ACCIDENTAL Literature Literature of the War. .. 761 Administrators, Lord Wellesley's :,(.Itool for 282 Admiralty, Changes at the, awl in the Navy .. 092
Agriculture and the Industrial Outlook .. 178-206 les, the Military Unity of the .. 170 Ily, Our New (Rumania) .. 251 America and the German Submarine Activity on her Coast. . 432 L— end a Rumoured Peace Movmnent ....093 — (Central and Southern), (term:any and .. 694 American "Tommy," an, on • A Student in Arms" 303 "Anzac," Little .. 124 Armour of Offence .. . 151 Army Clothing Department at Pimlico, Methods Employed by the- . • .. 367-409 Artists' Rifles Regimental Aseociation .. 652 Asquith his Special Register BM 201 — — lila Sixty-fourth Birthday.. .. .. 304 Asylum Party, the .. 572 Athens, the Attack on the Allies in .. 725 Australian Child, the Story of an ....124 Austria, the Late Emperor of .. .. 048
J3A DGED Nation, a .. .. 540
Balkans, the Situation In the ....228
Banking, English versus German .. 019
Barbarism, the Latest German 148 Beaumont-Hamel and Beaucourt, the Battles of.. 616 Bed-Rock of War, the .. 228 Bind!, Mr., and the Irish Rebellion 3 Boner Law, Mr., an Appeal to .. 762 British Soldier, the New .. .. 38 Bureaucracy, the Eneroachinents of .. 650 "Bury or Burn" .. 232 OAPITAL and Labour .. .. 795 Cassel-sur•Mont, "Arising out of" " _ 577 Casualties in War• . . _ 497 Chancellor of the Exchequer, an Appeal io the .. 762 Child, Australian, the Story of an .. 124 Christianity Upside Down .. 180 Churchill, Mr., his Misfire .* 255 — — his Theory of Naval Strategy .. 432 Churchmen, Modern, in Council .. 256 (3vil Employment after the War, an Organization to Deal with 793 Classics, Consolations of tire------410 Coalition, the "Asylum Party's" ttack on the.. 527 Comblea and Thlopval, the Fall of .. .. 364 Comedy, a Great.... . .. 229 Commons, the Asylum Party in ihe 572 Compulsory Service, Ireland and 4/14 Consolation, the Secret of .. .. 284 Constantine: ' The Anti-Watriot 3e 1-461-190-510-725 Constant Mind, the .. .. 8 constitutional Proprieties .. 201 Peace, Preparation for .. Contribution, a Royal . . .. 365 . 468 Cornwell, John Travers, the Bravery of, at the Jutland Battle .. 63 Corruption, Public, the Sin of 499 — Sheltering 575 Country Gentleman, the English .. 620
Crisis, the Ministerial, and the Duty of Unionists 4 D— the Political (" Steady !") .. 725 Faithful unto .. Death, Wages of .. .. 153 Death, the Adventure of .. .. 208 — the Fear of, in War 450080
De n m • Democracy and Labour ..
Desecration of Nature, the (' Bury or Burn ") .. 232 Dictionary, On consulting the .. . 125
Dillon, Mr., his Dilemma .. • . .. 149 " Don't Worry"'. 467
':Down Glasses": a Test Case .. 792 ECONOMY Exhibition, the National .. 40 Education, Higher, the Character of .. 205 Empire, the, and the Land.. 281 Employers and Employees : a Land,..... New Organization• . . 703 Employment after the War (" Preparations for
ream") • • • .• 0-37-150 .. 307 435 621 .. a .. 837
,.500 7-179
Enemy. an Open "Engage the Enemy More Clearly I" .. England, All for Old
Enviousness, the, of the German•Nation Expenditure and Taxation
TIABLE for Psychical Inyeetigatore, a.. I "Faithful unto Death" Farm, Nine Weeks' Work on a ..
Fear of Death in War .. Finance and War e,
.. 720 • 824 .. 616 Food Controller, the Appointment of a.. — Control, Common-Sense and ..
— Embargo, a PacificIst Dream of a .. — Prices, the Report on ..
— — Debate, the — — and Food Control Controversy ..
— Shortage, the, and How to Meet it ..
Franco and Rumania .. French-Canadians and the War .. neat% Captain, the Murder of
.. 616 643 .. 693 .. 405 .. 465 .. 728 .. 892 .. 791 .. 231 .. 148 reeENTLEMAN, the-English Country 620 Germany, What She is Really After .. 432 Germany and Central and Southern America .. 691 German Medals to Commemorate Episodes in the War .. . • .. 95 — Barbarism, the Latest 148 — Crown Prince, the Abjectness of the .. 405 — Peace Proposals . • .. 780 Germane, the Enviousness of the ("Propter Inyidlam") .. 307 Gosling, Mr., his Address at the Trade Union Congress .. 281 Crave, a Voice from the: Term of Peace .. 405 Greece, the New Era In. 5 — 'The (Anti-)Patriot King' .. 381-481-490-510 — "The Tragedy of a People " „ 498
—an Open. Enemy 745
Guarantees and Terms of Peace 827
IIIANKEY, Donald, in Memory of 466 Ilighet Education, the Character of • .205 DEAL Subaltern, the 209 Imagination in War .. .. 835
Ireland, the Report on the Rebellion in 89 — the Future Government of . 120 — Mr. Dillon's Speech oil the Coercion of •. 149 — and Compulsory Service .. 464 — a Badged Nation .. 540 Dish Polley of the Government, the, and the Unionists .. 4 — Soldier-Prisoners in Germany (" The Constant ' Mind ") 8 — Question, the (" An Appeal to Unionists")., 66 — Fiasco, the 121 — Rebellion, the, and the Nationalists 229 Italy, the Progress of, in the War .. .. 335 TELLICOE, Sir John, his Despatch on tha el Jutland Battle 85 Journals, Sailors' and Soldiers' .. .. 182 Jutland Battle, the Despatch on the .. 85 KING'S Gift to the Red Cross Society, the 463
T ABOUR and Democracy 231
14 Labour and Capital .. 795 Labour Exchanges, the Methods of the.. 650-795 Land Problems in Ancient Rome and. Modern Britain — the, and the Empire 284 — Women on the .. .. 337 Latin Tags and Modern Problems .. .. 94 Life and Death: Psychical Investigations .. 621 Literature, Accidental, of the War .. 784 Lloyd George, Mr., and his Task .. 724 — — and his New Ministry 769 — — and Press Dictation .. 761
— — his Answer to the German le•eace Overtures 793
Mesopotamian Inquiry, the Military Situation, the 1
MASSACRE, Memorials of .. "lien, Men, and Again Men" 20:228-200-405 ▪ 33.3-12! . 93 — Stocktaking, a .. • • 332
" Militarism," the Good Side of .. 258 Mind, the Constant . 8
rl 'I ▪ .. 408
" Minima," the Kingdom o Ministry, the New 780 ▪ .. 256 Modern Churchmen in Council Mulberry Walk, Chelsea, the Surgical Appliances
Workrooms In .. • .. 232
1%,TATIONAL Economy Exhibition, the 11 Nationality and Empire .. 231 Naval Strategy ("Decisive Victory at Sea ") 432 — Changes, the ,• .. 892 Nemesis of "Pretend," the 39 Nine-Carat Virtue .. .. 783
OFFICIAL, the Petty .4 I • • 367-199 PACIFICIST Plot, the .. 304 1 Pamphleteer, an Old, on Peace and War.. 408 l'apIneau, Captain, his Appeal to M. Henri. Itcmxams fe $. 2.31
_ _ Parliament, Proposed Extension of the Life of the Present . . 177 Peace, Preparations for (The Return of the Men to Civil Life) .. 637-1
— the Long Road to .. .;.5.0-79945
— Constitutional, Preparation for .. 865 — a League to Enforce 433
Peace Movement In America, a Rumoured .. 693.
— Terms, the Spzedafor's Suggested .. 61-94
— — a Voice from the Grave .. . 408 — — of Germany (" Reparation ") 760 — — German, Mr. Lloyd George's Answer to the 793 — — the Allied _ • . 826 People, an Unaceountable 797 Petty Official, the 367-499 Plough, Speed the .. 178-206 Poland, the Kingdom of 573 Politicians, Restless
Poor, the Unsympathetic .• •• •• •• 1 * •• •• •. 9767
Ppae Dictation, Mr. Lloyd George- and.. .. 761 "Pretend," the Nemesis of. 39 Prices, the Rise of, in the Spiritual World 9 — and Wages 200 — the Paradox of .. 805 — of Food, the Report on .. 403 D — the ebate on 465 — rolitlos and . 728 Pride and Prejudice 152
1.41;1074, ana Ahje . 409 nd the! ShOrteni-n*z of 573
Prohibition during the War 792 Prolonging the War Proprieties, Constitutional 204 "Propter Invidiam" 307 Psychical Investigators, a I able for .. .. 621 Public Schools, t 0, What They are Doing .. 869
REPetilfPiThe .ithi ..f •• •• •• 7791 Restless rolitiaans . " o. .. • . .. 177 Revelstoke, Lord, and United Press of America541 Romance — _ _ _
Ruling, an Art la .. . . • • 727 Rumania and the War .. .. • • 252 — Our New Ally .. .. .. • • 251 — and Verdun .. .. ..
• • 496 — the German Attacks in
• • 791
SATEL018; ,i)gr Soldiers' Journals .. • • 182
. • • 93
What Schools, the Public, Wha., •elley'llre Doing • • 369
Seagulls and White Coiffes at Chelsea .. • • 232 Secrecy and Disease • • 500 Seemliness .. * . .. . • • • . .. • • 41.
&Worn°, Lord, the Resignation of .. .. 4 Sermonizing .. ., .. .. .. .. 578 "Shakespeare's Men' on the Scurune .. .. 829 Shaw, Mr. G. B., on Christianity.. .. .. 180 Shield-Spade or Shield, the, in Modern Warfare .. 151 War Sibylline Hooks, the, and How to Shorten the Single-Hande ci .. .. 542-849 .. 309 Soldier, the New British .. .. .. .. 38 Somme, the Battle of the .. .. 36-38-92-332 — "Shakespeare's Men" on the Special Register Bill, Mr. Asquith's .. .. 204 Speed the Plough .. .. .. .. 178-206
Spiritual World, the MAO of Prices in the .. 9
Status, My .. .. .. .. .. .. 89
Steady I.. — .. .. .. 725 "Student in .A•rms," a: How it Strikeaa Trans-
atlantic "Tommy" .. .. . . . . 308 •• Student in Arms,' a: Articles by 256-467-500-544 .. .. .. .. — — in Memory of 466 — — the Wisdom of .. .. .. .. 651 — — his Letter to an Army Chaplain .. ..606 — — in Eistead .. .. .. .. .. 728 Stupidity, Attacks of .. .. .. .. 828 Subaltern, the Ideal .. 209 Submarine Activity on the American Coast .. 432 Surgical Requisites Association, the .. .. 232 'Sydney • and the • Emden,' the Story of the Fight between the.... .. 695 " rpAmcs ": the New British Invention .. 335 1 Taxation and Expenditure .. .. 435 Theology, a Cycle of .. .. .. .. 515 Trade Comparison, a, between Britain and
Germany .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 Trade Union Congress, the (" Labour and Demo-
°reel' '') • • — .. .. .. .. 281. Tragedy of a People, the .. .. .. .. 496 Trines, the Absence of Interest in .. .. 408
UNAOCOUNTABLE People, an • ,.707 Unionbits,the Duty of,and the Ministerial Crisis 4 Unionists, an Appeal to, and the Irish Question., 66 Unity, the kGlitary. of the Allies • • •• 176
Unsympathetie Poor, the .. .....96 1TENEREAL Diseases, Secrecy and .. 500 V Venirelos, IL, and King Constantine 364-464-496-540 Verdun and Rumania .. 496 — the French Victory at .. 794 Victory, Decisive, at Sea .. .. 432 Victualler to the Nation, the Grand 616 Virtue, Nine-Carat .. 763 Volunteer, a, on Guard .. .. 367 Volunteers, Mr. Percy Harris on the Need of Strengthening the .. . .. 253 Volunteering, Compulsory, and the Shortening of the War .. 617
WAGES of Death .. 153
Wages and Prices .. 206 Wages and the Paradox of Prices .. 305
War Saving 470 Savings Week .. —793
— Finance — the Bed-Rock of — Prolonging the .. .. 541 — How to Shorten the : I. Prisoners .. .. 573 — U. Compulsory Volunteering 617 — — UI. The Polley of the Sibylline Books .. 649 Wellesley, Lord, his School for Administrators , . 282 Wheat Prices, State Action and .. 643 Wilson, President his Note to the Belligerent Powers .. 825 Women on the Land 337 Worry, Do Not .. 467
ZEPPELIN, the Burning of the, at Gainey 280 Zeppelin, the, Sixteen Years Ago .. .. 437
Arrowhead Copse (G. F. Grogau) „ „ 733 A. R. P.: Killed by a Sniper .. 15 Ballade of Morse : the Expert (John English) 168 Boarded Out (J. IL Knight-Adkin) 506 Challenge of the Guns, the (Private A. N. Field) 73 Choosers, the (Frederic Manning) .. 45 Cricketers of Flanders, the (Author of' Kitchener's December, 1916 .. 769 Distant Guns, the (Laurence Binyon) .. 413 Fallen Poet, the 702 Four Rye Sheaves (Sere. Joseph Lee) _ 628 German Prisoners (Sergt. Joseph Lee) .. .. 551 in Time of Slaughter (Thomas Hardy) .. 212
Jonathan, My Brother Jonathan (J. Knight-
Adlrin) 316 Master and Pupil (To 3. F. R.) 102 New Zealander, the (" Ben Kendiur ") 130 Of Prayer .. .. 236 On a Troopship, 1915 .. 805 Our Island Weather • • 2138 Peace Talk in a Hospital (G. F. Sams) .. .. 15 Retour des Blesses, le (Emile Cammaerts) 73 Soldier's Mother, a .. .. 374 Song of the Vologda, a .. 583 Subalterns (Miss Mildred Iluxley).. 343 Sursum Cords 833
To a Soldier in Hospital (Miss W. M. Letts) • • 136
To Donald liankey 656 Ulster on the Somme (F. S. Boas).. .. 443 Very Happy Warrior, a _ 474 ART.
Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the Academy, the.. 443 International Society, the .. 474 War Memorials Exhibition _ ,„ , 97 BOOKS—Authors,
A BBOTT, 3. F.—Japanese Expansion and
XI. American Policies 316 Acland, Rt. Hon. Arthur H. D.—The Patriotic Poetry of William Wordsworth.. 267 'DAILEY, Rt. Hon. W. F.—The Slays of the _LI War Zone .. 191 Baring, Captain Maurice—English Landscape .. 346 Barker, J. Ellis—The Foundations of Germany.. 102 Bataford, H.—Eng,lish Mural Monuments and Tombstones 818 Baumann, A. As—Persons and Politics of the Transition.. . . 213 Begbie, Harold—The Vindication of Great Britain 552 Belloc, Hilaire—General Sketch of the European
War : the 2nd Phase . .. 318 -- The Last Days of the Frencis Monarchy — 45 Bennett, T. P.—The Relation of Sculpture to
Architecture .. 160 Bland°, W. B., ed. iy—Orhiins ihe 'Forty-five 266 Boulting, William—Giordano Bruno — 605 Boyd-Carpenter, Rt. Rev. W.—Further Pages of My Life 704 Boyle, John F.—The Irish Rebellion of 1916 .. 75 Browne, J. II. Balfour, H.C.—Forty Years at
the Bar .. .. 527 13u111 Sir William, &c.—The Book of Limericks .. 317 CABLE, Boyd—Action Front .. 508 Campbell, R. J.—The War and the Soul .. 378 Carey, F. S.—A Profession for Gentlewomen 392 Carpenter, Edward—My Days and Dreams .. 188
Charnwood, Lord—Abraham Lincoln .. 416 Cheradame, Andre—The Pangerman Plot Un- masked .. 805 Chesterton, C.—The Perils of Peace .. 475 Clodd, Edward—Memories 529 Ciutton-Brock, A.—The Ultimate Belief ....530 Codrington, Lieut.-General Sir A.—Responsibillty in the Army — . . 705 Cook, Sir T. A.—Twenty-ire Great Houses of France Coombs, Lovell—Ulysses S. Grant.. .. " 18 Corbett-SmIth,Major A.—The Retreat from Mons 585 Cotterill, H. R—Mediaeval Italy during a Thou- sand Years: 305-1318 394 Crompton, B. R. H.—The Future of Christianity 510
DICKINSON, G. Lowes—The European Doughty, Arthur G.—A Daughter of New France 187 Dugdale, Mrs. Blanche, &c., trans. by—Politics:
by Heinrich von Treitschke 74 Dunlop, H.—The Supreme Will, or the Danger of
a Premature Peace 628
VDMONDS, F. 3.—Ulysses S. Grant .. 18 ILI Evans, J. G., ed, by—Llyer Tallesin .. 290
VERNAU, H.—Because I am a German .. 15 J. Fife, R. 11.—The German Empire between
Two Wars .. 413 Foakes-Jackson, F. J., ed. by—The Faith and the War .. 214 Fried, Dr. A. H—The Restoration of Europe .. 475 Fuller, J. F.—Omuiaua 658 Fullerton, W. M.—The American Crisis and the
GI:RAN, Etienne—A Modern Job .. 631 Gore, Bishop—The Religion of the Church.. 681 Gorham, Charles T.—The Spanish Inquisition ..532 Graham, Stephen—Through Russian Central Asia 16 Gray, H. B., and S. Turner—Eclipse or Empire ? 585 Gavot, Yves—The Causes and Consequences of the HAKE, T., and A. Compton-RIckett—The Life and Letters of Theodore Watts-Dunton .. 771
Hall, James Norman—leitchener's Mob .. 103 Hankey, Donald, &c.—Faith or Fear ? ....377 Harper, George McLean—William Wordsworth.. 238 Hearn, Lafeadlo--Interpretations of Literature.. 604 Hepburn, A. B.—A History of Currenoy in the
United States ..133 Holdich, Col. Sir Thomas—Political Frontiers ana Boundary Making
.. Holland, H. 8.—So as by Fire .. 447 Howells, William Dean—Years of My Youth _ 834 Hubbard, G. E.—From the Gulf to Ararat .. 844 Angel, Baron Friedrich von—The German Soul.. 395 Hughes, A. M. D. , ed., &c., by--Carlyle's "Frede- rick the Great" _ .. 679 Hurgronje, Prof. C. Snouck-51ohammedanism.. 733 Hutchinson, Horace D.—From Doubt to Faith _ 161 TNORAM, J. /I.—A History of Political Eco- nomy 133 TACOB, Harold—Perfumes of Araby .. 288
.„) Jusserand, J. J.—With Americans of Past and Present Days .. 604 12-ELYNACK, P. N., ed. by—The Drink Problem .1.X. of To-day .. 106 T ANESSAN, J. L. de—Histoire de l'Entente Cordials Franco-Anglaise .. 507 Law, E.—England's First Great War Minister .. 444 Leacook, Stephen—Essays and Literary Studies .. 76 Leclerc, Mare—La Passion de Notre Frere Le Poi u 806 Liddell, Mrs. Edward—A Shepherd of the Sheep.. 77
— R. Scotland—On the Russian Front .. 551 Lockhart, John Gibson—The History of Napoleon Buonaparte .. 874 Lodge, Sir Oliver—Raymond ; or, Life and Death 629 Lucas, E. V.—London Revisited 769 TACCAS, Leon—German Barbarians 15 MacDonagh, Thomas—Literature liar Ireland 239 Maophall, Andrew—The Book of Sorrow.. .. 603 Madden, Rt. Hon. D. 1L—Shakespeare and his Fellows
Haden's, Louis—The French. Revolution.. .. 081
Marvin, D. E.—Curiosities in Proverbs .. 347
Maseneld, John—Gallipoll. .' 415 Matthews, B., &c., ed. by—shakeperlan Studies 808 Mane, L. J., compiled by—The Potsdam Diary 772 Merciless, Newton D., ed. by—Travels in the
American Colonies Millet, Philippe—En Liaison avec lea Anglais .. 376 Milner, Viscount, Intro. by—The Elements of Reconstruction Morley, Charles—Travels in London _ .. 735 Moulton, R. G.—The Modern Study of Literature 290
Myers, F. W. IL—Saint Paul 159
1VEILL, A. 13.—A Domineer' Log 48
IA Northcliffe, Lord—At the War „„ 735
.Novikoff, lime. Olga—Russian Memories .. 600 ORCHARD, Rev. W.—The Necessity of Christ 510
PPEARCE, Charles E.—The Jolly Duchess .. 393 Pearse, C.ol. Hugh W.—Ifistory of the 31st Foot, Huntingdonshire Regiment, &c. .. 703 Prothero, G. W.—German Opinion and German
Policy before the War .. 160
RAEMAEKERS, Louis—The Great War .. 17 Rankin, Henry B.—Personal Recollections
of Abraham Lincoln .. 212 Raahdall, Dr. /I.—Conscience and Christ.. .. 18 Rawlinson, H. G.—Intercourse between India and *the Western World .. 106 Rawnsley, Canon H. D.—Past and Present at the English Lakes
Reiss, B,. A., Report hy—Austro-IlungarLin
Atrocities — .. 583 Repplier, Agnes—Counter-Currents 105 Rider, Bertha Carr—The Greek Howie 607 Roberts, Prof. W. B.hys—Patriotic Poetry, Greek and English Robinson, C. E.—The Days of Alkibtades 478 Rogers, B. B., trans., &c., by—" The Clouds' and "The Wasps" of Aristophanes .. 132 Roosevelt, Theodore—A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open .. 445 — — The Progressive Party — 375 Rose, J. Holland—Nationality In Modern History 130 Russell, Bertrand—Principles of Social Recon- struction 702 — Right Hon. G. W. E.—Portrarts of the " Seventies '. . . . 682 — R. V.—The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India .. .. 20
SACIIER, /I., ed. by—Zionism and the Jewish Future .. 187 Saunders, K. T.—The Adventures of the Christian Soul
Schmitt, B. E.—Eng-land and Germany, 1740- 1914.. 413 Scott, Miriam liinn—ilow to Know Your Child.. 509 Seton, E. T.—Wild Animal Ways .. 345 Seton-Watson, Dr. R. W.—German, Slav, and Sherri! , C. 11.—Modernizing the Monroe noctrine 316 Stine, J. 0.—The Mistress of All Work .. 39e Sims, George R.—My Life 079 Smart, William—Second Thoughts of an Econo- mist 190 Stanford, Sir Charles, and Cecil Forsyth—A History of Music. 770 Steel-Matland, A. D., Intro. by—The Empire cud the Future 656 Stephens, James—The Insurrection in Dublin .. 631 Stevenson, R. L.—Brave Words about Death 477 — — On the Choice of a Profession ,. 807 — — The Waif Woman 807 Strachan, R. 11.—The Individuality of St. Paul.. 267
frtHAYER, W. R.—Germany versus Civilisation 316 Thompson, sir Edward Maunde— Shake-
speare's Handwritiug 83.3
USHFEIreRoland .G.—The Challenge of the 316 WVASARI, Giorgio—Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects.. .. 553 ARD, Sir Adolphus William—Germany,
1815-1800 40 Washburn, Charles 0.—Theodore Roosevelt .. 375 Watson, William—Retrogresalon. 772 Weaver, Laurence—The Story of the Royal Scold 531 Webb, Sidney, ed. by—How to Pay for the War 200 Webster, Neste IL—The Chevalier de Bouffiers.. 237 Wells, H. G.—Mr. Britling Sees It Through .. 476
— — What is Coming ? _ 133 Weston Dr. Frank—The Fulness of Christ680 Whitman, Sidney—Things I Remember .. 654 Wilson, Sir 0. Rivers--Mapters from My Official Life 808 rs
Withe, Hartley—International Finance.. .. 687 Woods, Mary As—Studies in Shakespeare.. _ 20 Woolf, L. 8.—International Government .. 475 Wriglit, C. 0., &c.—Model Drawing 607 BOOKS—Subjects.
A LKIBIADF.,S, the Days of—C. E. Robinson .. 473 American Colonies, Travels in tho—Ed. by Newton D. Maleness 240 Americans of Past and Present Days, with—
J. J. Juaserand. 604 Androcles and the Lion—George Bernard !eh= .. 180 Anglo-French Entente, the—J. L. de Lancssan 507 Animal Poems and Stories—Collected by Miss M. L. Nett 830
— (Wild) Ways—E. T. Beton . _ 345 Araby, Perfumes of—Harold Jacola 28a Ararat, from the Gulf to—G. E. Hubbard .. 344
Archbishops' Committee on Church and State, the --S.P.C.K. (pub.) 73 Aristophanes, " The Clouds" and The Wasps"
of—Trans., tee., by B. B. Rogers. 132 Atlas of the Historical Geography of rime Holy
Land—Ed., &c., by G. Adam Smith .. 417
BALLADS, Political : Vol. VIII. of the Oxford Historical and Literary Studies—Ed. by Dr. M. Percival .. . 059 Bar Forty Years at the—J. IL Ba!four Browns, Belief, the Ultimate:—A. Clutton-lirock . _ 530 Biblical Studies, a Companion to—Carnb. Univ. Press (pub.) Book-Lover's Holidaa.'s. in time Ope.1;, a—iireodo.r.o 659 Roosevelt .. 445 Bouffiers, the -Chevalier de—Nesta II. Webster .. 237 Bruno, Giordano—William BoultIng 005 ARLYLE'S "Frederick the Great "—Ed., dM., by A. M. D. Hughes .. 670 Carpenter, Edward : his Autoblograplry--Allen
& Unwin (pub.) — . . 48 Chancel of English Churches, the---Francis Bond 473 Chapin, llarold : Soldier and Dranastist—Intro.
by S. Dark 006 Child, How to Know Your—Miriam Finn Scott.. 599
Christ, the Fulness of—Dr. Frank Weston .. 080 — the Necessity of—Rev. W. Orchard 519 Christianity, the Future of—B. It. II. Crompton 510 Christian Soul, the Adventures of the—K. T.
Saunders 007 Church and State, the Archbishops' Committee
on—S.P.C.K. (pub.) .. 73 — the Religion of the—Bishop Gore .. 4741
Confederation of Europe, the—Alison Phillips_ 494 Conscience and Christ—Dr. H. Rashdall..
