[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Sta,—Your correspondent Dr. Derry 'speaks only for England and mainly for the secondary school. What of the Scottish teacher in Bridgeton or Gallowgate, who today must be a graduate and must have over a year's training ? The salary scale starts at £200. Usually ten years' service precede: pro- motion. Work is often uncongenial : even if he had the time, is the man likely to take up 'research in -education ? He couldn't afford it.
Owing to the poor planning of the powers that be, moreover, the- young teacher, much better qualified than his English brother, has to wait 'for years 'for a' 'Permanent; even 'the humblest appointment. I graduated four years ago and am not yet certain of a permanency next session. My -father had been married for years at my age. Teaching a career I ? Yours faithfully,
- JOHN MOORE. 42 Millar Street, Glassfokci, near Strathaven, Lanarkshire.