SIR,—As a resident for seventeen years in Tanganyika Territory I
have naturally taken a great interest in the articles and letters appearing in your paper on the subject of the return of the colonies once held by her to Germany. I do not doubt or rather perhaps I should say I do not want to doubt that our Government does consider not only the good and welfare
of European people in discussing this difficult matter but also the opinions and feelings of he native peoples in the territories concerned, but this latter point of view is given very little consideration, if any, in the articles and letters written on this subject
Speaking of Tanganyika alone—which is the only color/ of which I have personal experience—it seems a strange thing that the peoples who in the Great War suffered and died in a cause not their own should not have their opinions and wishes consulted. After all whatever European Power may have rule over them and whatever benefit such rule may be to them, it is their land and their home which is concerned and, yet most people in speaking of this matter seem to think only of the European Powers and their interests and that it is quite natural to speak of " handing back" Tanganyika or any colony in question as if it were a plate of sandwiches !
People may say that a majority of the Africans in these territories are illiterate and primitive, but today there are many educated and thinking Africans who take a real and intelligent interest in the future of their land. I know as a fact from personal talks with them that they took a keen and very critical interest in the thorny question of Abyssinia for instance.
Before it is too late an opportunity should be given to the peoples of Tanganyika Territory and the other African colonies concerned to voice their opinions and say whether they wish to remain under British rule or whether they would welcome a return to German rule.—Yours faithfully, East Africa.