Consolation, the Secret of—Cope Cornford .. 285
Counter-Currents--Agnes Repplier . 105 Currency in the United States, a History of—
A. B. Hepburn 131 EATH, Brave Words about —R. L. Stevenson 477
• Dominie's Log, a—A. S. Neill 415
Dostolevsky—Eugenii Soloviev. t Doubt to Faith, from—Horace I). Hutchinson .. 161 Drink Problem of To-Day, the—Ed. by T. N. Kelynaok. . . 10e
Dublin, the Insurrection in—James Stephens tett Duchess, the Jolly—Charles E. risme 303 Dweller in the Innermost, the— Headley Bros.
ECLIPSE or Empire 7—I1. B. Gray and S. Turner' . . Economist, Second Thoughts O.f 583 Smart.
Empire, the, and the Future—Maetir .
illani •.6 pub.). 615(1 England and Germany, 1740-1914-11. E. Schmitt 413 Essays and Literary Studies—Stephen Leacock 711 Europe, the Restoration of—Dr. A. 11. Fried .. 475 EUROPEAN WAR, THE GREAT (ace under War Books).
VAITH or Fear 7—Donald Hankey, &e. .. 377 12 Filibusters and Financiers—W. G. Scroggs 210
Finance, International—Hartley Wither., .. 587 'Forty-five, Origins of the, 1737-1740, end other Papers relating to that Rising—Ed. by W. B.
Markle .. . 266 Trance, New, a Daughter ef—Arthur 0. Doughty 187 — Twenty-five Great Houses of—Sir T. A. Gook 833
French Monarchy, the Last Days of the—Hilaire . BeHoc . . : .. 45 — Revolution, theAoula Made1ln 681 French, Works in Angle's, en Liaison aver lea—Philippe Millet.. 376
— L'Angleterre et la Clueree—M. entre.. .. 528 — Anthologie de Is PoEsle CathoUque--Ed. by Robert Vallery-Radot.. • .. 528 - A Tire d'AUes: Carnet de Vol -sl'un Aviateur : et Souvenirs Tun Prisonnier—R. de in
Fregeoliare 61 Autour de Jeanne d'Arc—afaulire Banes .. 5213 — L'Autre Immiere—Paul Marguerttte 528 — Bourguignottes et Pompons Rouges—C. Le
k Gallo .. • .. 528
— Cervantes—Andre Snares 528 — L'Entente Cordiale Franeo-Angialae, Histoire de—S. L. de Lanessan .. 507 — Stapes at Combats : Souvenirs d'un Cavalier devenu Fantassin—C. Mallet 528 — 'Hyena Menefee, la—Pierre Lott 528 — Journal d'une Famine Francais° pendant is Guerre—Malten d'Argedbert.. 528 — Mystare des Baatitudoe, le—Mine. Colette Yver 528 — Paroles Secretes, lea—Mine. Reynes-Moulaur.. 528 ,— passion de Notre Frere Le Pau, le—M. Leclerc 803 — Prusslens Wilier et de Toujours—M. Lenotre 528 — Trois Tornbes—Henri Bordeaux .. _ 528 — Vagabonds de Is Gloire, les—Ren6 Milan .. 528 — 'Voyage de Centurion; le—Ernest Psielsari .. 528 Frontiers, Political. and Boundary Making—Col. . Sir Thomas Holdich 529 Faure, the Challenge of the—Roland G. L'sher.. 316
GENTLEMAN, the English Country, In Literature—G. N. Pocock .. 620 Gentlewomen, a Profession for—F. 8. Carey .. 392 Germany, 18154800—Sir Adophus William Ward 46
— the Foundations of—S. Ellis Barker 102
— berm Civilisation—W. It. Thayer _ 316 CERMANY AND THE WAR, Books dealing with (see also under War Books).
German Empire between Two Wars—R. H. Fife.. 413 — Opinion and German Policy- before the War-
e. W. Prothero .- German, Slav, and Magyar—R. W. Seton --
-Watson 115"18
Give God the Glory—Rev. the Hon. E. Lyttelton 631 Grant, Ulysses 8.—F. S. Edmonds .. 18 — — Lovell Coombs .. . .. 18 Great Britain, the Vindication of—Harold Begbie 552 Greek House, the--Bertha Carr Rider 607 Government, International—L. S. Woolf.. .. 475
HOUSES of France, Twenty-five Great—Sir T. A. Cook .. .- 833 llowelle, W. D. : Years of My Youth—Harper
(pub.) .. 834
IN1)14 and the Western World, Intercourse between—H. G. Rawilaeon 106 Indian Subjects, Books deteing with :— — Bengal District, the Economic Life of a—S. C.
Jack . 533
-- India, Ancient, Public *Administration in—P.
Banerjea .. 532 — Indian History, Readings from, for Boys and Girls—Ethel R. Sykes — 397 — Muhammadan Rule, Promotion of Learning
In India during—N. Nati' JAW 416 — Tribes and Castes, the, of the Central Provinces of India—It. V. Russell .. 20 Industrial Conditions after the War—Liverpool
Fabian Society (pub.) .. 150 Ireland, Literature In—Thomas Mar Donagh 219
Irish Polity, Some Thoughts on an—Maunsel (pub.) 448 Irish Rebellion of 1918, the—John IP. Boyle .. 75 Italy (Mediaeval) during a Thousand Years—
H. B. Cotterill .. 394
— the Book of—Ed. by R. Piceoll .. 397 T AMF.S, Henry, Pictures and other Passages e/ from—Ruth Head Japanese Expansion and American Policies—
S. F. Abbott ..
Job, a Modern—Etienne Ginn .. 531 T AFAYETTE (The Last Days of the French
Monarchy)—Hilaire Belloc .. 45 Lakes, English, Fast and Present at the—Canon II. .0. Rawnsley 319 Land, Facts about—Prepared by the Land Agents' Society . . 285 — Women's Work on the—Women's National
— Land Service Corps (pub.) .. . 736 landscape, English—Captain Maurice Baring— 346 Law, Curious Cases and Amusing Actions at—
Sweet & Maxwell (pub.) .. 396 Life. and Death—Sir Oliver Lodge.. .. 629 Limericks, the Book of—Compiled by Sir William Bull, &c. 317 Lincoln, Abraliass—Lord Chernwood. 416 — — Personal Recollections of—Henry B.
Rankin .. 212
literature in Ireland—Thomas MacDonagh .. 239 — Interpretations of—Lateadio Hearn .. 604 — the Modern Study of—R. G. Moulton .. 290 Loeb Library, New Volumes in the—Helnemann (pub.) .. 190-320 London Revlsited.—E. V. Lucas .. 769 — Travels In—Charles Morley 735 111AG AZINES, the 48-161-291-117-587-736-773 Memories—Edward Clodd 529
MILITARY BOOKS (see under War Books).
Mistress of All Work—S. G. Sime.. .. 392 Model Drawing, Geometrical and Perspective— C. 0. Wright and W. A. Rudd .. 607 Mohammedanism—Prof. C. 8nouck Hurgronje .. 733 Monroe Doctrine, Modernizing the—C. H. Sherrill 316 Monuments, English Mural, and Tombstones—
H. Batsford 818 Music, a History of—Sir Charles Stanford and Cecil Forsyth .. 770 My Days and Dreams—Edward Carpenter .. 188 — Life—George It. Sims 679 — — Further Pages of—fit. Rev. W. Boyd- Carpenter .. 704
1VAPOLION BCONAPARTE, the History o( .L J. G. Lockhart 374
National Being, the--Maunsel (pub.) 446 Nationality in Modern Illatory—i, Holland Rose 130
NAVAL BOOKS (see under War Books). Navel*, Storiee, Tales,
Amazing Philanthropists, the—Ed., &c., by Susanne It. Day .. 49 — April Folly—St. John Lucas 418 — Blow the Man Down—Holman Day 820 — Daughter of the Storage, the—W. D. Howells' 20 — Diary of the Great Warr,a—Samuel Pepys, jun. 511 — Far-Away Stories—William J. Locke .. .. 107 — Greenmantle—John Buchan _ 555 — Half-Priest, the—Hamilton Drummond .. 241 — lady Connie—Mrs. Humphry Ward 447 — Lion's Share, the—Arnold Bennett 588 — Machine, the—Hugh F. Spender .. 631 — Men, Women, and Guns—" Sapper" ....292 — Mike—E. F. Benson .. . 347 — Mr. Britling Sees It Through—ii. G. iVells .. 476 — Mr. Wildridge of the Bank—Lynn Doyle .. 267 — Old Blood, the—Frederick Palmer .. 773 — Pilot—Harry Plunket Greene .. 706 — Pincher Martin, OD.—" Taffrail " 809 — Prisoner, the—Alice Brown .. 378 — Proud Peter—W. Si. Norris .. .. 135 — Raw Youth, a—Fyodor Dostoievsky 241 — Seventeen—Booth TarkIngton .. 162 — Slav Soul, a—Alexander Kuprin 216 — Stamboul Nights—H. G. Dwight . 77 — Tutor's Story, the—Charles Kingsley and Lucas afalet .. 659 — Two's Two—J. Storer Ciouston 737 — Unseen Host, the—Charles L. Warr .. 191 — Vermilion Box, the—E. V. Lucas .. 479 — Xingu, and other Stories—Edith Wharton .. 836 READATILB Novets-21-79-107-135-183-19 I - 217-242-268-293-320-348-379-419-447-479- 511-556-589-632-660-707-737-773-80a-837. Nurse Lovechild's Legacy—Poetry Bookshop (pub.) 393
OFFICIAL Life, Chapters. from My—Sir C. Rivers Wilson Omniana—J. F. Fuller .. 638 Oxford Historical and Literary Studies—El. by
Dr. M. Percival .. 659 "PAINTERS, Sculptors, and Architects, Lives 1 of the Most Eminent—Giorgio Vasari .. 553 Plot Unmasked, the—Andre Chdra- dame 805 Peace, the Perils of—C. Chesterton . 475 Persian Gulf, from the, to Ararat—G. E. Hubbard 344 Persons and Politics of the Transition—A. A.
Baumann .. . .. 213 Plato and Christlaniy—William Temple.. 587 Poetry, Books of Anzac and After—F. E. Westbrook .. .. 391 — Ballads.of Battle—Lance-Corporal Joseph Lee 391 — Belgian Poems, New—Emile Canunaerte .. 301 — Cornish Haul, a—Bernard Moore .. 391 — German Peace, a—D. S. alacColl 891 Holy War, the—Katharine Tynan 891 — Made in England—Sir Owen Seamen.. .. 391 — Naval Motley, a—Lieut. N. M. F. Corbett, — Pageant ihe—Lady Margaret Sackville 391 — Quest cd.Truth, the—H. Rex Freaton.. .. 391 — Retrogression, and other Poems—William Watson
— Sacrament, the—Hodder—et Stoughton (pub.) 747; — Song of the Dardanelles—Henry Lawson .. 391 — Songs of Botrel—Trans. by Winifred Byen.. 391 — Songs of the Sailor Man—Hodder dc Stoughton
(pub.) . .. 391 — Tisdall,. A. W. St. C., V.C., Memoirs and Poems
of—Sidgwick dc Jackson (pub.) .. .. 391 Political Economy, a History of—J. K. Ingrain.. 133 Potsdam Diary, the—Complied by L. J. afaxse.. 772 Poultry-Rearing, the Flemish System of—lime.
Jasper .. .. 417 Prayer, Concerning—Macmillan (pub.) .. .. 240 Profession, on the Choice of a-11. L. Stevenson.. 807 Prose mill Poetry, Elegant Extracts In—Dr. A.
Valghnigil. 706
Proverbs, Curiosities in—D. Si. Marvin .. 347 QUARTERLIES, the .. 131-555 pATIONALIST Press Association Annual for
11, 1917, the—Watts (pub.) .. • . 835 Reconstruction, Social, Principles of—Bertrand Russell 702 — the Elements of—Intro. by Viscount Milner _ 630 Raymond ; or, Life and Death—Sir Oliver Lodge 629 Roosevelt, Theodore—Charles G. Washburn .. 375 Roscoe, the Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield, P.C.—Sir Edward Thorpe .. 510 Royal Scots, the Story of the—Laurence Weaver.. 531 Russian Central Asia, through—Stephen Graham 16 — Memories—Mme. Olga Novikoff 509
ST. ALBANS, the Jolly Duchess of—Charles E. Pearce Saint Paul—F. W. II. Myers .. .. 159 St. Paul, the Individuality of—R. II. Strachan.. 267
School-Books - Dominieli Log, a—A. S. Neill..
— Japan, Pre-Meiji Education In—F. A. Lombard 39.1 — Mysteries of Life—S. De Brath 39.
— Play in Education—Joseph Lee 39a
— Play, the Practical Conduct of—H. S. Curtis.. 39.? — School Homilies—A. Sidgwick— 390 Sculpture, the Relation of, to Architecture— T. P. Bennett .. 160 Servantless, First Aid to the—Mrs. J. G. Frazer .. 41 Servants, Life without—Mills & Boon (pub.) — 392 "Seventies," Portraits of the—Rt. Hon. G. W. E.
Russell 682 Shakespeare and his Fellows—Rt. Hon. D. M. Madden — Studies In—Mary A. Woods-. - 20 Shakespeare's England--Clarendon Press (pub.). .131 — Handwriting—Sir Edward Maunde Thompson 835 Shaksperian Stadies--Fld. by B. Matthews and A. H. Thorndike — 808 Shepherd of the Sheep, a—Told by Mrs. Edward Liddell .. 77 Social Reconstruction, Principles of—Bertrand Russell' . 702 Soldier and Dramatist—Intro. by Sidney Dark.. 606 Sorrow, the Book of—Andrew Macphall .. 603 Spaniels Inquisition, the—Charles T. Gorham .. 532 Supreme Will, the—H. Dunlop 628
rra ALIESIN, Lie-yr—Ed. by J. G. Evans ..290 1 Things I Remember--Sidney Whitman — 554 Tombstones, English Mural Monuments and—I.
