NEWS OF THE WEEK A GRIcuuruRE : Crisis in Minis- " try ?, 1:i1 ; report on agricultural
services .. 21+3 Albania : Offences. 342 ; weakness.. 406 Arabs : Israeli concession on refugees, 102 ; meeting of the Council of the Arab League Argentina .. Atlantic Pact : And arming of Europe, 129 ; military co-operation, 161, 193; defence council meets, 341 ; another defence meeting 761 Atomic Power : Need for American- British co-operation, 9:4 ; U.N. and U.S.A., 161 ; resignation of David Lilienthal. 762 : news details .. 704 Attlee, Mr. : At Bridlington, :113 ; at Lord Mayor's banquet .. 621 Austria . 486 Aviation : Dc liaviland Comet, 163 ; British supremacy, 314 ; Comet's achievement, 555 ; enquiry into Prestwick air-crash .. 727 11)1.11.C. : And Association of Cine- " Technicians. 283 ; extension of television .. 874 Belgium .. 521 Bible .. 194 Brussels Treaty Powers .. .. 622 r•ANIIIItIDGE 906 • -•' Canada : Liberal victory, 2 ; talk on arms standardisation .. 873 Capital Punishment Evidence before Royal Commission :142, 486 Children .. 842
China : Restatement of Communist aims, 34 ; deterioration at Shanghai u18; and U.S.A.,194 ; Communists closing on Canton, 282 ; Yunnan for Communists, 314 ; two Chinas, 374 • the future, 4011; recognising Communist China?, 4876; Com- munists at Hongkong, 522; the next step?, 51,4); unreal situation, 726; difficulties for 1.1.N., 761;
the two sides 873 Civil Servants 3 Clothing (utility) 194 Colonies : Annual report. 1 ; financ-
ial aspect, 9is Commonwealth : And India. 497 ; conference opens, 520; India still
Communists 762 Contraceptives Crime ..
Czechoslovakia : Purge in Prague,
466 ; and the Church ....554 DEVAIA'NrION : Mr. Churchill's
speech, 1115 ; aftermath, 449 ; Government announcement post- poned . 521 Dock Strike : Continuing London strike, 31 ; authorities differ, 97 : House of Commons inquest. 129. 130
ELECTIONS : Sir Shawcrosa ELECTIONS industry's propaganda. 79:1; South Bradford results .. 843
Electricity : Higher winter tariff, ::5 ; strike at power stations .. 841 Europe, Council of : Meeting at Strasbourg, 221 ; progress at Stras- bourg, 253 ; last days at Strasbourg. 313 i meeting of committee of Ministers and standing committee of European Consultative Assembly. 622 European Recovery Plan .. 221
ISTIVAL atIlritain 727 F Films : Costs of production.
763 ; better distribution. 705 ; no action by Government 842 Finance : Dollar crisis, 65 ; debate on crisis .. .. 97 Finland Food : Sir John Russell on world food. 283 ; world situation and F.A.O. .. 796 Forces Exercise in Germany, 52:1; future of conscription 591 France : M. Queuille in office for a year, 341 ; result of devaluation of the pound, 406 ; M. Queuille goes, 450; M. Moch's problems, 4145 Cabinet-making, 522 ; M. Bidault's government. 553 ; new government, 591 ; attitude to West Germany, 725; Budget 905
GAN •••• •• •• "3
Germany : Russian tactics in Berlin, 65 ; skeleton air-lift to remain. 161 ; new government, 253, 281 ; Professor Heuss as President, 341 ; Parliament at Bonn, 37:1; Berlin crisis and dis- agreement on mark, 406 ; East Ger- man government ?, 450 ; puppet nottent tat E.ot East and West Germany, 521: statement on dismantling, 590 Foreign Ministers meeting, 691 misery in East Germany, 654 . agreement over West Gemany.
725 ; no army for Germany .. 793 Gold Coast .. 554 Greece : Better news, 102; victory against rebels Groundnuts Scheme : Minister of Food reports, 66 ; sunflowers to be grown at Kongwa, :442 ; men's grievances 1473 141:AI:1W .. 374 " I Tolland Conference with Indo-
nesians 254 • Indonesian settlement, 590 : Indonesian
independence 905
Hungary : Treason trials, :174 ; Yugoslavia protests 4044
ICENTIVES )174 ' India : Congress troubles, 09 ; Mr. Nehru at Ottawa, 554 ;
And Pakistan and Kashmir .. 654 Indonesia : Conference with Dutch, 2-54 ; settlement, 590; independ- ence 001 .
Iraq .. .. 194 Israel : Concessions on Arab refugees, 1112 ; homage to Dr. Weirmann. 726 ; attitude to Jerusalem .. S41 Italian Ex-colonies : Libyan inde- pendence?, 450 ; decision by U.N., 654 ; vacillation on Eritrea .. 1442 Italy : Relations with Britain, 553
land for peasants 794 JAPAN : Unquenchable ambition, 9)4 ; draft of peace treaty ? 654
LABOUR .. 62:1 Liberal Party .. 46:1 Local Authorities London Parks .. 87:
MALAYA "A Malta .. Morrison, Mr. NATIONAL )'arks
New Zealand ..
O: Impasse on payments, 1 ; increase in British estimate of need, 130 ; division of Marshall Aid, '282; and Mr. I loffinan, 612: Scandinavia
and sterling 794 Oil .. 162 PAKISTAN 054 Jeru. Palestine : Plans, :112 ; 841 salesn's future 589 Parliament Bill 554 Persia 60 Philippines .. 1442 Police ..
355 Post Office . • • • 795 RAILWAYS N.U.R. demands, I ; Conciliation Board's decision, :;12; wages not to be increased, 450 ; Waterloo strike ..
Road Deaths ..
Roman Catholic Church : Pro- nouncanents against Communism, :114 ; and schools, 655 ; and Holy
Year 874 Russia : Tension against Yugoslavia. 222; exchange of notes with Belgrade, 253; another note to Belgrade, 281 ; excommunicating Yugoslavia, 450 ; Malenkov and ober celebration, 622 ; Vyshin- sky on atomic control, 655 ; war- ships. )474 ; trial of war criminals.. 906
Q,CANDINAVIA 794 .J Sex-education 171 South Africa :Native rights and U.N., 793 apartheid postponed 841 Smak, .. .. 761 Steel : Lords amend Bill, :1; applic- ation of Parliament Bill, 130 ; post- ponement of vesting date .. 053 Syria : Colonel Huang Zaim, :14 ; coup in Damascus .. 222 TOTTENHAM 555 • Trade Unions : Liberals discuss, 163 ; quarrels in movement, 222 ; report for Bridlington, 254 ; Bridlington and Gov. ernment, 282 ; Prime Min inter at Bridlington, 313 ; go slow, 373 : and devaluation, 623 ; interim statements, 653 ; wage stabilisation doubts, 726; International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 794 ; T.U.C. report on wages :174 221 623
.. 762
At utilisation cal Northern Road Services ?„ 2143; report of British Transport Commission .. 314 1:7
U1TED Nations : Conciliation Commission on Palestine, 162 NI. Lie's (Quilt annual report, 193 ; Fourth General Assembly, 341 opening of Fourth Gen- eral Assembly, 373 ; new per- manent centre, 553 ; Trustee-
ship Council .. .. 726 United States : Financial decline not serious, 66 ; trial of Alger Hiss, 66 ; foreign policy, 98; co-operation with Britain on atomic matters, and China, 1111 ; controversy over bombers, 4S6 ; conviction of Com- munists, 522. ; Mr. Huffman and Europe, 622 ; talk on arms stand- ardisation 1473 'MASI I IN( i'll•ON talks .. 313
.1' Water ..
