[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week
as have not been merged for review in other Jonas.]
Service Society," under whose auspices this volume is published, Is connected with the Church of Scotland, but it has done the Church of England a great service. Here is the book which, we are told from certain quarters; shows Calvinism at its highest, in the Anglican Church, and lo ! it is scarcely distinguishable from the Book of Common Prayer. In the order for morning prayer, for instance, the only differences are : a few verbal changes in the sentences; Psalm o. as an alternative for the Benedictus, and the addition of the " State " Prayers. In the Communion Office the word "oblations" is inserted in the Prayer of the Church Militant (meaning gifts other than money, including .the bread and wine for consecration). The formulas of administration
are without the first clause : "The Body, leo life." In the rubric as to the bread we find the words: "it shall suffice that the bread be such as is usual to bo eaten at the table with other meats, bUt the best and purest wheatbread." The Second Prayer Book is followed by the "Liturgy of Compromise," used in the Frankfort Congregation. This is edited, with notes, by the Rev. G. W. Sprott, D.D.