Batsford 318 Transition, Persons and Politics of the—A. A.
Baumann 213 ATASARI, Giorgio: his Lives of the Most V Eminent Painters," &c.—Trans. by Gaston du C. de Vera_ 553
NIT-1.."koemar, silreR"Anitncia:tes, the 807
Story of—W. 0. Scroggs .. 216 War Minister, England's First Great—E. Law .. 444 Watta-Dunton, Theodore, the Life and Letters of —T. Hake and A. Compton-Rlekett 771 What is Coming 7—H. G. Wella. .. 133
WoLsey : England's First Great War Minister—
E. Law- . 41 Women's Work. on the Land—Women's National Land Service Corps (pub.) — 736 Wordsworth, William—George McLean Harper .. 233 — — the Patriotic Poetry of—Selected by Rt. Hon. Arthur H. D. Acland 267 yOUTH, Years of My—William Dean Howells 831
ZIONISM and the JCWisil rutare —Ei. by Sacher 187
WAR, BOOKS DEALING WITH THE :— Action Front—Boyd Cable.. .. 508 American Crisis and the War—W. M. Fullerton 657 American, the Adventures of an, In the British Army—fames Norman Hall 109 Anarchy, the European—G. Lowes Dickinson .. 15 Anglals, en Liaison avec lea—Philippe Millet .. 374 Anzac, Crusading at, Anno Domini 1915—Ellis
Silas.. . 508 Army, Responsibility in the—Lleut.-Geaeral Sir A. Codrington . . 705 Austro-Hun,garian Atrocities—Report by R. A.
483 Reiss Causes and Consequences of the War, the—Yves Guyot 204 Challenge of ths Future, the—Roland G. Usher.. 315 Chapin, Harold : Soldier and Dramatist—Intro.
by Sidney Dark 603 Counter-Cements—Agnes Repplier .. 105 Dardanelles. the Truth about the—S. A. Moseley 508 Desert, the Black Hole of the--Hodder & Stough- ton (pub.) .. 503 Diary of the Great Warr, a—Samuel Pepys, jun. 511 Ethical and Religious Problems of the War—Ed.
by J. E. Carpenter .. 478 Europe, the Restoration of—Dr. A. H. Fried .. 475 European Anarchy, the—G. Lowes Dickinson .. 15 — War General Sketch of the : the 2nd Phase Bello° 313 Fabian Research Department, Ideas Offered to the Chancellor of the Exchequer by the—Ed. by Sidney Webb .. 266 Faith or Fear 7—Donald Hankey, &c. 377 Faith, the, and the War—Ed. by F. J. bakes- Jackson
France, Now, a Daughter of—Arthur G. Doughty 187
Galllpoll--John Maseaeld .. 415 Germany and England, 1740-1914—R. E. Schmitt 413
— the Crimes of—Field and Queen (pub.) 807
— the Foundations of—J. Ellis Barker .. 102
— venue Civilisation—W. R. Thayer .. 818
German, Because I am a—H. Fernau 16 — Slav, and Magyar—R. W. Seton-Watson 114 German Barbarism—Leon Mamas'. .. .. 15 — Empire between Two Wars, the—R. H. Fife 413
— Opinion and German Policy before the War—
G. W. Prothero 160 — Road to the East, the—P. Evens L'win .. 700 — Soul in its Attitude towards Ethics awl Christi- anity, &c.—Baron Friedrich von Hugel .. 393 Haldane. Lord, the Vindication of—Harold Begble. - . .. 552 Huntingdonshire Regiment, History of the—Col. Hugh W. Pears° 703 International Government—L. S. Woolf 475 Japanese Expansion and American Policies—J. F.
Abbott .. 316 Kitchener's Mob—James Norman Hall .. .. 103 Marne, the Battle of the—Hilaire Belloc .. 318 Mr. Drilling Sees It Through—H. G. Wella .. 476 Monroe Doctrine, Modernizing the—C. H. Sherrill 316 Moos, the Retreat from—Major A. Corbett-Smith 585 Military Law, the A.B.C. of—Captain Francis (Memo .. — -- . 215
— — the Young Ofticer'sGuideto—F. J.0.
Codrington 215 Nationality in Modern History—S. Holland Rose 130 Observation in War, the Value of—F. G. Cooke .. 215 Pangerman Plot Unmasked, the—Andre Chera- dame . . .. 805 Peace, Premature, the Danger of a—H. Dunlop 628 — the Perils of—C. Chesterton .. 475 Peace-Trap, Berlin's Formidable, of "The Drawn War "—Andra Cheradame 805 Poetry, Patriotic, Greek and English—Prof. W.
Rhys Roberts .. 11 Politice—Heinrich von Treitschke .. 74 Potsdam Diary, the—Compiled by L. J. Maxse.. 771 Progressive Party, the—The Progressive National Committee, New York (pub.) .. 375
Raemaekers, Louis, a Hundred Cartoons by— Fine Art Society (pub.) .. .17 Itecon.struction, Social, Principles of—Bertrand
Russell .. 702 Red Cross and Iron Cross—Murray (pub.) .. 47 Regimental History, a—Col. Hugh W. Pearse.. 703 Ribbons and Medals—Lieut.-Com. Tamil Boding 213
Roosevelt, Theodore, Statements and Speeches of -Progressive National Committee, New York
(pubd.. 375 Royal 'Scots, the Story of the-Laurence Weaver 531 Russian Front, On the-R. Scotland Liddell .. 551
Sacrament, the-Hodder & Stoughton (pub.) .. 47 Senoussi, in the Hands of the-Compiled by Mrs. Gwatkin-Wllliams . .. 508 Serbian Campaign, Through the-11. Gordon-
Smith . . 508 Slav, Magyar, and German-fl. W. Seton-Watson 158 Slave of the War Zone-Rt, Hon. W. F. Bailey.. 191 So as by Fire : Notes on the War-H. S. Holland 447 Stars as Guides for Night Marching, the-E. W.
Maunder .. . . 215 Surrey (East) Regiment, .11istery of the-Coll Hugh W. Pearse 703 • Treitachke, Heinrich von, the Polities of-Trans. by Blanche Dugdale, &c... 74 Tercheres, Magdelaine de, Life and Times of- . Arthur G. Doughty .. 187 Vindication of Great Britain, the-Harold Begbie 552 War, At the-Lord Northcliffe - How to Pay for the-Ed. by Sidney Webb.. -- the, and the Soul-R. J. Campbell .. - the Causes and Consequences of the-Yves Guyot „ War Minister, England's First Great-E. Law.. What is Coming ?-11. G. Wells ..
A ERICA and the East, Trade Politics and
.L1 Christianity In-A. J. Macdonald .. 556 After-War Settlement and Employment of ex- Service Men in the Oversee Dominions-Sir Rider Renard . • 893 Agriculture after the War-A. D. .. 78 Alcohol, the Nation and-A. W. Richardson .. 136
All Change Here I-C. G. Parsons .. .. 242 Airn,uSummer Holidays in the, 1898-1914-W. E.
Amthica-Latina.. America, South, the Future of-R.W. Babson .. 379 American Plan of Government, the-C. W. Bacon and F. 13. Morse 533 Antwerp, 1477-1559-Jervis Clegg .. 135 Asia, the Gate of-William Warfleld 707 Autograph Prices Current, Vol. 1.-B. If. Courville 419
BALKANS, a Woman in the-Mrs. Will Gordon 321 Beresford, Lord William, V.C.-Itirs. Stuart- MenzIes . 730 Bewcastie and Ruthwell, the Ancient Groat Shafts
at-fit. Rev 0. F. Browne . . 448 Books, a Nation and its-Webh Dept., Board Of
Education (pub.) . 479 Border Marches, Storks of the-John and Jean
Lang .. 242 Bread : How to Make and Bake at Home-May Little .. 448 British and Foreign Bible Society, the 112th Report of the .. 479 - Firing Line, the-E. Handley-Read 448 Brought Ferward-R. B. Cunningham° Graham CO.) Buildings, Beautiful, in France and Belgium- Notes by C. H. Townsend .. 809 Bulgaria, with Gypsies in-" Andeeas " 293 Cl/BRAWN Poems, the-Trans. by C. W. V Kennedy .. 398 Canada, Mounted Police Life in-Capt. B. Deane.. 480 Caravan Afloat, a-C. J. Aubertin 269 Ceylon, the Lost Cities of-G. E. Mitton610 Chapter, the End of a-Shane Leslie 898 Chemistry in the Service of Man-Alexander Findlay 136 Children of the Big World-Ethel J. Archibald and E. Mildred Nevin. 22 City, the Ancient--Fustel de Couhinges ....334 Civil Service, the English, In the Fourteenth Century-T. F. Tout .. 480 Cloud and Silver-E. V. Lucas .. 448 Colonial Policy, British, 1783-1915-0. 11. Currey 533 Cookery-Book, a Yorkshire-Miss Mines Gaskell 534 Cottage Economy-William Cobbett 163
J) AY, John C. F. S.: His Forbears and Himself -Heath & Cranton (pub.).. . 8011 Denmark and Sweden, with Iceland and Finland- J. Steffineson .. 610
DICTIONARIES, &c. 269-321-348-480-533-550-610 Dirt, Fighting : the World's Greatest Warfare- Ernest Hood 419
Disraeli: a Play-Louis N. Parker .. ..368 Dmitri, the False-Ed. by Sonia E. Howe .. 242
Docility, the Nemesis of-Edmond Holm°. .. 78 Docks, Crams' Labour at the-H. A. Mesa 163 Downward Paths-G. Bell (pub.) .. 21 Dream Dragons-Anita Dudley
ERBINO Tide, the-Viscount Haldane .. 379 Education, Studies In-AL W. Keating e .. 556 Egg Farming, Commercial-S. G. Hanson .. 321 Egotism in German Philosophy-G. Santayana 512 Emperor's Madness, an, or hational Aberration
__Ernesto Lugar°. • • • - . • .. 321 England, Social Life in, 1750-11350-F. .T. Foakes-
Jackson .. . • .. 810 English People, a Short Ilstory of the-With
Epilogue by Alice S. Green.. .. .. 348 - Rural Life, a Short History of-Montague Fordham .. 397 Epidemics Resulting from iiars-1•;. Prffiiing .. 191 Essays in Brief for War-Time-W. Warde Fowler 589 Eugenie, the Empress, and her Son-E. Legge .. 348 Eye-Witness, the-H. Bello: 348
FE3IINISM, Towards a Sane-Wilma Mende. • 686 Flanders, the Little TOWDS of-Albert Deistanche 448
• Food Economy, Patriotic, for the Well-to-Do .. 135
French. Works in
Mason de is France, le-Maurice Barre 610 - Douleurs qui Eaperent. les--L'Abbe F. Klein.. 600 - Hull Mob avec les " Boches " dans le Luxem- bourg Beige-Paul Torn 610
- Lorette--llenri Reis° ........589
- lautre Dame de" Lea"-Lattrent 590
735 280 378 234 444 133 Fruit and Vegetables, the Sterilization of, for the Home .. _ 217 Future, the Hope of the-Dr. Mary Scharlieb .. 032 cIALLOWAY and Carrick, Highways and By- 3.31 ways In-C. H. Dick 379 Germany and Spain : the .Views of • Spanish Catholic-Don F. Edgar .. 217 - Imperial-Prince von Below 689 German Peril, the, and the Grand Aillance-G. de Weeselitsky GIFT-BOOKS .. 608-9; 683-84-85-83; 737-30 Glass, Old, and How to Collect It-J. B. Lewis .. 550 Golden Apple, the-Lady Gregory - 550 i Greek Manuscripts, the, n the Old Seraglio at Constantinople-S. Gaselee 609 Group Game, the Psychology of the Organized- Mabel Jane Reaney .. 533 GUIDE-BOOKS 321
'TARDY, Thomas, a Bibliography of the Works of-A. P. Webb .. 419 Heaton, Sir John Henniker, Be., the Life and
Letters of-Mrs. Adrian Porter .. 108 " Illawatha." Scenes from-Dramatized by Valerie Wyngate .. 480 History, English Source Problems In-A. B. White and W. Notestein 696 Hitting the Dark Trail-C. Hawkes 448 Hobson's (boles: a Comedy-11. Brighouse .. 398 Horrors, More Minor-A. E. Shipley .. 107 Hughes, W. M.-S. W. Smigg 108
Hungary, Some Experiences in, Aug., 3914:
Jan., 1915-Mina Macdonald . 39S Hunsdon, Co. Hertford, the Parish Registers of- TMPERO e Liberta nelle Coffinie logical-Carlo
Paladini .. 293 India and Its Faiths-J. B. Pratt .. 269 - Archaeological Survey of-Ed. by Sir John
Marshall 556 - Historical Geography of, Part I.-P. E. Roberts 610 - South the Wage Gods of-fit. Rev. K116.
