1 JULY 1949, Page 15


The Communists of Europe may be divided into three classes. One class consists of Owcnitcs, Fourierites, St. Simonians, and other sects each with its system cut and dried ; the second class consists of the systcm:css and countless multitudes in France and Gcrmany, whose sole fixed purpose is to rise on some day of doom and sweep away the institution of property ; the third, of the London Corporation, the Ten- hour Bill men, The Times and the Anti-Poor-law agitators, and the like, who are insidiously though often unconsciously insinuating the principle of Communism: and it is remarkable that this class derives a collateral if unrecognised support from some of our new-light political economists—John Stuart Mill, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, and, shall we add, our favourite enemy the Morning Post.