Western Defence .. 34 Wil Park .. .. 4147 %Visbech .. 555 — --- LEADING ARTICLES AUSTRALIA Turns Right .. 1444 (*ONSERVATIVE-S' Chances, The 488
s-• Crisis as Before, The .. 36 Cross or Sickle ?......100 DEVALUA'T'ION is Not Enough, 375 F Dock Strike and Beyond, The fis urronAL. Iheencies, The .. 764 Europe and Mr. Hoffman .. 592 FUNK ING the Fences 556
GERMAN Republic, The .. 315 Groundnuts Calamity, The .. 72h
M!ODLE East Drift 796
Moscow and the Bomb .. 409 Mr. Rank's Crisis .. 624 M. Vyshinski's Thunder .. 524
NEW Rulers of China, The .. 451 Next Stage in Germany, The 056 Nineteen-Fifty
OUTLOOK for Bonn, The .. 223 PERILOUS Polemics .. Progress at Washington .. 34:1 RIGHT Road ? .. 132 Risks in China .. .. 165 SPIRIT of Christmas, Mr: .. 1475
VERDICT on the Press .. .. 4
VUASIIINGTON and a New World 264 Western Union 195 MIDDLES
A111.1:4101)1 ED Old, The .. :,3n Admirals, Generals and the People.. .. .. 55h
African Park l'roblems 201 Albania's Future 455 Alternative to Franco • .. 45:; Amateur Journalist's Trials and Triumphs, The .. 496 Amazon Pioneer .. .. 105 American Impressions 879 American Language, The is Ashburton Day .. 74 At Bevis Marks Atomic Problem Now, The .. . 409 Atomic Sleight-Of-Hand 851 1011.A.O.R. Manoeuvres, Th, Behind the Throne 735 Birth of a University .. .. 561 Romennak .. 7 Border-line Cases .. 563 Bridlington Queries .. 3114 British in Greece, The .. 59h Bull-Fight, The .. .. 084 Bunny Art .. .. 665
rANDIDE in the Castle .. 736
%.• Changing Sardinia .. 531 Chief Khama's Marriage Christmas Questions, 8/40. .Answers, 920 Circumspect Accent, A Chimney :sweep, The.. 663 College and Industry • Communism in Asia .. . 847 Continental Victory . .. 527 Cortisone Problems .. .. 910 Craft of Auto-Stopping, The 414 Crisis in Calabria .. .. 714
DEAN Malian .. Devaluation Diderot and the Blind itilnDoctor's Real Work, The Don't Shoot the Pianist. Dustman's Day EARTHQUAKE. The
Earthquake Country
Elephants in Pink .. Elizabethan Surgeon, An European Assembly .. Europe's last Chance Evening Student, The Esit 'l'ulpanov Esponing to the U.S.A. rAI.I..IN(; Down . .
▪ Farmer's Finance, The .. Fanning Revolution .. Fiat Joshua
Fight for Halth,'l'hc
First Citizen of Europe First Coney Island, The Florentine Cat, The .. Fountain that Grew, The .. Fourth Quarter, The France and the Saar .. French Impressions .. French I.andscape French Water ..
Frustrated Youth ..
GERNIAN Nationalism .. (lermans and Dismantling German Youth Prisons .. Greek Dialogue
LI IS Finest Hour 6 " Hitler's Etna Aggression Holiday Camps in France .. Holy Year, The I longkong Itananbered NCENTIS'E in Industry .. Indian Stresses Indolent Farmer, Inquest on Republicans International Youth .. In the Ruins In the Soviet Zone .. Inverness Invasion .. Italy's Old Trouble It's a Large World After All
JOINT Champions .. :122 KEN! on Nationalisation .. 166 Kitchen Viewpoint .. 3133 LATEST Film Crisis, The.. .. $4/4
Liners in Arms Living in the Future
Laughing Chancellor, The tam!: .. 76 .. 666 Lysenko Once More MACIIRIDE'S Progress 594 Mackay of Uganda 49. Making Good Citizens .. :.79
Marxism Player. .. 262
.. 13Marxism and Science
Mere Matters of Procedure 528 Message of Goethe, .. 257 Middle-East Policy .. .. 104 Miners March The .. .. 9 Mime and Pantomime Music in Britain .. .. 492 My Name is Oitymandias .. 13$ MEW Towns for Germany .. 767 " New Vaccination, The .. 291 New Year in Mexico .. .. 137 Night School .. .. 231 No Jobs for the Boys 771 Nurse's Health, The . . 801
OFFICIAL and the Salesman, 'lie 909
Old Age in America 7914 On Streptomycin 76$ Organists Habits 200 Our Visitors .. 39
PALIO of Siena, The Paradox in Malaya Paris to Strasbourg .. Peace in Greece ?
Pills for Groundnuts Poetry Parade Poets and Theologians Portrait of Lila Prelude to a University l Princeton Reunion .. Problem of Protectorate., The Propaganda of Fear Protestants in Eire .. Puppydogs"Fails
RF-Al. Docker, The Red Cross Revision Renascent Germany .. Restless Ibo
.. 629 .. 169 .. 457 .. 40 ..87.44 .. 38 .. 139 .. 669 .. 199 .. 911 .. 72 .. 202 22.14 .. 261 .. 626 412 .. 493 .. 346
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
73 381 198 770 170 269 230 630 349 730 320 456 $511 914 912 167 377 454 915 260 66s 877 11 14714 378 597 766 323 66) 529 631 134 6514 292 Mel 1614 667 350 492 769 504 45M 351 731 559 360 259 . 103 .. 227 .. 70 .. 799 Rhinos Black and White .. • • Rifts in the Ilenelute .. ..
Rifle of Formosa, The .. .. Romantic on the Railway. The • • Russia in Germany .. .. • • Russia's New Puppet .. ..
CAFE Anchorage .. 258 " Scapegoat, The .. 71 Sex and the School .. Shop Stewards .. .. 913 Silence he the Sea • • .. 413 Small Ghosts, 'the --------
Social Service Costs • • .. 290 Spain in Morocco • • .. :8111
Specialist Refugees .. 4111 Sporting Manners .. 41111 Staff Problems.. .. 7:12 TELEVISION and the 11.11.C. Their Gap and Mine These English Through French Eyes Timeless Toursine . - 'rime-'tables .. • • Tito and the Kremlin Too-Small Village, Tlw Tories in Conference Try Publishing Two Safes, The • •
UNCLE. N1ossiakofT
Undergraduate Spate U.N.O. !faience Sheet Unquiet Wedding .. Unsettled I lyderalud 1/ARC;A Business. The v Varsity Match .. Varsity Match. The .. Verdict on Strasbourg Visit to Niguenas. A .. Voortrekker Monument WASIIINGIY)N 'ralk Where Greece meets Which Way Australia? Which Way to Liberty ? Why Save? And Yet --- Wisden
y UCATAN MARGINAL COMMENT AURAL and Visual Memory .. 263 Automatic Calculator 711 DOOK Wrappers at the Victoria
" end Albert • • • • • •
CA i• 685 • until of Emope . • .. 211:1 Mail and Standards of I ; • 'n al ant .. 12
.. 106
Eu..•LA'rEll Person. The .. :484 FAIIERGE Exhibition•.737 Fourth Leaders ..
Funeral of Edward VII .. 632 ' OP-PICK IN flours Away from Work ' Ifugin,"rhe .. • . NTERF-ST in I.ittle Things LA N1)SCAPE in French Art .11/1 EDI A EVAL Education 1vt
NATIONAL Trust .. 670
New 1).N.11. • . 0011
lRCfAr ICA!, Jokes Proust's Letters ROUND the World SOCIAL Conscience and Govern- ment Hostel .. • • • • Street Numbers
ABERCROMII1E, Sir Patrick. 694- Alexander. Iforace, 226-Allen, Dr. C. K. .259-Amanuensis. 887-Anderson, E. J., 231-- Anderson. J. NI., 91:8- Ander- son, J. R. L., 31$- Arnold. Ralph. 514, 754-Arnold-Foster. Mark, 733- Ashton. Professor T. S., 892- Asquith, Jean, 912 - Atkins. J. If., 391.
BAILHACHE. Jean, 688- Millie, Pro-
fessor John, 786- Baker-Smith, Mal- colm, 234- Ilambrough, J. R.. 915- !Limn. Paul, 319- Bartlett, Sir Frederic. :478-11ashford, Sir Henry. 58, 323. 476, 578, 847-Baugh. John. 883-11.-C., J. A., 35, 67, 163, 555, 623, 727, 795-11e11, II. R. 0., 43 -Bell, Clive. 360-liellerby, Frances, 110 -Bender, Arnold. 377- Beveridge, Lord. 7117-B , J. F., 487- Blackstone. Bernard, 92- Blunden, Ed- mund, 493- Boas, Dr. F. S., 228- Bodkin, Professor Thomas, 436- Horsham-Carter, Victor. 216-!loon,Dr. M. J., 70, 1117, 476-Boot, N. K. 412-Bradley, It. 454-Brailsford, Dr. James F., 559- Brett. Lionel, 866-Brinsmead, George, 199-Brogan. Professor D. W., 39, 71, 114, 138, 209, 272, 330, 450, 542, 659, 766, 824, 892-Brooke, Jocelyn, 608- Brown, Hilton. 134. .. 102 ..599 .. 1117 6448
,, 321 .. 65s 3s2 457 5114 .. 5112
sill 414111 502 596 1116 :117
140 565
ACKSON, 1)r. Margaret. I0, 530. sill -- .1 James, David, 74-James, Dr. Eric, 512--Jamrs, Walter, 301-Janus, 5. 37, 09, 101, 224, 256, 2,45, 316. 344, 376, 408, 452, 489,525, 557, 591. 625, 657, 729, 765, 797, 845, 876. 903--Jesse. F. Tennyson, 066-Jesscl. R. G., 526- Johnston, Denis, 102-Johnston. Major S. II. F.. 92-Jucker, Ninetta S., 1:14. FEE. Robert, 122-King, A. Hyatt. • 580-Kittesford, John, (42$, 911- Klimperer. H. G., 531-Kneale, Martha. "14'2-Knight, Canon Marcus, 306- Knowles, 1)r. David. 508-Knox, leawle, 72. 240, :4511,413, 594-Knudsen. 0. F.. 349.