Whitehead .. . India Office, Catalogue of MSS. n European Languages Belonging to the Library of the-
C. 0. Blagden and S. C. Hill 321 Indian Empire, Some American Opinions on the- Fisher Unwln (pub.). 348 - Mutiny and Afghanistan, -Remin-iscences of tile
-Col. Sir E. Thackeray .. 103 - Tales of the Great Ones-Cornelia Sorabyl .. 50 Industrial Law-F. Tlilyard 511 Insect Enemies-C. A. Leland 603 Ireland tinder the Stuart,,Vol. TU.-Richard Bagwell .. .. 533 Irish Education, State Policy in, 1536-1316-T. Corcoran .. 533 TACK'S Self-Educator-Jack (pub.) .. 28S tl James, Henry-Rebecca West .. .. 242
Japan, a Bachelor 1n-E. E. Wood .. .. 394 - a Political History of, during the Meiji Era,
1867-1912-W. W. McLaren .. 293 - Great Britain, and the World-J. W. Robertson Scott 163
LKITCHENER, Field-Marshal Lord, Vol. I.- E. 3. Grew, &c. 148 ABOUR, Finance, and the War-Ed. by A. W. Kirkaidy .. 512 Legal Life and Humour-Joseph Heighton .. 003 Le Strange Records-Hamon Le Strange 531 Libraries for Industrial Schools-With Foreword
by C. E. B. Russell .. 103 Life and Work, My-E. K. Muspratt 774 - Saving in War Time-Mabel Palmer .. 269 Liquor Traffic, State Control of the-Arthur Sherwell .
Lloyd George, 1he " New " and the Old-E. H.Walters. 512
Login, Lady, ihe Recollections of-E. Dalhousie.. 609 London Missionary Society, 121st Report of the .. 550 - Street Games-Norman Douglas .. 269 - Topographical Record, the, Vol. X. 135
NIAHOMET, Founder of Islam-G. M. Draycott 707 Man-Power of the Nation, the-A. Richard- 398-010-810
Marbles and other Ornamental Stones, British and Foreign-J. Watson
Medieval Chilization-R. L. Ashley .. 108 Meldola, Raphael : Reminisce. ncea-..Ed. b.y. James. 533
Merchant .
Melody, Realms of-Ed. by G. Callender. 556 Melville, Henry Dundee, Viacount-J. A. Loyal- Fraser Memories, Vagrant-William Winter ....242 Mexico, a Diplomat's Wife In-Edith O'Shaugh- nessy
Milk and its Hygienic Relations-Janet E. Lane- Ciaypon . . 217
Musical Sounds, the VcIence..of---..i.. C. Miller .. 242 NATION of the Future, the-L. Haden Guest 550 National Power and Prosperity-Conrad Nationalism and Int;rnationalism-Ramsay Muir 809 Native Races and Peace Terms-J. H. Harris .. 192 Navy, the, of the Restoration-A. W. Tedder .. 370
Nelson's Series .. 164 NEW EDITIONS 419-480-534 Newman, Cardinal, a Study in the Life and Times of-W. E. Bless .. 774
OCBRIEN, Rt. Hon. Lord, the Reminiscences of the-Ed. by Hon. Clongina O'Brien .. 610
TIBADDLY Pools-Silica Malleson .. 242 Palaces and Gardens, Royal-Mims Nixon.. 79 Panama, Mosquito Control in-J. A. Le Prince.. 192 Panjab, the. North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir-Sir James Doule .. 448 Parliament of Man, the-3f. A. MtIgge 609
Parnell, Charles Stewart : a Kemoir-J.
Parnell .. 102 People who Run, the-Violetta Thurstan .. 320 Philosophy and War-Emile Boutroux 136
Filial. 'Wanda Range, the Diary of, Vol. IV.-
Ed. by II. Dodwell 589 Plays by Brieux, Three-H. Jenkins (pub.) .. 609 - War-Allan 31onkhouse . 632 533 Plunkett, Sir Horace, and his Place in the Irish Nation-E. E. Lysaght 539 Poets, English, an Evening in My Library among the-S. Coleridge . „ gm Poland's Oase for Independence-Allen & Unwin (pub.).. 707 - Struggle for Independence-R. Knchiiski .. 293 Polish History, Landmarks of-A. Zaleski .. 293 - Literature, an Outline of the History of- Jan de Holewinsld - 21 - Question, the, as an International Problem- Alien & listen (pub.) - Prisons, Society and-T. H. Osborne .. 632
RAILWATS, How to Make the, Pay for the War-Rey Hotelman . 731 Reclaiming the Waste-P. Andersen Graham .. 632 Relaxation, the Pspthology of-U. W. T. Patriac 217
Resit Days-Hutton Webster _ 879 Reveries over Childhood and Youth-W. B. Yeats 733 Russia at the Cross-Roads-0. E. Bechhoter ..242 - Two Months In-W. Mansell Merry 107 Rumbas and Nomad-E. Nelson Fell . 530
Russian Literature-Prince P. Kropotldis Sea Russians, the, and their Language-Mine. N. Jarintzov .. 479 Rylands (John.) Library-, Manchester, the Bulletin
of the-Lonpuans (pub.) 809
SADOT.ETO on Educatioa -E. T. Campagnao and K. Forbes-. 5139 Sail to Steam. from : Naval Recollections, 1878- 1905-Admiral C. C. Penrose Fitzgerald .. 707 Scientific Papers. Catalogue of : Fourth Series-
Compiled by the Royal Society 534 Scotland-R. I,. Mackie .. 489
Scourge, the Hidden-Mary .13charlieb 39$
Sculpture, a History of-H. N. Fowler .. 201 Sea Magio-E. Hallam Moorhouse 51e - power, the Value of-L. G. II. Horton-Smith 413
- Trout, the-Henry Dimond . .. 633 Seas, the Freedom of the-L. G. H. Horton-Smith 416 Serbia in Light and Darkness-Rev. Father
Nicholls! Velimirovic 217 - the Stricken Land-A. and C. Askew .. 293 Seven Lands, in-E. A. Vizetelly 446 Shakespeare and the English Ideal-IL C. }leeching 50 - Documents, a Catalogue of-F. Welistood .. 21 - London Shown by-Hubert Ord 632 - the Birds of--Sir Archibald Gelkie 419 Shakespeare's Industry-Mrs. C. C. Stopes 000 - Stage and Plays, Sonia Notes on-W. Poe! .. 53t - Theater-Ashley H. Thorndike 268 Sheaf, a-John Galsworthy 733
Siberian Year, My-31. A. Czaplicka. 8523: Solomon, the Wise-Sayin'a o' : the Proverbs in Scots-T. W. Patterson .. 632 Southey, Robert, Selected Prose Works of-Ed. by
J. 318 State, the, as Manufacturer and Trader-A. W. Madsen . . Supernatural in Tragedy, the-Charies E. Whit-
more .. 21 Sweden, Historical and Statiattcii Handbooe of 534 TAORMINA-Raley Rusted Bell 217 Tennyson Dictionary, a-A. E. Baker .. 50 "The Day" and After-W. IL Hughes .. _ 107 Thomson, Zoe, of Bishopthorpe and her Friends -E. C. Rickards632 Thug, Confessions of a-Col. Meadow.; Taylor 0111 Trade as a Science-Ernest J. P. Benn Tragedy, the Greater-B. A. 0301 348 Travels in the Middle East-Capt. T. C. Fowls. 19.1 ' Trinity College, Cambridge Admissions to, Vol. 1. -Ed. by W. W. R. Ball and W. Venn .. 7711 Tristram, Thome Hutchinson: a Memoir-.
Longman,' (pub.)- . 6811 Tupper, lie Hon. Sir Charles, the Life and Letters
of-E. H. Saunders .. 531 UNITED Stales; EnglishInflacnee on the-W. Cunniugham 218 "[T ELI). from the Heart of the-Madeline VVenIzeAlosis,t("131...E., Speech to the People, 27th, 1910-Anglo-Hellenic League (pubd 531. cople.: 588
Versification, the Technic of-W. Odling 660 Victorious Attitude, the-0. S. Harden 632 W . ALES, the War and-J. Vyrnwy Morgan . 837 Wanderings before the War-W. It. S. Hunt.
War for the World, time-Israel Zangsvill 217 - Some Aspects of the, as Viewed by Naturalizes' British Subjects-August Cohn .. . 321 - Termination of, and Treaties of Peace-Cole- man Phillipson
Ward, Our-A. C. Hill lee Wasps, the Hunting-J. Henri Fabre 610 Welfare Work-E. Dorothea Proud .. 555 Weetralla Gift Book-V. K. Jones (pub.) 589 White Knights-J. Oxenham and Beatrice Chase 470 Williams, the Two-Paul Louis Hervier 201 Woman, a, and the War-Countess of Warwick .. 060 - Law and the-E. A. Parry557 - the-Bless Her-Marjory Macturchy .. 837 Woman's Place in the World-Sir Dyes Duckworth 379
Women in War-Francis Gribble 6311 Wonders of the Ancient World, the Seven-E. J. YEAR-BOOKS, dm 135-101-192-533-009-610-00-
g 4 A Bun with 3Ie," 53t-G27-653. Addison. In the !Same of : a Protest, 13. Adinse sub Julio., 372.
Administration, the Cardinal Principle of, 578. Advertisements, Repulsive, £105. Agenda Club, the, 373-413-500-550.
Ainger, Canon : the Wit of, 505-551; an Im- promptu of, 583.
Alcohol and %Vat Savings, 766-531. Alpine Plants, 343.
America : her View of the Great Naval Battle, 71; Elementary Education in, 157 • and Munitions, 330;
the Presidential Election In, 410422-833; amid Germany, 700. American of Irish Blood, an, on the Irish Romaa Catholic Clergy, 329. Amos and the Germans, 505,
Aristophanes and the Frogs, 211.
Armour : Protective, for Infantry, 150; Defensive, 134, Artieta' Rifles, the, 654.
Asquith and Lincoln, 311, Assistanee, Mutual Registration of, 582. Astronomy at the Front : a Lunar Calendar for the Memory, 871-411.
Asylum Party, the, 653-697. Australia and England, 70-126.
plixates. the Future of the, 184.
-1-' Barristers and the War, 73.
Basque Home Rule, 548.
Baths, the Empress Club, 128.
attleffeld, a, for Sale, 438-472.
elgium's Day In Belgium. 810.
[Mardi, General von, 871-410.
irds in Nets, 43.
Birds of Paradise, 474-583. Bitterns, the Return of the, 14-73-101. Bland°, Captain, 800. "Boche," 474.
Boner Law, Mr., an Appeal to, 831. poy, a Bad, of the Best Sort, 731.
Brazil, Germany and, 471. Bread, Our Daily, 701. British Academy, the, and the Cromer Greek Prize, 235.
British Defeat at Sea, an Alleged, 10. British or English ? 11-42. British Performance, a French Academician on the, 184.
British Women's Patriotic League, the, 263. Brooke, the Late Mr. Stopford, 120. Bunyan and the Bible, 261. Burke. Edmund, on England's Success, 183. "Bury or Burn," 259-286-815. .
CanIeGir, the War, 802. Cagilostro : on the War, 261; on "Playing the Game," 315.
Canada, the Soul of, 767.
=lan, a Thrice-Gallant, 540. ance, 101. Cats and Rats and Mice, 768-804-833.
Cattle Population, Conserving the Lives of the,10. Channel Tunnel, a, 582-027.
Cevennes, Travels with a Donkey in the, 732-805. Chaplains, 340.
Charing Cross Bridge, 287-312; and the Triumphal Arch, 439.
Charities, on the Choice of, 699.
"Cheshire" or " Chester " ? 413-474.
Children's Care Committees, 501. Chinese President, the New, 155.
Christianity after the War, 549. Church, the Future of the, 472.
Church Council, the Proposed,154-185-233-257-314- 339 ; Dr. Rashdall and Lord Hugh Cecil, 370-439-470- 547.
church Union in the Trenches, 340.
Church Windows, Darkening, 373. Churches, Closed, 185-211.
Churchill, Mr. : Soldier or MU.? 127; Collier's Weekly on his Sea Policy, 503.
Cinctnnatus Britannicus, 210.
Civil Obligations, 640.
Civil Service Officials 570.
Classics, the Consolations of the, 472-502-550.
Clearing-Houses, Central Goods, 769.
Clothing Department, the Royal Army, 580-027. Coincidence, a Strange, 625. Another nother Danger to, 13.
Common-Sense, 739-707.
Connnunis Seamus, 733-707.
Confectionery, 803.
"Conscience and Christ," 43-72.
Conscientious Objectors : a Parallel, 101.
Consolation, Words of, 783.
Corrections, 43-101-186-230-551-627-769.
Corruption : Public, the Sin of, 547; Private, 578.
country Gentleman, the English, 700.
Crabbe, a Quotation from, 314.
" Cricketers of Flanders," the, 286.
Cromer, Lord, and President Wilson, 100, Cromer Greek Prize, the, 235.
Crosses, Wayside, 804.
DARDANELLEs Inquiry, New Zealand and the, 313. Darwin, Erasmus, and Warfare in the Air, 72. Death : the Adventure of, 231.311-371; Fear of,
261; the Fear of, in War, 580 Deccan Horse, the, 128.
Dictionary, On Consulting the, 157-185-212-235-342. Disabled, the Case of the 9. Disabled Soldier, the, 70-101-127-832.
Dixmnde, England and, 157. Dog Story, a, 815. "Doing Hie Bit," 341. "Don't Worry, 551-581-627-697.
"Dot," the, among Working Men Abroad, 620.
"Down Glasses " : the Toronto Globe en, 653;
" Grain, Beer, and Whisky," 830. Drink Question, the, 623-653-766-829-831.
ElAr, a Quotation from, 201. Cialne.5e, 236. 'fiVer.ESIA, the True, 314. Au Economic Conference, the, 10.
