1 JULY 1949, Page 20


SIR,—In the Spectator of June 24th, you write, " The split between Afri- kaners and British has been opened wide once more." Impressions gained on a short visit to a strange land arc obviously inconclusive, but the con- clusion I reached after conversations with responsible people in the Union was that the stoutest champions of equality of rights between the two European races are Afrikaans-speaking people of Dutch and Huguenot descent who are no more English than Dr. Malan. The complaint is made that too few of the British community play an active part in politics. The dispute is over the rights of the immigrant community, but the

contestants on both sides are largely Afrikaners.—Yours, &c., LEONARD F. BEHRENS.

Netherby, 119 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20.