LANDAU. Rom, 560-Laski. Nlarg- 1- hanks. 492, 595. 665, 863-Lee. Stephen. 3.12. 644-Lennard, Reginald, 366-Lewin, Ronald, 750-Lewis, C. 11. 321, 732-Little, Dr. George A., 15O- Lloyd. Gareth. 597-Lloyd. Canon Roger, 494, 769-Lloyd, Brigadier Selwyn, S34- Lockhart. Major J. G., 210-Longsword, John, 197-Lynam, Dr. Edward. 922- Lyon, Hugh, 379, 540, 690. ACAULAY, Rose, 180, 660 - Maclean. Fitzroy, 655-Macmillan, Lord, 258-Macmillan, D. G., 669- Macmillan, Rt. Hon. Harold, 345- Magee, G. F., 884-Magnus, Sir Philip, 150, 434, 6944, 928-Mallalieu, J. P. W., 42, 106, 322, 661, 803-Nlanson-Bahr, Sir Philip, 170-Matthews, Dr. W. R., 240-Mayne, Jonathan, 302-Mellish, R. J., 103-Middleton, M. 14., 14, 174,
11 ("'ALl'IN, II.. 286, 549-C., A. NI., :119 '•-• 3, 99, 131, 523, 591, 655, 763. 343- 135 Campion, Sir Gilbert. 528-Carnal.
494 Geoffrey, 378-Carson, Edward, 362-
7:1:1 Caner. NI. R. Bonham, 514-Cary-F.Iwes, 490 Fr. Columba, 453-Cecil. R. 11.. 770- Chancellor, Richard, I 52-Charques, R. D., 186. 276, 365. 475. 616. 659. 714.
11941-Church. Richard. Is, 16. x11298, 328. 400. 432-Clark, Sir William. 731- Clarke. Austin, 302, 7111-C.. M. l4. 78,
461, 674-Cobban, Alfred, 1,2, 304-- Cohen, Gerda I.., 414--Coben. J. M.. 430, 690, 924--Colby, Reginald. 493,'042
-Collins, Ellode. 1%5 --Colmar, Henry.
529-Conquest, Robert, 142 -Connely. Willard, 596-Cooper, Barbara. :198,
"418 --Cooper, lattice. 212,216, 700. :428 --Cooper. Martin, I:t, 45, 77, 109, 141,
17:1. 186, 204, 2:43. 265, 271. 294. 325,
:1:13. :185, 4 1 OS, 4611, 492, 4944, :,3:t, 566. 6412, 14:13, 672, 73s, 77:1, 4,416, s53, 866, V46, 017--Cosh. Mary,383, 735- Cranston, Maurice. 172, s32, 928-
Craw ley, Aidan, 261-Crisp. 1)orothy, 345- Croorne. Honor. 169, 596. 818- Connington, Dr. C. Willett. 562- -Custos, :31, 61, 94. 124, 156, 190, 21s, 250, 278,
:tin, 338, 370, 402. 446, 480, :.1., 5511. 5s2 :2144 9112, 930. 556, 618, 07.0, 720. 756, 79n, s711,
TIALE, Sir henry, 409---Daniel. 1)r.
$1411 Glyn E., 54, 530--1)aniels. If. (4.. 226 227-Davison, Sir Ronald, 2:10- --1)avy,
107 John. 171-Degras, Jane. 708-4)., sget S22-I)obrie. Professor lionarny, 20,
42 54, 5(18-Drummond, 428. 511S-rummond, Sir Jack,
;Li:, 152- I )yment, Clifford. 5611.
519 Maurice. 1 IS-Edwards, 4-• Dr. W. I f.„ 410, 190 ---En-ine, St. John, 11411.
rAllQIIIAR. Peter, 107-- •Eenby, Eric, ▪ 366- --Filmer, John. 26. 834- -Fisher. James. 520-Fisher, Professor R. A., 596-FitzRandolph, I (den. 150, 548, 832- -Fleming, Peter, 13. 45. 86, 109,
1:45, 173, 188. 204. 233, 325, 353, 410, 498, 583. 5641, 6111, 633, 662, 1172, 735, s(12, 8116, 8244, 853, 8446, 894, 917- Forrester, James, 1451-Fowler, Lettice, :1414, 512, 610, 696, 564-Fowles, J. A., .09-Freeman. Gwendolen, 241, 4411. 7141- -- Fried weld. E. NI., I 36-Fripp, John. 631.
497 r_maitn-r. John, 90, 272. 17,, 750. 755--C;arrod, Dr. II. W., 124- Gaiter, B., 820-Gerhardi, William. 438 -C;iblson. Monk. 212. 440, 612-Gibbon, Rev. R. II. :MO, 5,0-Gabe. I). 14.. 168, :i4S2-GOodhart. Professor Sir A. 1.., 608--Gordon, Strathearn. 470 ---Cowing. Lawrence, Ill. 544, 692 952-(sham, Virginia, 45 77, 109, 1111. 141, 17:1, 2114, 233, 264, 245, 353, 385, 416. 100, 49S, 53:1, 566, 601, 633, 672. 734s, 773, 1616, s53. Mri6, 917-Griggs. G. I'., 24, 582.
293 H.. 7$-Habakkuk. NI. J., 52--Ilackney.
A. C. L.. t312-11.. E. C., 13- Haig, E. F. G., 799-Hale. Lionel, 46,
324 78, 1111. 142, 174, 205, 234. 265, 295,
532 326, 354, 386, 417, 461, 500, 534. 567,
172 .102, 634, 674, 739, 77:1. 782, 508, 5:4. 159 587, Ms-Hampshire, Stuart, SPI, MS, 750-1Iarris„ Wilson, 11, 269, 470. 642, 710, 730, 924-Harvey, J. W.. 246-11., 772 1), 4 40-111egedus. Adam de. 2111 - 1 I. I I. W., 862-1 licks, Phyllis, 157-1 fill,
44 Den+, 26, 010-Hinsley, F. IL, 304_ Hodgkin, Edward, 73, 1414, 382, 394, 5111, 74:4- -I ludirson. Sir Robert, 455 -Hollis, Christopher, 877--Holme, Thea, 516-
:152 Holmes. G. A. 7:44-Hopkins, Kenneth, s05 139, 627-1 border, Nlervyn, 368 -Ilubback
Judith, 141$- --Hudson, Derek, 77, 1111,
115 1118, 1 11, 14s, 240, 330, 412, 460, 571, 646, 712, 926--Iluxley, Dr. Julian, 627. 5414, 6111, /SU, 77:1, 550. 887-•-Nlidirley, John, nth 574-Morgan, Charles, 52- Morgenstern, Charles, 614-Mortlock, Rev. C. II., 276 -Moss, W. R., 771- Muir, Kenneth, 146-Murray. Dr. Gilbert, 347-Myers, Rollo II., 24, 303.
APPER. John, 58 -N icolson. Harold, 12, 44, 71$, 1118, 141/, 172, 203, 2:12, 263, 293, :124, 352, 351, 415, 451), 497, 532, 565, 600, 632, 11711, 737. 772. 8115, 852, P015, 9111-Norman, Sylva, 2,, 154, 308, 436, 4148, 834.