Economy : a Great National, 90'129-156-185; hi Food, 766; Subveralve, 799. Economy Exhibitions, National, 72-315.
Education, Humanistic and Scientific, 286,
Electoral Reform Conference, the, 287-548.
Empire, a Voice from the, 548.
Employment after the War, 766. "England's Effort," 11. English or British ? 11-42. Eton War Memorial, 441.
Evil, the Origin of, 607-782. Exclusion : the Saviour on, 286-313-339-340; "A Formula in which We may Agree," 549.
'warm, the Need of, 184-261.
-I- Farmer, Every tfan His Own, 654-697.
Fatigue and Efficiency, 11.
Ferdinand of Bulgaria, 698.
Flaubert on the Huns, 731.
Food Control, Common-Sense and, 697. Food Economy, National, 766.
Food Production, How to Treble, 729. Footmen after the War, 43-70.
Foreign Phrases 288.
France : the Spirit of, 99; British Soldiers' Graves
In 183-262.
French-Canadlan Loyalty, Mgr. Bruchesi and, 280. GALLIENI, General, General von Kluck's Tribute to, 100. Garter, Lord Melbourne and the, 101. Germany • and "the Next Great War," 202;
and Brazil, .471.
German General, a, on Charges of Barbarity, 127.
German Omen, a, 760.
German Peace Aims, 1331. German Prisoners, 624, German War Indemnity, a, 287. German War Loan, the, 471. German War Medals, 129-203.
German in A.D. 277 and in A.D. 1873, 707.
Gibbon, a Quotation from, 767.
God-daughter, a Subaltern's Letter to his, 799. Goldsmith on National Concord, 787. Gray, Thomas, the Bicentenary of, 473-505-583. Greece, 473 Greek : the Cromer Prize, 235; the Study of, 263-373 ; Compulsory, 551-627455-698.
Guards, a Territorial Brigade of, 185.
HA IG, Sir Douglas, the Message of, 732. Haldane, Lord, a Vindication of, 580. Hankey, Mr. Donald, the Letters of, 690; (see
also under "Student In Arms" and "Don't Worry ").
" Happiest Lad on Earth," the, 841.
Hegel on War and Peace, 127-157. " History Repeats Itself," 101. History, the Study of, 413. Hodgson, Dr. Geraldine, 129.
Home Rule Scheme, the, 120. Homer in English Hexameters, 72.
Horsley, Sir Victor, 126. Howell, the Late General, 442.
Humbug, 374. Hun, the, in Campbell's " Hohenlinden," 731.
Tneowsi Tax, Evading, 287.
-1- Incongruous I 663.
India and the War, 729-803. Instruction for the Enemy, 234. Invasion as a Possibility and the Need for Volun- teers, 547.
Iceland: Lord Lansdowne, and Mr. Low,, 120;
Education in, 280; Fallacies in, 338 1 and Military
Service, 371; Recruiting in, 410; and Imperial Service, 438; and Compulsory Service, 439-470-503- 548-680 ; the Manhood of, 409; her Duty to her Soldiers, 470; an Analogy, 624, Irish, Downtrodden, 623, Irish Eirenicon, an, 580.
Irish Fiasco, the, 150.
Irish Priest, an, on the War, 624. Irish Priests, the, and the Late Rebellion, 10-184. Irish Problem, the, 701. Irish Rebellion, the : a Great Comedy, 260; and Relief, 913.
Irish V.T.C., the, 412. • " Irishmen All," 580.
Italian Soldier's Letter, an, 372.
" _TACK and Jill," 442.
" Joss " in Sailors' Slang, 550-583, Jutland, Battle of : the American View of the, 71; the Kaiser and the, 71.
1.Z" EPPEL, Admiral, the Charges against, in 1778, 10. -LI- King, the, 501; Loyalty to, 830.
Kingsley on the Irish Soldier, 470.
Kitchener, Lord: and Turenne, 14; a Canadian Poet on, 100 ; and Wellington, 262.
T AMOUR and Food, 730.
-A-, Labour Exchanges, 731.
Labour Question, the : the War and After, 502. Land : Soldiers and the, 210; Waste, the Cnitivre Hon of, in Towns, 731-833, Lane, Sir Hugh, the Pictures of, 802. Life and Death, 697.
Limericks, 842-372-412-441-473-551.
Lincoln, Abraham : the Education of, 235; and Asquith, 311. Literature, Accidental, of the War, 802. London Revisited, 804.
Louvain, the Library of, 409; the Reconstruction of, 800.
Lowell, Russell, on Peace without Honour, 766. Lucan and the War, 842.
Luxuries, the Curtailment of, 766.
AirsogannuTor, Miss S., a Memorial to, 474.
'ILL Married State, the, 235.
Massingham, Mr., and the National Liberal Club, 343. Medals, German War, 129-263.
Medical Boards and their Work, 341.
Melbourne or Churchffi t 826.
Memorials : War, and Civic Arts, 72; to the Fallen, 262.
Mercier, Cardinal, a Great Speech by, 310. Meredith, George, on German Cookery, 412. Messages from the Departed, 054, Meyer, Sir William, and the Indian Government, 729-803.
"Midnight Review," the, 731.
Missing Officers, 185-212-236-287-342.
Moon : the Use of the, In Night Map Work, 263; a Lunar Calendar for the Memory. 371-411. Moral Difference, the, 184. Motherhood, Industry and, 374.
NTATIONAL Concord, 767. .L1 National Debt, a Way to Reduce the, 471-583.
National Economy Exhibitions, 72-315, National Mission of Repentance and Hope, the, 234-371-505-582 In a Midland Town, 801.
National Reserve, the, How it has Helped, 341,
Nation's Debt, the, to the Elder Men who Volun- teered, 472.
Nature, the Desecration of, 186.
Newspapers and Waste in War, 799.
New York Evening Poet, the, on" Worthy Objects"
of War, 766.
New Zealand Soldier Students, 842.
Norris, Mr. W. E., the Art of, 157.
Norway's Honouring of Our Dead, 183.
O Letters to the Families of Fallen Men, 581.
'kJ Oriental Studies, the School of, 11-71.
Tap Amman, the Children and the, 804.
• IL Papineau, Capt., his Letter to M. Bonrassa, 763. Parents' National Educational Union, the, 090. Past and Present, 626.
Peace : Preparation for, 44; Terms of, 98-165-312; the League for the Enforcement of, 548; without Honour, 766; the Guarantors of, 8031 German Aims, 831, Petty Official, the, 410-440-470. Pisa de Maehefer, 263, rise de Terre, 13; In South Africa, 236. Plautus on the War, 43. Poland, the Kingdom of, 698. Politics and Prices, 766. • Potatoes, 730. Prague • the Peace of 814; the Hermit of, 373.
Prayer : Concerning 2o1; Mutual, 471.
preoccupation and Shells, 314-411. Presidential Election, the, 410-622-653. Pride and Prejudice, 211. " Princess Marie-Tosa's Children's Book," 582. Prohibition: and the Russian Budget, 623; during the War, 829.
Proverbs, 878.
Psalter, the, 370-412.
-ppAsHDALL, Canon, and Lord Hugh Cecil, 370-439-
"Rats and Mice and Such Small Deer," 768-804-833. Reality and the Englishwoman, 411. Recreation Clubs, 472. Red Cross, the, and the Need for Women Workers, 157, Regimental History, a, 731. Registration Bill, the, 211. Regiateation and Suffrage, 441, Religion: More, for the People Generally, 100; Soldiers and their, 128-157-221-798. Religious Unity, the Progress of, 801. Reparation, 798. Reprisals or Equal Treatment, 800. Resignation, a, 14. Revenue, New Sources of, 800-830-831. Russell, Lord Odo, a Quotation from, 767. Russian Budget, the, and Prohibition, 623.
QT. Marrrirt-ig-imu-Fnmns, the Church of, 474. St. Paul, the Individuality of, 871. Salonika, a Letter from, 230.
Salute, the, 262-767.
Secrecy and Disease, 547-622. Sermons, Why are Most of Them Dull ? 340-371.
Shakespeare : and the "Oxford Dictionary'," 342-
412 ; and the Atonement, 055-701-732; and the German Peace Offer, 803. Shakespearean Canto, a, 127.
Shield, a, for Attack, 155.
Sibyl's Bookkeeping, the, 579. Sibylline Books, the Policy of the, 720. Single-Handed, the G.F.S. and the, 874-413.
Sinn Fein Rebellion, in Trinity College during the, 156.
Sinn Fein Warfare, 260.
Smith's (Dr.) Classical Dictionary, 682. Smokeless Fuel and Low-Temperature Distillation, 99-129-156-185.
Soldier or M.P. ? (Mr. Churchill), 127. Soldier : the Disabled, 70-101-127-832 ; the New
British, 71; Ordinary, the Religion of the, 793' • Discharged, "Humanity and Kindness" towards the,
Soldier's Letter, a, 262. Soldier's Tribute, a, to his Platoon Officer, 733. Soldiers : and their Religion 128-157-211 ; and a General Election. 185; on Leave, Christmas Hospi- tality for, 781.
Solomon and the Pacifielsts, 833. "Something Must Be Done," 626. Southey and a Premature Peace, 766. Spain and the War, 625. Special Constables, the, 287.
Spectator, the, and Base Hospitals Abroad, 44-101-
"Speed the Plough," 210-234-280-842-412.
Spending Departments, Government, 339-372, Sporting Offer, a, 626. Squire, the Old, 700.
Squirrels in St. John's Wood, N.W., 505, State, Save or Servo the, 43.
Status, My, 101.
Status Quo Ante, the, 831.
Stevenson, a Reminiscence of, 732-805. "Student in Arms," a, 605'096-097-731; the Last Five Minutes, 768; in Remembrance of, 768; a Sugestion, 804.
tyle, 185.
Subaltern's Ideal, a, 799.
Suggestion, a, 212; a Sound, 604.
Suffrage and Registration, 441.
Swift on Great Britain, 130, Switzerland, British Prisoners of War In, 700.
rraurrp Reform, the " Moral " Aspect of, 259. -I- Taxation : Increased, the Justice and Necessity of, 800: New Sources of Revenue, 830-831. Teaching Profession, the, and the War, 72.
Territorials, the, and the Advance, 101.
Thanks, a Worst of, 651.
Thought, an Old, 701.
Ticks" and their Meaning, 627 "Ton for Ton," 698.
" Tommy's " Guardian, 128.
-ULSTER on the Somme, 550. Ulsterwoman. Letter of an, to the Spectator, 233.
United Workers, the, 315.
University Extension Lectures : St. Bride Centre, 627,
17-smuutsr, Diseases : National Connell for, 315;
V Notification of, 768.
Verdun, British Prisoners at, during the Napoleonic Wars, 768.
Verdun-Not Yet, 412.
"Verdun to the Vosges," 43.
Fitt Sacra, a, 341-374-440-472-501-550-626-804,
Volunteer Bill, the, 832.
Volunteers, the, 258-311-442-767; the Need for, and Invasion as a Possibility, 647; Compulsory, 625-099; Dyeing the Uniforms of, 804.
WAR and Peace, Hegel on, 127-157; "Worthy Objects" of, 765. War Bonds, the Burning of, 471-583.
Warfare in the Air, Erasmus Darwin and, 72. War Funds, 582-626. War : the, and After-the Labour Question, 602; Prolonging the, 580; Shortening the, 625; Spain and the 625. Watd-Divining at Silvia Bay, 263-315-343-378, Weede, 101-130. Wellesley, Lord, his School for Administrators, 312 410-471.
Wellington and Kitchener, 202.
Wellington's Funeral, the French Atubassador at, 650. Wesleyan Conference, the, 70. West Indies, the Late Archbishop of the, 14.
Wheat Prices, State Action and, 627.
Wheat, the Price of, 730.
Whistling Rule, the Anti, 342. Whitworth, Mr., of Batchacre Hall, the 31anuscript of, 655. Wilsonism, 548. Women : and the Civil Service, 44; Educated, the Work of, after the War, 235. Women Bracken-Cutters in the New Forest. 441.
Woodlands and Forests, Scottish, and the Sacrifice of Immature Timber, 410. Writings in the Press, the Quality of, 13.
, APPEALS.-A Musical Library for the Blind, 14.- Canadians in Kent, 14.-The Mediaeval Tithe Barn at Bradford-on-Avon, 43.-Women's Holiday Fund, 44.-The Ossian Book Club rattle), 44.-Victoria Home for Invalid Children, Margate, 73.-The Na- tional Library for the Blind, 73.- itchener Memorial
103.-Neeeeeltotis Ladles' Holiday and General Fund, 169.-The *Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital, 186.-The Sailors' Day, 235.-Queen Alexandra's Field Force Fund, 2313.-For Belgian Churches, 283. -Serbian Relief Fund, 285.-Chelsea War Refugees' Fund, 816.-British Hospitals for the Serbians, 840. -Scottish Women's Serbian Hospital Fund, 840-374- 418-442-474-506-551-583-627-655-701-733-768-769-833. -The Women's League of Mercy, 343.-The Need of X,3f.C.A. Workers, 370-141.-Industry and Mother- hood, 874.-A Club for Nurses, 413.-Lad Munition Workers, 413.-For Civilian Clothes, 442.-Sweaters, 442.-The Arethusa ' and 'Chichester,' 442.- Church Army Recreation Huts and Clubs, 442.-" La Ligue des Allies," 503.-The Officers' Families Fund, 504.-Civic Arts Association, 504.-A Henry James Memorial in Chelsea, 505.-King's College Hospital, 546.-The South African Hospital and Comforts Fund, 549.-Royal School for Naval and Marine Officers' Daughters, 549-625.-The Children of Bel- gium, 677-825-854.-Lady Burghelere's Prisoners' Fund, 624.-Additional Quarters for Blinded Soldiers, 626.-Periscopes and Stereo-Telescopes for Gunners, 654.-The Spectate: Experimental Company and the Northumberland Fusiliers, 699.-An Appeal for Workers, 699.-A Library for Disabled Officals, 700. -Doeberita Russian Prisoners' Bread Fund, 700.- Christmas Hospitality for Soldiers on Leave, 781.- National Food Economy League, 766.-Voluntary Workers in Shoreditch, 766.-The National Council of Public Morals and the Cinema, 801.-Memorial to the Original 29th Division of April 25th, 1915, 802.- hooks for Prisoners, 803.-Lord Roberts's Field Glasses, 803.-Braille Books for the Blind, 801.
