and one of Gentile children of about the same age and social condition as determined by the parents' wages, reproduced in the County Gentleman and Land and Water of to-day, and they can thus judge, as far as a photograph will enable them to do so, whether Mr. Hall's contentions are sound. We are bound to say that the photographs, in our opinion, afford proof of the ignorance and want of care of the Gentile parents, and show how much they have to learn from the Jewish fathers and mothers. The Jews are experts in the arts and duties of family life,— En. Spectator.]