AKES1101-1% Michael, 211-O'Don- • nell, nell, P. A. 'I'., 205-Oman, Charles, 7110-Ortzen, Len, 914. PALMER, Iferbert, 74-Palmier, C. H., ▪ 75-Pendle, George, 316-Philpott, Trevor, 496 -Picktliorn, Charles, 323- Pitt-Rivers. Julian, 56, 229 -Plouvir, C. J., 262-- -Podach. K. F., 7-rolhill, John, 8114 -Pope-Hennessy, Dame Una, s-Postbridge. Warren. 11411-Price, Willard, 10.: -Pulvertaft, Ieh2tc, 265. PATC LI FEE. S. K., 5 I -ILswlinson, " li.118-Ray. Cyril. 13, 154, 321S, :04.1. 5411-Reed, Sir Stanley, 214- Rees, Dilwyn, 248-Rees, Gorunwy, 56. 746-Reynolds. Graham, 5,4 -Robinson. Kenneth J., 2114, 294- -Robinson, Dr. Theodore If.. 300 -Rowan-Robinson. G. A., 398-Rylands, George. 521.
ivicKsti.L.E-wEsT, sill-Sander-
▪ son, son, Stewart, 564- -Scott, Cleland. 41, 201-Simmons. Professor Jack. stl, 270. 578, 748-Singer, Dr. Charles, 362- Smith, Leslie. 447-Smith, Stevie. 514,
t--Smyth, Canon Charles, 629 --South- .w ..11, Bishop Russell, 640- Spalding. lichen. Am- Spry. Graham. 1111-- Stanley- Wrench. Margaret, 739, 879 -Stark, Freya. 1:17, :117, 60I-Stevens, Michael, 458- Strachan, W. J., 5115-Strix, 1:13, 165, 196 -Strung, I.. A. G., 611, 216, 400, 516. 714, 896-Surnmerson. John, :429-Sutherland. C. II. V., 152---Swainson, Dorothy, 474- Swan, Michael, 526-Sykes, Frank. 350 • Symon, David. 351. -rAI.I.E.s.vs. Sir Stephen. 1444:1 -Tangye, ' Nigel, 9-Taplin, Walter, 782-- Taylor. Dr. Stephen, 910-Thomas, Sir W. Beach, 1r4, 50, 52, 113, 145, 178, 208. 23$, 2118, 358, 390, 422, 466, 596, 538. 567, 11116, 6:18, 676, 744, 774. 816, 858, /400. 92I-Thomson, Dr. David, 288- Torrington. Francis, 800-Treneer, Anne, 529, 767-Trevor-Roper. H. IL. 86-1- 'rrisiram. Professor E. W., 784-Tweedy. Owen. 230.
RNISON, W. J., I 1 -Ullyatt. Ray- mond, 202.
ULLIAN11-, C. E., 269, 334, -12S, 540,
• 740, $311.
WAITIINIAN, Robert, 38, 166. 287,
4 I 1 • 558, 626, 798, 909.-Walker. Smith, Derck, 516-Wallis. Nevile, 752- Walston. II. D., 1418, 381-Warner. Oliver, 786-Webb, Maurice. 10--Webster, Sir Charles. 426-Whale. John. 336- Whale. Dr. J. S.. 360-Whiffen, Marcus, 214, 472, 71:6-Wickham. Glynne. 6911- Willey, Professor Basil, 780-Williams, II. H. Gartions. '225 - Williams, 1%. Harley, 291. 76,-Williams-Ellis, Clough. 698- Willis, Rt. Rev. J. J., ID 1 -- -Willoughby. Professor A., 257 -Widian, Nan. 630- Wiskemann, Elizabeth, 1444, 260, 270, 542, 641, 734, 8814, 928-Woodhouse, C. NI., 25, 116, 300, 396, 431, 474, 563, 576, 504, 614, 647, 7412, 742, 818- Woodruff. Philip, 242-Woods. Rev. F., 525- -Woods, S. John, 117, 5011, 000 -Wrench, Sir Evelyn, 579 -Wynne- Tyson, Jon, 94.
yOUN(;. Geoffrey Winthrop, :432, 692. ZOETE, Beryl de, 900.
ADMIRALS All, 572-Afrikaners, 358 --Aims of Education. 'rite. $0- Alpine Accidents, 2117-Alternative to Franco, 536, 570, '103-American Returns, An, I I 4-Another German Tragedy ?, 775- Any Old Word, 358-Apprentices' Salmon, The, 176-Architects in Chains, 175. 206, 235-Arts Graduates in Industry. 176- Ashridge Affair. The. 422-Asia Begins at Calais, 296-Atomic Sleight of Hand, 919.
DARRF-S" Schooldays, 744-Battle of " Sydney Street, The, 145-11.13.C. Commentaries. 268-Best Twenty-Three Books, The, 80-Best Use of the Land, 296-Bishop Winnington-Ingram, 238- Blot in the Scutcheon, The. 6:16, 684, 814, 890-Book Jackets. 516-Bournemouth Hotel. A, 236-Brickbat Query, A, 686- British Policy in China, 419-:Bhnsh Railways Defaults ?, 388-Budapest Fest- ival, 356.
CANTERBURY or York ?, 890-Catho- `•-• tics and the Schools, 740-Character of Prince Hal, The, 816-Charlotte and Emily, 604-Christian Unit) and Division, 919-Church of South India, The, 568, 604, 682, 742-Classical Tradition, The. 466-Contraceptives and the Young. 502, 504-Coping with Communists, 144 --Como Gordon Lang, 684-Critic of the National Trust, A. 775-Crossness, The, 18.
DISMANTLING in Germany, 26+.296 -D.N.B. and a Doryphore, 1t78- Doctors and the State, 79-Doctors' Real Work, The. 143, 175-I)oryphore Com- plains, A, 6714-1)oryphore Lloryphored, A, 744-Dovzhenko's Films, 178, 208, 2341-Dr. Huxley and Lysenko, 6,1-Drug and the Law Courts, A, 638. rDUCATION and Swollen Shoat, 601- 1-• Eire and O.E.E.C., 740-Election- eering Gambit, An, 554-Enovis, 18. 80. 113, 145-Episode of Mountjov II, The, 388-Europe's Minorities, 16-Ever-Ooen Door, 'Me, 176-F:x-I talia n Colonies. The, ,I4-External Students, 29.S.
PANIILY Life, 16-Farmer's Finance,
▪ The, 463, 504, 536--Farming in North Wales, 776, 556-Fate of Ashridge. The, 357-Food at Oxford Colleges, 235- Forestry Commission Staff, 920-For- gotten Formula, 18-Fragile, Sonorous, Evocative, 686, 744, 816-France and Indo-China, 4s-Fred or Mister??, 50- Freedom in Medicine, 8,:4-Funking the Fences, e.03-Future of Jerusalem, The, *89.
C_ANIE ur Vermin 2, 814-German
WM11711,111: 778-Germans and Dismantling, 568, 570, 6:15-Germany on the Ese, 2119-Germany's Refugees, 5.3'.- Graduates and Industry, I12-Ground- nut Cultivation. 422--Groun•Inuts, 516- (;rountimats Gloom, 635, 712.
ANDEL'S Oratorios, 642, 744-
n Harrow Church, 684 -41eadmastm. 79, 145-Health Insurance Payments, 420 -Hiss Trial, The, 235-11ider and Rearmament. 11841-11itler's First Aggress- ion, 2116-I loliday Camps in France, 740. 512-11ow many Anglicans ?, 678-How Many Judes 1, 502, 536, 572-How to Prosper in Farming, 6,0 lurnane Errors, 238-Humanities and Science, The, 418, 506-Hungarian Trials. The,' 412.
MPORTANCE of Sorghum, The, 47-
• In 1)efence of L.S.E., 63S-India and Kashmir. 606-India and the Security Council, 636-India's Seat on the Security Council. 5711, 744-" Indolent Farmer, The." 635, 67/4- Interpretation of Hamlet, An, 461.
LF1ESUI'l Doctrines, 113-John Butler Yeats, 814-John II. Yeats, 684. NIGHT or Baronet?, 82-Kuhlmann and the Foreign dffice, 633. AST Days of Ruskin, The, 98-Liberal Vote. The, 712-Life in Israel, I 5- Lord Kern :ley and 1)r. I/ ..a5, 387-Lord Milverton's Resig•-• 50, 80. MACHINERY and Wages, 32s, 390- Magistrates' Sentences, 234. 268- Matter of Quotation, A, 504-Matter of Taste. A. 5448-Meals in Hotels, 50- Mediation by Grace, 390, 120-Merits of Metric, The, 4'20-Miners March, The, 82-Ministers on Holiday, 268-Mr. Gunther's Facts, 356, 388-Mrs. Maude Gonne Nlacbride, 678-Mr. Stanley and Mr. Grossman, 463-Munich and Vienna Exhibitions. The, 16-Munich in Retro- spect, 7.02.
Officials in Germany, 47, Ill-New
Zealand's New Leaders. 920-Nest Stage in Greece. 'the, 740. 776-N.H.S. Spect- acles, 53.5, 606, 1186-Night School Stu- dents, 267-1951 Exhibition, The, 506- Noble Duke of York, 'rite, &IS-Nursing Life, The, 88$.
