A. R. T.
(Killed by a Sniper.) How can we mourn or weep for one so bright ? Spending himself so gladly for the Cause. Shot by a sniper's bullet in the night,
"Doing his bit" without a backward pause.
"I hope to get some sleep to-night," he said ; "Nine nights in this old trench, and it is cold" —We think of him as resting, not as dead,
One of Christ's warriors "faithful, true, and bold."
How can we pray for one who gave his all ?
For "greater love" smith One—his life for theirs. Ah, he, we know, has answered to the Call—
We who are left behind, we need his prayers.
Perhaps there is some other task that's ours.
In meeting, he may turn with his old smile ; "I gave my life that you might finish yours" —God grant that He may judge it worth the while 1 M. P. W.