1 JULY 1938, Page 26


[To 'the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—My attention has been drawn to Mr. D. W: Brogan's review of my book, The Faithful Mohawks, which appeared in your issue of June loth, and I should be grateful if you could find space for the following : In the last paragraph of his review Mr. Brogan says " Gage was not Governor of Canada (p. 141) nor was Peter Oliver Chief Justice of New York (p. 134)."

I am perfectly aware of these facts and if Mr. Brogan had read the passages in my book correctly he would have seen that on the pages quoted by him

CrY I mentioned- -General Haldimarid .(not Gage) as being Governor of Canada ; and. .

(ii) that I did not state that Oliver was Chief Justice of New York. Oliver was in fact Chief Justice of Massachusetts, and I merely mentioned "the impeachment of Chief -Justice Oliver in the New York Assembly.'! -

Reverting to the earlier part of the review, Mr. .Brogan apparently takes me to task for naming the New England ministers as " Dissenters," who,. he says, " were not Dissenters

until, like Dr. Chandler, :they turned Anglitan." This seems to me 'an unnecessary quibble, for to members of ihe Anglican Church all other denominations are " Dissenters," and it is obvious from the nature of the book that I was writing from the Anglican standpoint—a faCt which seems to be recog- nised by Mr. Brogan himself.—Yours faithfully,


15 Tufton Street, Westminster, S.W. r.