Air Committee, Parliamentary: a Brilliant Idea by the, 203; Mr. Balfour and the, 538.
Air Raids (see under "Western Theatre "). Alr Service : the Report on the Royal Flying Corps, 202.
Alcohol, the " Strength of Britain" Movement and, 91.
American Civil War, the Manchester GuaMian and Britain's Attitude during the, 403.
Anniversary, the Second, of the Declaration of War, 174. Army Clothing Department, Corruption in the, 331. Army, the British, through German Eyes, 331. Asquith, Mr.: on DemoL4lization at the End of the War, 175; on the Need of Increasing the Coal Output, 494; on a Channel Tunnel, 537; at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, 614; the Resignation of, 725; at the National Liberal Club, 758. Australian Delegates, the Visit of the, 251.
Balfonr, Mr.: his Speech to Trade Unionists on the Clyde, 279; his Reply to the Parliamentary Mr Committee, 53$; the Daily Mail's Attack on, 690.
Balfour of Burleigh, Lord, on the Elimination of Private Interest from the Sale of Liquors, 647.
Bank Holidays, the Postponement of, 89-91. Beck, Mr. James, Entertained by the I'ilgrime Club, 35. Black List, British; American Protest against the, 147.
Boma Law, Mr., on his Reasons for Joining the Coalition Government, 175.
British Association, the Annual Meeting of the, 279.
Cabinet : the Proposal to " Film " the, 226; the New, 721-758.
Canteens, Army, to be Run Officially, 615. Casement, Sir Roger : the Trial of, 5; the Execu- tion of, 147.
Censor's Museum, the Exhibits at the, 119. Chamberlain, Mr. Neville, Appointed Director- General of National Service, 789. Channel Tunnel, the Proped, 537. Charing Cross Bridge and a War Memorial, 250. Chaucer and German Prisoners, 615. Church, Dr. Field on the Comprehensiveness of the, 227.
Churchill, Sir.: on Naval Policy, 402; Mr. Arthur Pollen and, 402. Coalfields of South Wales Taken Control of by the Government, 690. Commercial and Industrial Polley after the War, Committee on, 91. Crabbe, a Quotation from, 530.
Compulsory Service, President Lincoln and, 463. Crawford, Lord, Appointed Minister for Agri- culture, 63.
Cromer, Lord : his Gift for a Prize for the Study of Greek, 8; his Experience of Civil and Military Affairs, 118; on the Terms of Peace, 119; on the Aims and Objects of the Serbian Society, 402-195' on Votes for Women, 646. Cromwell on the Death of an Eldest Son, 330,
Daily Mail, the Attack on Mr. Balfour by the, 690. Dardanelles Commission, the Personnel of the, 118-146.
Daylight Saving, the Success of, 363. Derby, Lord, on the Irish Question, 227. Devonshire, Duke of, Appointed Governor-General ef Canada, 2.
Disabled Soldiers : a Soldiers' Friend for 91; the War Pensions Committee and the. 147. Dominions, the Invitation to the, to Attend Special Meetings of the War Cabinet, 821. "Down Glasses" and War Savings, 90.
Drafts, a Training Reserve to Provide. 175. Drink Question: the "Strength of Britain" Move- ment and the, 91; Lord Balfour of •Burieigh and the, 647.
Duke, Mr. H. E., S.C., Appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland, 146.
Electoral Reform, the Conference on. 403. ElkIngton, Colonel, the Reinstatement of, 279. Eton, the Rev. C. A. Alington Appointed Head- Master of, 91. Evans, Sir A., on New Archaeological Lights on the Origins of Civilization, 279.
Exchequer Bonds, New Issue of, 363.
Exemptions, Lambeth Borough Council and, 691. Exports and Imports : for July, 175; for October, 570.
Farmer's Task, the, 639. Financial Arrangements, Allied Conference on, 90. Financial Facilities for Trade, the Report or the Committee on, 382. Flour, "Straight-Run," the Nature of, 646. Food Control Regulations, the, 848. Food Production, Mr. T. H. 311ddieton on the Unsatisfactoriness of Our, 639.
Football, the, of the East Surrey Regiment, 119, French, Lord : at Cambridge, 3; his Tribute to Lord Haldane 3; his Tour of Inspection, 362-495-570. Gardelegen, the White Paper on the Typhus Epidemic at, 495.
German Civilian Prisoners in England and Reprisals, 35-90.
Gold Stripe, the, for the Wounded. 63. Government : the Resignation of the, 721; the Composition of the New, 758. Greek : Lord Cromer's Gift for the Study of. 3 ; Compulsory, a Breach in the Defences of, at Cam- bridge, 963.
Grey of Fallodon. Lord : his Speech to the Foreign Press Association, 495; on the Belgian Deportations, 691; at the National Liberal Club, 739.
liaig, Sir Douglas, the Nation's Confidence in, 117. Henderson, Mr. Arthur, Resigns from the Board of Education, 175.
Hughes, Mr., his Parting Message to Britain, 2. Ireland as It is, Lord Salisbury on, $31.
Irish Experiment, the Unionist Party and the Proposed, 34.
Irish Question, Lord Derby on the, 227.
Irish Revolt : the Report of the Royal Commission on the, 34; Sir John MaxweIrs Report on the, in Dublin, 118.
Irish Situation, Ulster and the, 302.
Ring, Mr. Joseph, M.P., the Conviction of, 495. King, (lie: his Visit to the Front, 202; and Regi- mental Histories, 403.
Lane, Sir Hugh. the Pictures of, 759.
" Limerick,' a Delightful Nonsense, 331. Lincoln, President, and Compulsory Service, 463.
Lloyd George, Mr. : his Interview with an American
Journalist, 402, • Forms a Government-, 721; the
Composition of Ida Cabinet, 758.
Manche:1er Guardian, the American Number of the, 403.
Massingham, Mr., and the National Liberal Club, 302, Maxwell, General, his Report on the Irish Rebellion, 118.
Meals : the Limitation of, In Restaurants, 723; and Served to Soldiers, 723.
Merchant Vessels, the Arming of, 644.
Mesopotamian Commission, the Personnel of the, 118-146.
Ministerial Changes, 62.
Ministerial Salaries, the Question of, 759.
3fontagu of Beaulieu, Lord, on a United Air Service, 303.
Napoleon on Peace as Negotiated by Politicians, 403. National Liberal Club, the, Taken Over by Govern- ment, 302. National Reserve, the Organization of the, 2-63. Naval Appointments, the New, 490-723. Northcliffe, Lord: on German Propagandism in Spain, 301 I on the Medical Work at the Front, 403; and Sir William Plender, 615.
Oriental Studies, School of, Appeal by the, 443-539. Pacificist's Breviary, a, 251. Pauperism, the Decline of, in 1916, 823. Peace Note : the German, 757; of President Wilson, 821. Petrol, Licences for Veers of, 91. Piender, Sir William, and Lord Northcliffe, 615. Pollen, Mr. Arthur, on Mr. Churchill as Strategist, 403.
Poor Law Schools, the Excellent Record of "Old Boys" of the, 823. Posters, German "Terror," the Exhibition of, 723. Prisons, Convict, the Decrease in the Population of, 382.
Prisoners of War : the Government's Throat of Reprisals in regard to, 1-35-89-226; American Reports on the Condition of British, in Germany', 118; the Co-ordination of Supplies for, 331; the Typhus Epidemic among, at Gardelegen, 495; • the Rule; of the Central Committee, 495; How they are Em- ployed in Germany, 647.
Prohibition, the Results of, la the Belligerent Countries, 303.
Railway Workers, Bonus Granted to, 330 Bedmcni, Mr., his Speech at Waterford, 430. Reprisals, the Question of, 1-35-89-=6. Resignation Honours, 823.
Itobestaon, General Sir W.: on the Work of the Australianntingent 251; on Our Ability to Win the War, 601; his Visit to Bradfield College, 691.
" Rounding-up" Raids, the, 303. Royal FlyWg Corps, the Report of the Committee on the, 202.
Salisbury, Lord, on Ireland as It Is, 331. Scientific and Industrial Research, the New Depart- ment. of, 723. Serbian Society : Lord Cromer on the Alms awl
Objects of time 402; the Inauguration of the, 495. " Services Rendered," the Silver Badge for, 119. Ships and Drink, the Daily Mail on, 823. Skeffington, Mr. Sheehy, the Royal Commission to
Inquire into the Shooting of, 226.
Smith-Borden, General : at the Queen's Hall, on the War, 174; on the Tone of Theatrical Perform. antes, 151.
Soldiers' Friend, the Need for a, in the Villages, 91, Somme, Battle of the, the Cinema Films of the, 227. Submarines, Large, a German Paper's Report of, 119.
Sweden, the Proclamation of " Prohibited Goods " to. 223.
Sydenham, Lord, on Mr. Churchill's Views on Naval Policy, 402. " Tanks": who was the Inventor of the? 329; an Australlan'e Account of a Week's Work with the, 463.
"Territorial," the Use of the Word, 117,
Trade Returns, the : for July, 175; for October, 570.
Trade Union Congress, the. at Birmingham, 278: Training Reserve to Prov ide Drafts, the Formation of a, 175.
Treasury Romances, 251.
Ulster and the Irish Situation, 302. Unionist Party, the Meeting of the, 34.
V.C.'s, Wonderful Deeds of, 277-533.
Volunteer Training Corps, Central Association Of, the New Function of the, 227.
Volunteers : Lord French's Inspections Of the, 362-495-570; Inns of Court Reserve Corps' Otter of Service, 483; the Future of the, 491; and the Right of Resignation, 671-647.
A Votes for Women, nti-Suffragists on the Two Alter- natives in regard to, 646.
War Correspondent, the Restoration of the, 35. War Expenses, Voluntary Contributions to, 251. War Memorial, Charing Cron Bridge and a, 250. War Savings Week, Good Results of the. 90 Wellesley, Lord, on the Principles of Indian Govern- ment, 639.
Whitworth, Mr., of Batehaere Hall, the Pamphlet of, on Volunteers, 571. Wimborne, Lord, Reappointed Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 175. Women, the Need of, for Agricultural Work, 601. Wounded, the Gold Stripe for the. 63. Wounds, an American Doctor's system of Steri- lizing, 538. Wright, Sir Almroth, Ills Methods for Combating Sepsis, 63.
Zeppelias, the Destruction of, 277-303-401-689.
Air Ministry, the Creation of an, 790. Army Act Amendment Bill, the, 174.
Asquith, Mr. : on the Proposed Irish Settlement, 61-117-140; on the Progress of the Allies, 89 ;Os the Mesopotamian Campaign, 90; on the Irish Vice- royalty, 140; a Cryptic Remark by, 146; on the Allies' BOOTIOnli0 Conference, 146 ; on the Murder of Captain Fryatt, 203; Moves Vote of Credit for £.300,000,000, 431; the Resignation of, 721; his Support of the New Government, 790.
Balfour, fife, on the German Raid in the Channel, 538.
Bank Holidays, the Suspension of, 89-91. lleresford, Lord, his Pica for More Naval Activity, 614.
Board of Pensions Bill, the, 691.
Boner Law, Sir., Moves Vote of Credit for £100,000,000, 790.
Cabinet, a "Bad Day" for the, 90.
Canterburr, the Archbishop of, on German Civilian Prisoners, o4.
Carson, r H.: on the Irish Negotiations, 118; and the into Raymond Asquith, 431; on the Govern- ment Confidences In the Press, 570.
Cecil, Lord Robert : on the Declaration of Ismdon,l; on the Condition of British Prisoners at Ruitleben, 1; on the German Reply, 89. Chamberlain, Mr., on the 'Indian Drafts Case, 140. Charing Cross Rallway Bridge Bill, the, 34. Commons and Open Spaces, the Threat to, in the Defence of the Realm Bill, 34.
Compulsory Military Service: the Success of, 226; Ireland and, 462.
Cromer, Lord : on the Arab Rising and on the Sudan Operations, 2; on Votes for 1Vonten, 225. Curzon, Lord, his Statement of Policy, 791.
Derby, Lord, on the Principles of the Volunteer Bill, 723.
Dillon, Sir.: on the Trish Negotiations, 110; An- nounces Nationalist Obstruction 146.
Duke, Mr., ills Speech in time Irish rish Debate, 463,
Economic Conference at Paris, the Objects of the, 146. Eth5, Professor, the Accusations against, 570.
Food Controller, the Appointment of a, 614-615. Food Shortage, Sir J. Simon and Mr. Churchill on the, 646.
French, Lord, on the Volunteers, 723.