" CICCUPAIIION Unaltered", 113- " On a Dark Night", 6:01--Ortho- dos Jews in Palestine. 15-Overcrowding at Cambridge, 535, 572.
L)ARTICIPLE and Noun, 406-Pay-
' nients in Hospital, :455-Pension Paradox, A, 8/49-Plantations, Old and New, 776-Plight of the Tuberculous. The, 235-Poetry from Oxford, 208- Poets and Theologians, 859-Poets on the Air, 298-Poorest Paid Profession, The, S56-Portrait of I.ita, 604, 630, 686- Portrait of the Blot, 890-Postmaster- Generalship. The, 858-Post Office and Public, 64)6, 636, 082, 744, 776, 778- Pougher of Leicester, 145, 178, 207, 238- President of Israel, The, 773--Prestwick Air Crash, The 810-Professor Kabakv- sky, 742-" Professors ", 296-Propaganda and the Election. 9241-Propaganda for Health, 296-Protestants in Eire, 418, 464, 504-Psalms of Scotland, 856- Purpose of a University, The, 889.
RAILWAY' Electrification, 238-Railway Workers, 462-Real Docker, The, 143-Recollecting the %Vebbs. 420- Record of Mihailovitch, 18, 4 el--Reference Books from America. 778-Religion in East Europe, 144, 175, 236, 267-Respon- sibility for Munich. 535, 572-Rifles at Sisley, 145, 178, 207-Robert Lynd, 538- Rale of Formosa, The, 175-Roman Catholic Schools, 778, 812, 855, 856- Romantic on the Railway, The, 536- Rural Sheffield, 920-Russian Sentry. The, 858.
CAVING Now, 6t48-Schoolmasters' " Wives, 856-Scotland's Claims, 812, 855, 920-Self-Government in the Falk- lands, 2/7-Settlement of Refugees, 504-
Sex and the School. :116-Sex Education, 2641-Sickness Benefits, 536-Small Vil- lages, 464-Social Service Costs, 327- Spain in Morocco, 636-Speakership, The, 88$-" Spectator " Ilabit. The, 686- " Spectator's" Bias, The. 536-Spoken Latin, 79--Stars and Stripes in England, The, 16-- Steed= Toothed Trap, The. 506, 538-Strasbourg Reflections. :155-- Strikes and Democracy, I 1 I.
TEACHERS' Salaries, .89-Teaching
Profession, The, 7714. 512-Testa- ment of General Anders, 235-Theatre, The. 16-Those Professors, 3:01-Time- Tables, 429-Tipping at Airports, 113- Tipping Evil, The, 15- -Too Old at What?, 572-Trail of Bran. A. 919-Translating English, 178-Translating the Bible. 47, 79, 112- 'Travel in Malaya. 464-Tree- Felling in Germany, 11, 4s..11, 112, 2117-- Two Races in South Africa, 16.
I NCONDITIONAL Surrender, 113, 176-Undergraduate journalism, 172
" C ndergraduate Spate '. :127, 316- Unsettled Hyderabad, 266, :157, 162.
vICK, Veek or Vike?. 176-Visits to Children in Hospital, :190.
WITAT is a Don?, 420. 4681- -What is a Professor?, 327, 328--W...risen Hum- orists, 17.- -Work for Refugees, 519- Work of Uneeco. Tile. 41S.
YOUNG Visitors to Budapest, , 419. 421o. - --- BOOKS REVIEWED AMC/AIL Adarns-Janct Whitney 272 • r-1 ACK-ACK-General Sir Fred-
erick Pile .. .. 396 Account Settled-Ilialmer Schacht 860 Adventure Their Star -.Kenneth Alison 62 After the llonthing-Edmund Blunders .. 704 Age of Constantine the Great, The - Jacob Hurckhardt 614 Alfred Tennyson - -l'harles Tennyson 330 Amhleside Book of Verse. The .. 272 American Excursion-J. E. Morpurgo 216 American People, The-Henry 'Sam- ford Parkes .. 542 Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathed- ral-Bernard Rackham 781 Angler's Almanac--Wilfred Gavin
I lt-ow n
Animal Inn-Virginia Moe .. 718 Annual Regieter, The, 1918-Edited by Ivison :Macadam 278 Antipodes Notebook --Janet and William Beveridge .. 480 Army en Exile, An-Lt.-Gen. W. Anders 184 Art and Science-Adrian Stokes .. 922 Art of 'T. S. Eliot, The-Helen Gardner Audubon's American Birds-Sache- verell Sitwel Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin,
• • .. 546 Briefed to Attack --Sir Ilugh Lloyd .. 92 Itritain's Green Mantle-A. G. Tan- 'ley Britannica Book of the Year, Year, 1949 4109121 British Butterflies-Vere 'Tannic .. 190 British War Economy-W. K. Han-
cock and M. M. Cowing 52 Buildings and Prospects-John Piper 26
CANADCANADA : An International Power A Siegfried .. . 116 Cam Parliament Survive ?-Christopher
Hollis .. 269 Carlow in 1114-The Autobiography of William Farrell of Carlow-Edited by Roger J. M. :McHugh .. 17.0 Cases in Court-Sir Patrick Hastings 896 Castles from the Air-Introduction
and Notes by W. Douglas Simpson 366 Centenary Poe, The-Edited by
Montagu Slater ..
Charles Freer Andrews-BenarsidU13'1 5
C'haturvedi and Marjorie Sykes .. 214 Cheshire- Fred H. Crossley .. 334 Christianity and History-Herbert Butterfield - 690 Civic Theatre Design-Richard Lea - croft - 614 Claims of the Free Churches. The- Henry Townsend.. 360 Classical Tradition, The-Gilbert Higher .. 424
g: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5-• 3 in 61S Baker of the Nile-Dorothy Middle-
Beardsley Miscellany, A- --Edited by R. A. Walker 310 Beethoven : Coriolan and Egmont Overtures . . 61- Behind Europe's Curtain-John Gunther 276 Benjamin Franklin's Memoirs-Intro-
duction by Max Farrand 330 Itible, Thc • a New Translation in
Basic English • • 300 Mack Liberator : 'The Life of 'Tous- saint Louverture-Stenhen Alexis 1541 Black Ottky .. 209 Blue Fairy Book, The-Edited by Andrew Lang (look of Scotland, A-George 'town- tree lharvey 335 Bricks and Flowers-Katherine Ever- ett 696 'tricks and Murtals-Sir Harold Bellman Clay Under Clover-Thomas Skelton 616 Climbs of My Youth-Andre Koch 392 Cloud Across the Sun, A-Sheila Wingfield 272 Coleridge as Critic-I ferbert Read .. 90
Collected Poems-John Gawaworth 94 Colonial Civilisation of North America, The, 1607-1763-Louis R. Wright III Come Adventuring with Nle-Bernard Newman 7:011.4 Coming of the First World War, The -Nicholas fslansergh
Common Asphodel, 'The-Robert
Graves. • .• .• :,„11:112"; after Comedy and Conscience aft the Restoration-Joseph Wood
Complete Plays of Henry James. The -Edited by Leon Ede' Concise Economic History of Britain from the Earliest Times to 17;50, A -Sir John Clapharn Condor and the Cows, The- -Christopher Isherwood ContrOle de l'Allemagne 571 Cornhill Magazine, 'Die-Edited by Peter Quennell 570 Cornwall-Claude Berry .. 112 Coarno Gordon Lang--J. G. Lock-
hart 6411 Countryman's Breakfast Poser. The, and Townsman's Rural Retnem- 'prancer-J. W . Robertson Scott 646 Craigavon : 1.• I sterman -St. John Ervine Crime and Abnormality-Cecil Ilinney 7711 DANCERS under my Lens-Cyril ..
W. Beaumont .. 2'6
1)a) after Day-Odd Nansen .. 444 Debussy-Rollo H. Myers .. 72.774.
Browse Degas Dancers-Lillian Bwse .. 1192 Delight-J. I'riestley 472
De Profundis -Oscar Wilde
Diary of a 1)4.-an. The-Very Rev. W. R. Inge Dickens : His Character, Comedy and Career-Ifesketh Pearson .. 240 Divine and the human, 'The- -
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1919-1939 : 1938-Edited by F..
