1 JULY 1916, Page 19


(To TEl EDITOR OF TII• " SPECTATOR:1 STR,—While duly acknowledging Mr. Marston's appreciation of one of our finest Scotch regiments—the Black Watch—does he really think the language he puts into the mouth of one of its officers is that used by them ? The original Black Watch officers – of whom, alas I there are too few left—were Public School men, and even now I do not suppose the language used by them is that of the "street corner." With regard to England's Effort, I believe I am expressing the feeling of at least a great number of my countrymen when I say that, while we never forget we are Scotch, and always remember what Scotehmen have done, are doing, and will yet do for the Empire (we have a canty conceit of ourselves !), we are always proud to rally round the Flag of Old England and to speak the English language.—I am, Sir, &c., Tun DAUGHTER OF AN OLD BLACE. WATCH OFFICER.