Fryatt, Captain, the Murder of, 203.
Hunter-Weston, General Sir A., Takes his Seat in the Commons, D39.
Indian Drafts ease, the, 118.
Ireland and the Question of Compulsory Service, 462- Irish Settlement., Proposed : Mr. Asquith op the, 81; the Breakdown of the, 117-146. Irish Situation, Lord Lansdowne on the Proposals for dealing with the, 62. Irish Vote of Censure, the, 482.
Lansdowne, Lord, on the Trish Situation, 42. Liquor Control Board, Mr. 31ontagu's Defence of the, 538.
Living the Increased Cost of, 175.
Lloyd 'George, 31r. : on the Irish Negotiations, 118; on the Munitions Danger, 203; his Survey of the War, 226; his Visit to Verdun, 303; on Man-Power and Exemptions, 483; his Statement of Policy, 789. London, Declaration of, Repudiation of the, 1.
McKenna, Mr.: on Our Daily Expenditure, 00; on Our War Finance, 202. McNeill, Mr. Swift, and German Hoiden of British Titles and Orders, 147, Mesopotamian Campaign, Statements on the, 90. 3finisterial Changes, 82.
Ministries and Secretaries (New) Bill, the, 791. Montagu,, Mr., on the Work Of the Munitions Department, affi.
Parliament : the BM Extending the Life of, 202; Use Adjournment of, 228. Parliamentary Air Committee: a Brilliant Idea by the, 203; Mr. Balfour and the 538. Pensions, War, the Revised Scheme for, 174. Petrol, Restrictions on the Use of, 140.
Post Office Estimates, the, 34.
Press, Jealousy of the, 570. Prisoners : British, in Germany, the Treatment of, 1-34-226-495; German, in England, 014; the Em- ployment of, 647. Prothero, Mr., on his Duties as Agricultural Minister, 790.
Questions in Parliament, 175.
Railway Traffic, the Reduction of, 723. Redmond, Mr. : his Outburst on the Government's Proposals for Dealing with the Irish Situation, 62; his ' Dispassionate" Statement, 117. Register Bill, Lord Salisbury's, 570. Registration Question, the, 90. Reprisals, the Threat of, 1-35-89-226. Rothermere, Lord, on the New Corruption Bill, 494. Ruhleben, the Treatment of British Prisoners at, 1-34-89.
Seiborne, Lord, on his Resignation, 2. Small Holdings Colonies Bill, the Government Defeat over the, 90. Special Register Bill, the New, 202: Withdrawal of the, 638. Spy-Hunting Gone Mad, 570. Sutherland, Duke of, Ws Gift of Land to the State, 174.
Volunteer Bill, the 723. Votes of Credit, 431-790.
Wheat Supply, the Government Take over the, 430. Wheat, the Fixing of the Price of, 791.
Air Raids, British and French : Lieut. Marchers Flight across Germany, 119. French Airmen's Raid On Essen, 361. Air Raids, German : on Britain, by Aeroplanes, 61-202-680: by Zeppelins, 147-175-229-230-277-361- 663-401-689.
Arnim, General Sixt von, the Memorandum of, 431.
Below, General, his Order of the Day, 173. British Front: Preparation on the, 1; the Exten- sion of the, 823.
Chaplains, Army, the Work of the, at the Front, 303.
Deportations: from Belgium and Northern France, 145; from Lille, French Report on the, 278; Cardinal Merrier on the, 614.
Falkenheyn, General von, on the Wastage of Guns, 329. French, Successes by the, 145-173-201-249-277-301- 129-361429-462-527-53).
German Surrenders, the Humeurs of, 251.
Haig, Sir Douglas, his Review of Recent Operations, 401.
King George, the Visit of, to the Front, 202.
Naval Dil ision, the Heroism of the, 645.
Somme and Allem, the Battles of the, 33-61-89-117- 145-173-201-225-249-277-329-361-462-493-537-569-612- 645.
Verdun : the German Attack on, 1-61-89-117; Successful Offensive by the French at, 145-173-249- 278-493: the Great French Victory at, 791 Zeppelins, time Destruction of, 277-363-401-685.
Brusiloff, General, the Suesessful Advance of, 34- 201-278.
Bukovina, the Russian Advance in the, 1.
Galicia, General Sakharo rs Advance in, 117-145- 174-401.
Lechitsky, General : Takes Jezierzany, 145; the Advance of, 174.
Stokhod Russian Advance on the, 61; General Kaledin's Success on the, 145.
Bucharest : the German Advance on, 030-722-753- 790.
Carpathians : the Russians on the, 225; the Fighting for the Passes, 461-493-537-389-613-643; Russian Success in the, 690.
Craiova Occupied by the Germans, 645.
Danube, the: Crossed by the Rumanians, 401; and by the Germans, 689.
Dobrudja : Bulgarians Occupy Silistria. 301; Enemy Attack on Enloe, 329; Enemy Cheek in the, X61-429; the Capture of Czernavoda, 493; Rumanians Fall Back, 537-569-613.
Filipestl Abandoned by the Rumanians, 823.
Transylvania : the Rumanian Invasion of, 278- :01-329-361-401 ; the Retirement from, 429-461.
(See also under "General Items-Rumania.")
THE ITALIAN FRONTIER. Cacao, the Italian Victory In the, 420.
Gorizia : Captured by the Italians, 173; Advance beyond, 201-249-278.
Treatises the Italian Victory in the, 1-61-462.
THE NEAR EAST. Enliven Taken by the Russians, 117, Serbian Methods of Propaganda; 493 Serbians the Superiority of the, 329.401; Capture, Illonastir, 645.
Salonika. the Situation et s 225.276-301-429-403-537- 191.
(See also under ' General Items-Greece.") COLONIAL., &o.
Australia.-The Purchase of Cargo Ships by the Government, 2.-The Conscription Referendum, 537- 569.
Canada.-The Retirement of the Duke of Connaught from the Governor-Generalship, and the Appointment of the Duke of Devonshire, 2.-The Resignation of Sir Sam Hughes. 615.
Egypt.-The Defeat of the Parks at Roms.ul, 173- 201-225.-Sir Reginald Wingate Appointed Sirdar, 571.-The Capture of El Arista and Turkish Defeat at Maghdaba, 823.
German East Africa.-General Smuts's Campaign In, 201-278-495.-The Belgian Columns in, 201.
India.-The Heat Fatalities among Drafts while Travelling, 146.-Sir Charles Monro Appointed Com- mander-in-Chief, 226.
Mesopotamia, the New Advance in, 823.
American Coast, German Submarine Operations off the, 431.
Arabia,' P. and O. Liner, Sunk in the Mediter- ranean, 570.
'Braemar Castle,' Hospital Ship, Torpedoed in the Mediterranean, 691.
'Britannic,' Hospital Ship, Torpedoed in the Mediterranean, 645.
Channel Transport Servise, the German Rail on the, 538.
' Deutschland,' Submarine, the Return of the, to Germany from America, 61.
German Cruiser Torpedoed in the North Sea, 491. German Destroyers, Raid by, in the DOW113, 633. German Dreadnoughts Torpeleed in the North Sea, 225-570.
German High Seas Fleet, the, "Comas out," 221. Greek Ships, Two, Destroyed by Submarines, 570.
Lassoo,' Destroyer, Sunk off the Dutch Coast, 202.
' Marina,' Liner, Torpedoed, 537.
Naval Appointments, the New, 69)-723. Nottingham' and Falmouth,' Light Cruisers, Sunk, 225.
Seaham Harbour Bombarded by a German Sub- marine, 61.
Submarines, German, Mr. Noyes on the Hunting of, 251.
Austrian General, a Captured, on the War, 251.
Bulgaria, King of, his Visit to the Archduke Karl,
Emperor Francis Joseph: his Letter to the Austrian and Hungarian Premiers, 174; the Deathof the, 645.
Lovaszy, H., his Speech In the Hungarian Parlia- ment, 362.
Smith Slav Kingdom, Proposed Formation of a, 6)1. Stiirgkh, Count, the Assassination of, 491.
BELGIUM, Mercier, Cardinal, his Protest against the Deporta- tions, 614.
Servile Labour in Flanders, German System of, 571.
Navy, the tiltimetum of the, to the President, 2. Parliament, the (Jeavenine of, 31.
West Indian Islands, the Sale of the, 119.
Briand, M.: on the German Depertations, 278; on Great Britain's Contribution to the War, 331; the Attacks on, in the Chamber, 791.
Chamber, the Reassembling of the, 303. Higher Command, the Changes in the, 731.
National Fete Day, the Celebration of the, In Paris, 90.
Berliner Tayebtatt, the, on Offers of Peace, 35.
Bethruann Holivreg, Herr von : his Review of ths War. 401; his Reply to Lord Grey of Faliodon, 614; on the Offer of Peace, 757.
British Prisoners, the Employment of, 647.
Bulgaria and Rumania, German Manipulation of,
Civil Service Bill, the, Passed by the Reichstag, 722.
Frankfurter Zeituni, the, on the Peace Terms which Germany would Accept, 791. Frightfulness at Sea, the -*nests braeiriesteu on, 8). Fryatt, Captain, the Execution of, 145.
Government, the, on "Senseless Fear" and the New War Loan, 362.
Kaiser, the : his Message to the Troops, 145; Appoints Field-Marshal von Hindenburg to the Supreme Command, 249; his Flight from Vienaa, 690.
Le,* en Masse, the, of the German People, 615,
Peace Note of President Wilson : the Reception of the, 822; the German Reply to the, 822. Peace Offer, the German, 757.
Switzerland, the Commercial Controversy with, 119, Weser Zeilung, Doleful Summary Of the Situation by the, 91.
Zimmermann, Herr von, on Armed Merchant Vessels, 646, GREECE, Blockade Declared by the Allies, 759,
Drakopoulis, IL, his Interview with King Con- stantine, 429
Enemy Ministers, the Removal of, from Athens, 640, Fournet, Admiral du: his Ultimatum, 690: the Suspension of, 759.
Fourth Army Corps, the Surrender of the, to the Germans, 330.
French and Italian Bluejackets Landed, 462.
Greek Fleet Handed over to the Allies, 429.
Kalogeropoulos, M., Forms a Ministry, 330. King Constantino and the Imprisoned Venizelists, 615.
Lambros, Professor, Forms a Ministry, 462. Larissa, the Royalist Demonstration at, 001.
Naval Revolt, a, 362.
Provisional Government, the Proclamation of the, 401.
11the,1t719mLatum as to the Movements of Greek Troops,
Venizelos, : the Policy of, 90; his Warning to the King, 250; his Arrival at Salonika, 430 ; on his Reasons for his Action, 462; the Allies' Recognition of, 569; Warrant Issued for the Arrest of, 791.
Z3a0imil.s, al.: the Government of, 2; B,esignation of, HOLLAND.
America, an Appeal to, 495.
Germany, Declaration of War on, 250.
(See also under "The Italian Frontier.") JAPAN.
Russia, the Far Eastern Agreement with, 62.
Submarine Prohibition, the German Protest against the, 538.
Allied Governments' Protest against the Creation of the New Kingdom, 643.
Germany, the Commercial Controversy with, 119. TURKEY.
Armenian Massacres, German Professors' Protest against the, 251.
British Attitude, the, towards Turkish Rule, 35. Grand Shereef, the Takes Medina, L Mecca, Pilgrims to, under the New R6ginte, 570. (Sea also under " Colonial-Bsypt.") UNITED STATE3.
Allies' Reply as to the Hotline up of Mans, the, 462, Border Fiat, the, between Mexicans and Americans, 2-34, British Black List, the Note on the, 117.,
' Marina,' Amerim and the Torpedoing of the, 537. Munitions Industry, the Growth of the, 302.
New York Tribune, the, on German Peace Intrigues, 362, Presidential Campaign, the Confusion of the, 462. Presidential Election, the Result of the, 613.
Wilson, President : his Speech on Accepting Nomina• tion for the Presidency, 278-302; at Omaha, 430; on America and the Next World War, 539; the Re-election of, 613; his Peace Note, 821.
OBITUARY, Asquith, Mr, Raymond, 330.
Austria, the Emperor Francis Joseph of, 045.
Booth, Mr. Charles, 693.
Brooke, Mr. Stopford, 129.
Sankey, Lieutenant I/maid, 466.
Harmswoxth, Mr. V. S. T., 647, Henderson, Captain, 331
Horsley, Sir Victor, 126.
Howell, General, 442, Kettle, Professor T. M., 333.
Lucas, Lord, 723.
Maxim, Sir Hiram, 691.
Metchnlkoff, Professor, 91, Rattail, Dr., Archbishop of the West Indiee, Stone, Mr. E. D., 331. PORTUGAL Prime Minister, the, Announces Contingents for the European Battlefield, 615, RUMANIA.
Joins the Allies and Declares War on Austria- Hungary, 249.
King Ferdinand on his Reasons for Entering the War, 402.
(Sea also under "The Eastern Theatre.") RUSSIA.
Duma, the, Declares for the Vigorous Prosecution of the War, 613.
Japan, the Far Eastern Agreement with, 62.
Trepoff, 31., his Statement of Policy in the Dunes, 722.
Tsar, the, his Message to his Soldiers in the Field, 821.
(See also under "The Eastern Theatre.') Belgium, the Manifests to, 233.
Maura, Se3or, Remarkable Speech by, on the War, 301.
Northcliffe, Lord, on German Propagandism in, 301.
"Prohibited Goods," the British Proclamation 14 regard to, 225.