I.. Woodward and Rohan Butler,
assisted by Margaret Lambert .. 4244 Down the Thames-Martin (triage . • 310 Drawings of Henry Fuseli, 'The-
Paul Ganz 900 Drayntlete Res isited-f Mien Lan- caster• •
Dublin -John I lave; • 2114 EARLY Alpine Guides, The-
Ronald Clark 1192 Eastern Approaches --Fitzroy Maclean 3181 East of the Iron Curtain-Vernon Bartlett 926 Edge of Being, The--Stephen Spen-
der .. .9. Education in Occupied Germany .. 574 Edward Lear's l'am*s-Ilrian Keade
Eglists en Allonagne. Les 574 Eleanor Rathbone -Mary Stocks .. 479 Elected Silence-Thornas Merton .. 148 Elizabethan !louse of Common:, Tlw --J. E. Neale
England Yesterday and i'orlayll• 1711 Edited by E. Allen Walbank „ 698 English Art, 1307-1461-Juan Even. 1115 Englishmen with Swords-Montagu
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Fussell .. • • 11. English School, An-W. B. Gallic .. :1111 Essays on Goethe-Edited by William
Rose 432 Essentials of Stage Planning--Stanley Bell, Norman Marshall, Richard Southern Essex-Phoebe Fenwick Gaye .. 472 Eurone and a Wider World, 1415-1715 - J H. Parry Experiment in the Film- Edited by Roger Nlanvell 151
FACE and Mind of Ireland, The- Arland Ussher 3112 Fateful Years, The-Andrr Francois- Ponca :.43
Fifty Years' March : The Rise of the Labour Party-Francis Williams .. 1111 Fifty Years of Modern Verse .. .. 272 Fishing Fantasy-J. Hughes-Parry .. 704 Fishing for Sea-Trout--H. P. 'kneel! 5/4 Floral Year. The-L. J. F. Brimhlc si Flower of Cities-A Book of London 928 Food of the People. The-Sir Noel Curtis-Bennett .. 152 For King or Parliament-Philip Lindsay .. 715 Four 'frames. The -Lawrence and E. M. Hanson 1111 Four Centuries of Scottish Psalmoiy -Millar Patrick.. 6 7.
France, 1514-1940-J. P. T. Bury .. 301 Freedom of Necessity, The-J. D.
Bernal 88 French Drawings of the Eighteenth Century-Denys Sutton .. 58 Future of the English-Speaking World,
The-Harold Nicohson 114
GEORGES de la Tour of Lorraine, 1593-1652-S. M. Furness .. 114 George III, Lord North and the
People, 1770-17r10-11. Butterfield 746 German Life and Letters : Geothe .. 432 Germany's Contribution to European Economic Life .. 574 Goethe--Albert Schweitzer 432
(;oethe and World Literature-Fritz Strir.h.. 4:12 Goethe : 'the Story of a Man-
Ludwig Lewisolin 430 Goethe : Wisdom and Experience--
1 hermann Weigand 4311
Goethe Year, 'The 4:12 Great German Mystics, The -James .. 536 Clark ..
Green Beret, 'The- -I Mary St. George Saunders .. 576
1.4ANti.vr and Oedipus-Ernst: .. " Jones Hamlet's Father -Richard Flatter .. 336 I hawthorn's Last Phase--Edward Hutchins Davidson1.1 'healing 'Touch. The-I !Arley Williams 57 r. lie2%l nly Mansions- -John Summer-
sun siUt I henry Ireton Robert %V. Ramsey .. 641 His Servants the Prophets- --Eric W. Heaton 612 historical Study of Anglon%nterican
Democracy The-Roy F. Nichols 511 !history and Origins of Druidism, The -Lewis Spence 61. !history and Social Influence .1 the Potato. The-Redclitie N. Salaman 2111 I listory of Fireworks. A- -Alan St. H. Brock History of Russian i.lteratu. , A-• • 1111% I). S. Nlirsky 902 Histrionic Mr. roc., Thy --N. Brython Fagin
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Murry .. 92 Keyboard Music from the Middle Ages to the Beginnings of the Bar- orme--(;creld Stares Bedbrook .. 174 ABYRINTII, 'the-Edwin -Edwin Muir 272 " Landmarks--A. G. Street .. 7211 Land of Italy, The--Jasper More .. 20 Landscape into Art-Kenneth (lark 610
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Johnson .. .. 7 Larger Animals of the l'atintry:ide- Eileen Mayo Lascaux : A (commentary -A. II.
/1rodrick S311 Lascaux Cave Paintings, Wintirla $30 amt Attachment, The--Iris Origo 369 1..a.t Romantics, The--Graham !lough . . . . . . 710 Late Saxon and Viking Art -T. I). Kendrick Letters of Princess Charlotte, The, 1N11-17-Edited by Arthur Aspin- 6111 all Life and Circumstances of James Itrydges, First Duke of Chandos. The-C. If. Collins Baker and
Muriel I. Baker .. 329 Life of Reason, The-D. G. James Life of Shakespeare, A-Hrsketh
Pearson ..
Little 0.iddesden-Vicars Bell .. 210 London is London-Edited by D. M.
Low 928 London's Birds-R. S. IL Fitter .. 39.
Lost Illusion-Freda Utley .. 336 Lost Mode of Life. A-Philip D'Argenti and IL J. Rose Lowland Lairds-JamesFergusson ,44 4 Loud Red Patrick, The-Virginia 11 Graham . . . . 1'211
MADAME Recamier-Margaret Trouncer Magic, Science and Religion, and other Essays -11ronislaw ski 335 Mahatma Gandhi-Edited by Rad-
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Reynolds 696
:Stairs Shearer-Pigeon Comic .. 1111
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Mozart:Symphonyniiny No. 40 in I: 111.4
Murray's Iereihiry Architectural Guide-Edited by John Heileman and John Piper .. 214 Musical Uproar in Moscow-Ales- antler Werth
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flows MAME into •Word-"Eric I:artridg. istvuNaarithaniel !law thurne -Randall Stewart
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Christopher Lloyd 552 New. Light on Pope--Nonnan Ault .. New Romantic Anthology, A -Edited
by Stefan Schimanski and !henry Treece. . . .
Nineteenth Century 1)rawing.., 1550-
I 900-Graham Reynolds 752 Noble 1)uke or York. The -Alfred Ii. Hume 311 Noble Lord : The Seventh l;arl .1' S
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Old English Furniture- -Therle Ilueltes IOU On Being Canadian-Vincent Massey lth On the Making of Gardens-Sir
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Young .
Orchestra. 'The-Ailam Carte . 120 Origins of Modern Science. The.
13411i- I 6110 -I I. Butterfield .. :162 Orpheus, Vol. 2 194
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fines of Peace -Sagittarius .. stos, Piero Della Francr•sca : Freecoet- Introduction by Roberto Longhi .. 544
I'. J. I hartog --Mabel .. I 1. Pleasures of Pope. The-Peter Quen- nell 1844
Poems--Gerald ---(../erald. 69.
Poems and Sungs-E. N. Da C.
Andrade .. 272 Poems, 1931-1948-Clifford Dyment 149.
Poems of Coventry Patmore 272 Poems of John Clare's Madness, The Edited by Geoffrey Grigiam .. 612 Poems of Robert Browning 1835-11049 272 Poetical Works of William Words- worth, The-Edited by E. de Selincourt and Helen Darbishire 57.
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1917-1919--Arthur Koestler .. 394
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Wood 7.411 Religious Rebel, A--Edited by Logan
Pearsall Smith Richard Tauber-Diana Napi.ei Mt;
Tauber 274 kicheliets and the French Monarchy
42. V. Wedgwood 11,2 Rae and Benvenuta--Nlagela von Ilattinglierg 14 !bike : !Man and PO4:1.• -Nora Wyelen-
laud. 74
robin Ilund--Canda Oman .. 41251 i3SC and the Star, The-P. W.
Manchester and Iris Morley .. 276 Itow tendon Drawings -Edited by Adrian Bury Ruskin : The ( :real Victorian--
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Lennart, Russell 616 Say Please -Virginia (:reliant .. 26 Sea Shure, The-C. \I. Yonge .. 212 Secondary Education for All II. C. Dent 471, Selected Poems- -Alice bluer Miller 272 Selected Pomits- 4 hnothy Wellesley 91 Selected Poems of Jonsani .. 272 Selected Writings i't William Clones -Edited by F. N. I.. Paynter 21s Selective Traveller in Voltage', The--
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Ed wat d Fitzgerald. The-John Lindsey . . . . . 718 Should Wane., i.e Priests:- -IL W• Howard.. • • .. 306
Shropshire •Nlaisie I [erring .. 472 Since 1o"" (21-Robert Speaight, I I, , • . Stephen Spender, John IA., .1,51 11,41 Sit Centio • id an Oxford College- -
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bell . . 01 Stand Alone---V. If. Friedlander.. 91 Statesman's Year The -Gen. J. W. The, 1911x - Btil,sen11r,r Boo.k.. Edited by- S. y S.11. Steinberg 27s Stilwell .
Story of My Experiments nab Troth, The-M. K.4;1111,1111 242 Strange Lite of Charles Waterton, 1752- 1s65- -Richard Aldingtott .. 11 s. Surgeon's World. A--Stanley Bell .. .5511 Survey .1 Pri e Money, A A.
1 lings i Quiggin Su inhume --I lumphrey Hare .. 690 Symbols and Speculations-Jac-
(tuella I Linke!. .. 272 TEL FA, 15105- Maurice t Iorliani 546 1.14,1t Ruling Passion-Percy
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There Was a Lad -I Ligon 11 n This Was Man- Esnie Wingfield-
So-attord . • • • Thoughtful Practice With a thy Fly -Arthur Wooley 531: Tight Lines- Coombe Richiok .. Tito--George Ililainkin 11311 Titus Oates-Jane Lane :t;12 Toketald Papers Old aitel New- Frank Swinnet tun . . 544 Tommy !Lindley- Ted Kavanagh .. 7s1 Translations and Verses -Dui{ Coupes .. • • • • • • Travelling Toneues Kenneth Ileitis Travels A • the Great Andes- Edward Why-super 392 Tieen or Small Domestic Woodware Throughout the Ages--Ede and I. lllll Colkatuies- --Martin Skinner .. 704 'l'wo Constitutions, --1 Jerold
Stannard 60S Tn.-, Impostors. The--Daniele Vare 844 UNIIIDIWN Guest, The-William Oliver Stevens 648 Unbroken Thread, Hie-Viscount
'returlewood ' • 710 Its 242 514 sits
834 VEILED Wandere., The --Printrse Marthe Bibs:2w s92 Veld Patriarch and Other Poems-- Francis Carey Slitter 01 Verdict in Dispute-Edgar 1.ust- garten .. 896 Victorian Romantic, A : U. 41.
Rossetti -4 Mwal d ()ought y .. 42S WELL Wrought Unt. The - Cleanth Brooks William Morris- -Lloyd Eric Grey .. 512 With Strings Attached-Joseph Szigeti seal Woman in Fashion, The -Dons
Langley Moore .. .• 862 Wonder Book of Animals, 'I . 522 Wonder Book of Railways, The .. .422
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Yeats : The Man and the Masks --Richard Ellmann 6411 Yeoman of Kent, A-Ralph Arnold .. 7s6 Young Naturalist, The Sir John
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reys 924 FICTION
ADANI'S Rreed -14adelyHe Ilar. .. 9411 Al WI' Midnight - Martlu Ai- brand .. .• 645
Alice Elizabeth Eliot .. 714 America- Franz Katka 714 .1min-ha-Georgette I [ever .. 122 Arabian Bird. The -Constantin, Fitzgibbon 436 Arras of Youth-Oliver Onions .. As a Man Grows Older---Italo Sect-,, 21.;
BLIND Alan's Buff-Robert Neu- mann . • 216 Blue Fairy llook, 'The-Edited by-
Andrew Lang .. • - 520 Blue Smoke-Y. M. Robinson .. 711; Boys and Girls Come Out to Play -
Nigel Dennis 1 i6
.. • • . •
Brat Farrar-JosephineTey . 'Runkle Batiks Them -NI. Pardue . +18 Busy Busy People. The- -Samuel Sp.:-
• • .. 151 wack
('ASE Hook ut Ellery FlIrry Queen 21, Cat ot Nlany 'rails -Eller) Queen . . 785 Cat Who Went to Heaven,
Elizabeth Coatsworth 716 Ceremony of Innocence-Elizabeth Charlotte Webster .. 56,5 Certain Rids Alan. A---Vincent sheem 516 Character and Situation-- -Christopher Sykes Christopher Columbus - - 'Mario Chisallwrti 122 Conference at Cold Conthirt Fain:-
Stella Gibbons Mel Conversation in Sicily -Elio Vittorini 64$
Cost Pricc-Domford 1"ates 75 1 Cry of the Wind. 'I he - Stewart hunter .. • • • • • • .ir..;81
DARK 11. sula,Erneste Ernest
I rust I h less and the Mary Baynes
Peter Dawlish s I1, 1 hail For Safety- -Eve Dennis . 7.545 Death Under the Stars -Vicars Bell 248 I /esti t of I .0Ve. • and 'I'he Enemy - -Francois Alauriat-
I./ties:tie', in the Hills -Jean Hens,di 442 Des it in the Flesh, "Iltir -Raymond
Radiguet .. • • - . • • •;Il` I hwtor Milli& and the Secret (Ake - I lugh Lofting
'III Ihictor's Wife Comes to Stay, The--
Frank Suinnenon 11:11 Double Death at F/edc.1c lidot. The Claude Aveline 2411 I loss is the 1 anis; Slide -Tom
Ilopkinsom 751 PA71,111.1. 1 rouble William 11cFee 1:154 Far Cry, The Ea Smith .. 475 Farmer ides 11i lain J. R. It.
• I1,1kien 7I1,
Fearful Joy, A -Joyce Cary 6111
Five Novels--Ronald .. 9011
Funtaitne-itcan Orient ::11+Forest anti the Kingdom. 'rile
Trevor 142 Foxhollow - Ian Niall . 365 Freddie the Expbirer Walter It. .•
UVNTI.E11.1N of China Robert s--g Standish - G •od-Seeker. The -Sinclair Lewis "..1q551 Great !louse, •I'he- Cynthia !Innen 442 Green Fairy Book, The-Edited by Andress Lang .. • • • • M211 ifeell Ofehard. ▪ MaUL1 1..1Yeft y 818
Greyhound in the Leash. The -Joyce 1Iorner .. 516 Guard of I honour -James Could
Corcens 754 Guns Wanted-J. K. Stanford .. 1KS H:1,1414F.14 They Fall -Budd Schul- berg .. (4)
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales .. s211 Heir, The-V. Sackville West .. 714
!halt Moon-Bernard Glimmer .. 584 Iris Majesty's Players-C. M. F:dmond-
ton and NI. F. L. Hyde e415 Holiday, The-Stevie Smith.. .. 60 Horse to Iternmnber-Genevieve 'orrey Eames Slb IMPOSSIBLE Shore, The--Robert
a Kee aUt Iniquity of Us All, The-Naomi Royde Smith
Intruder in the Dust-William Faulkner 476 In What Strange Land 1-Pierre Very 245 It's Safe in England-Kevin Fitz-
gerald 788 It's Loaded, Ale. Ilauer-John P.
Nlarquand 788 AMIE-Terence Horsley 831 J Journeying Boy, The- -Michael Innis .. 21s Julian's Way-John Brophy 31.1s
Jusisticak at Twilight-John Lod- .
LKING and the Corpse, The----Max Murray .. 78.'17S AsT•ryceinn. The -F. Scott Fitz- gerald 215. Line on Ginger-Robin N1augham .. 308
Lion's l'aw, The-Robb White .. 716 Little Boy Lost- -1 larghanita Laski .. 136 Little Sister, The-Raymond Chand-
lev .. 122
. . • Lord Ifighport Dropped at Dawn- Rowland Winn 516 I ANC in a Cold Climate--Nancy
Nlitford Is6 Lovers Disturbed. The-Elizabeth
LucLairt With a Book-John Horne. 016 Burns Lying Ladies, The- -Italbeit Finnegan 218 MAN Who :Made Friends With
himself. -Christopher Morley 41111 Mariam- -Ennks Flaiano -17s NI:wormed in Du-ltu Cove- -Evelyn
Chomeniati . • .. 1,Is Mating Season. The- -1'. 4i. Weide- house
'sleeting on the Shore Robin Est- ridge .. 122 Alen of Stones- Rex Warner.. 900 Mermaid and the Simpleton. The- - Barbara Leonic Pickard .. )420
Minn! in Charge-1 I. J. Keenan- • . :ols
Mine of Serpents, A-Jocelyn Brooke 554 Miss Lonelyhearts-Nathanid West 276 Mossy Green Theatre-Mary Dunn 440
Mother's Marvel-Caradoe Evans 37:7 4 4ORWAYNIAN. The --- Joseph O'Con
Not in Our Stars-Edward I Iyams 900 Not Necessarily fin Publication- -- Stephen NIcKenna
ODYSSEUS and The Swine- -Lion
Feuchtwanger 516 On a Dark Night- -Anthony West 584
Once Clam a Time- -Vaughan Wilkins Silo One of 'I'hosc Things-Peter Cheyney 7515 Orlando Keeps a Dog -Kathleen Hale 41l1 [)Al NTED Garden, The--Noel a Streatfeild • . 7 Parasites, The --Daphne du .ilaurier t;11 1; Pemlwrley Shades I). A. lionavia- font :4 Penny Dreadful- A. •Stephen• '!'ring !4115s Pickeit's Exciting Summer-Nomian
Davis :420 Pick ot Today's Short Stories, The-- Selectesl by John Pudney :441, Point of No Return -John P. Marquand • 8118 Pour Girl, The Nlaxence van der 1 kends
Provincial Affair, Affaiiri, A -Francis Williams s2ht7i0;551 nalAINTREE Country ---Ross Lack. ridge
• Nest. 'rhe -Aubrey de Selin- ..
Rest and he 'Ilianktul- -Ifekti Nlac-
I n nes.5415 Itesurrection Road Millie Toole 831 Riser Line. The- Charles Morgan .. 154 4,EVEN Days in New Crete
Rolwri taaves . • Shadowy Man • -Eileen OTaolain Sheltering Sky, The -Paul Bowles .. Sinister Street-Compton Mackenzie Snow Dog--Jim Elgard So Many Doors-E. R. Punshon Song of the I huh Hills-Charles kes Son of the Morning-Gilbert Frankau Spell for Old Bones. The -Eric Linklater . • • • • • Stories from Grimm ..
Storm, The-Ilya Ehrenburit • . Storm and Echo-Frederic Prokosch Storm of Time--Eleanor Dark .. Stumbling Stone. The--Aubrey Nielsen . • • • Such Pleasure--Martin Boyd Swing, Brother. Swine-Neat° Marsh TALL:of Poor Lovers, A--Vasco
I'ratulini 47S They Found a Cave-Nan Chauncy 818
'rime is so Short-Parr Cooper .. 648 Time of Hope-C. I'. Snow .. 438.
Tim no the Recue- -Edwuct Arvhz- zone Tom Brown's IlOdy-Gladys•Mitchell ;In Tormentors, The--Richard Cargoe 186 To the Queen's Taste-Ellery Queen 24n 'Pror and the Maypole-Winston CTwilight on the Floode--Marguerite Steen........551
478 .81S 584 400 ARS 248 18111 7.54 834 820 27'1 436 186 868 368; 4051 754
UNEASY Giant, The-Paul Tabori 122 Unlit Lamp. The-Reddy& Hall .. 216 Up the Garden Path-John Rhode 248 VOYAGE of the Indian Brig, The-
Winifred Holmes 818
WELL of Loneliness-Paddy:1e Hall . • When the NlountaiS•t Fell-C. F.
1111ite Fire-Michael Laurie.. .. 308
Winter Landscape--Neville Brand .. 241 With Much Love-Anne Green .. 154 Woman of Rome, The -Alberto
Nloravia Wonder Book. A- -Nathaniel Haw- thorne . . . . . . . 442 YEAR of the Short Corn. 'rhe- Frtal Urquhart 714 Young Lions. The-Irwin Shaw .. 754 THEATRE
Before the Party (St. Martin's), 601 ; Bonareezture (Vaudeville). 1,53 ; Runyan) Billions (Malvern Festival), 264, (Princes) 498 ; Cocktail Party, The (Edinburgh Festival), 291 ; Death of a Saksman (Phoenix), 17:1; King's Rhapsody (Palace). 355 ; Lady Audley's Secret (Princes), 672 ; Love's Labours Lost (New), 500; Male Animal. The (New), 13 ; Master of Arts (Strand), 325 ; Midsummer Day's Dream (St. Ntartin's), 353 ; Month in the Country, .1 (Ness), sun: Murder at the Vicarage (Playhouse), 8146 ; Philadelphia Story, The (Duchess), 1,1I6 ; Piddingtons, The (London Palladium). 410 : flays for the Ilulidays. 017 ; Queen Elizabeth Slept Deer (Strand), 6:13 ; Roundabout (Saville), 204 ; Seagull. The (St. James's). 73x; She Stoops to Conquer (New), 566 ; Streetcar Named Desire. A (Aldwych), 533 ; This Walkarg Shadow (Playhouse/. 45 : Tough at the Top (Adelphi). 109 ; Treasure Hunt (Apollo), 3.15 ; Variety (London Palladium). 233.
Aigle a lens Titre, L', 033 ; .1mants de I'mam's Les, 672 : 2111y ,11111*r Can Play, 533 : Bagarres, 4611 ; Barkley, of Broad- way. 115'. 295 ; Bicycle nines. 917 Blum Altair. The, 20:e ; Champion, 77 ; Chicago Deadline, 9114; ('hitters, Hundreds. The, 416 : City Armes the River, 173 ; Colorado Territory,77 ; Command Decision, 2141 ; Conspirator. 141 ; Cantle and Punishment. 072 ; Date Walt Destiny.469 : Daybreak in Usli. 13 ; Awe Mr. Prohark, ; Dear Wife, 917: Diamond ('ity. 385 ; Doctor and the Girl. The, 917 Don't Ryer Leave Me. 11)9 ; Fair of the Rising Sun, N4114 ; Family I bowymmm, 141 ; Flaming. Rmul. 13 ; Porsyte Saga, The, 738 ; Fountainhead, The, 911:1 ; Cite Us This Day. 500 ; Handful of Rne. A, $so ; Hasty Heart, The, :17.:1 ; lbsunded. safi ; House uf Strangers, 20$ ; Impact, 13 ; Iris, 17:i ; .7.1sms Sings dgain, Knock un Any Door, 1 J 1 ; Lady in Ermme, The. 109 Liebelei. 416 ; Little Women. 001 ; Look for the Silver Lining, ; Last Ample. The. 264 : Magic Town. 173 ; Marius. -116 ; Martin Mannagna, MI6 ; Plaudits, Les, 672 ; Midnight Kiss, The, 735 ; Mother Know. Best, 321; ; Mr. Belvedere Goes to College. 110 ; Me Dream is l'ourA. 233 ; COncilion. 2111; Phr Tranquille. Le. 15 ; Pinky. 773 ; Potts' Pok7 ; Prince of Foxes, 6:13 ; Pursuit, 490, ; Readess Moment, The, 8149 ; Red. Hot and Blur. 5a:1 ; Red Pony. The, 198 ; Rocking Horse, The. K.:1; Romantic Age, The, 77:: ; Rope of Sand, 1 1 1 ; Run for your Money. 4, :1■ ; Search, The, 601 ; Secret de Mayerling. Le, :153 ; Seen., Garden, The, :045; Set-Up, The, 13; Si lone Petite, Plage fine, 601 ; Shenery's Hurricane. 460 ; So Dear to My Heart. :1s7. ; Song is Born. A. 233; Stranger Walked In. .1. ; Streets of Laredo, The. 77 ; Third Man, The, 326 ; Three Musketeers, The, 4.74 ; Tuky. Yoe, 498 ; Top of the Morning, The, 320 ; Train of Events. 283 ; 7'rottie True, 204 ; Under 'apriforn, 400 : 'deer MAT, The 533 ; White Heat.1133 ; Winner. The, si53 Winter Meeting, 2111 ; Lou Can't Sleets Here, 35:1 ; Younger Brothers. The, 2111.
Amanuensis, The Greek ..bahology and After, 1187 ; Baker-Smith. Malcolm, The New Solitude. 231 ; Uashford. Sir Henry, Last Lap, 323, Winter Moonlight, 847 ; Ekllerby, Frances. They Sink So Deeply Into Life. 1111; Mu 'Wen, Edmund, Frosn a Study Table, 1113 ; Charquee. R. D.. Tehaikorsky's Fifth: Symphony, 659 ; Church. Richard. The Veil, 46 ; Collins, Ellexie, London, 6644 ; Conquest, Robert. A Chinese Painting, 142 ; Dyment, Clifford. From Many a Mangled Truth, 560 ; Gibbon. Monk, Contraries, 822 ; Hopkins. Kenneth. The /'Pod, 627 ; O'Donnell, P. A. T., Derelict Station, 205 ; Palmer. Herbert, Ecstasy. 74 ; Pulvertaft, Lalage, The Archaeologist, 265 ; Su-achan, W. J., Masks, 595 ; Stanley-Wrench, Margaret, The Roman Villa, 739, Card,, 879 ; Trencer Anne. Beech Tree in Gantar, 529, Monument to C'olleoni : Venice, 767