Sir: Your headline Wanted — a strong Government and a
strong Opposition' would have been more to the point in respect of the present political crisis had it read Wanted — new Party.' For recent events indicate all too clearly that something is seriously wrong with Britain and that radical changes are called for. It is equally apparent that the present political Establishment is unable Po provide the will to initiate such changes.
Thus the emergence of a new policital party is vital if Britain is to be restored to her former eminence. And it must be primarily a party that aims to unite the whole people into one national community — which places prime emphasis on the Nation.
This is the weakness inherent in the parties that go to make up the political Establishment. They are based on class and thus keep the Nation divided artificially while leading the people genuinely to think that they represent alterna
tives in government. In fact all are committed to policies of inter nationalism and multi-racialism and to shoring up the present shaky economic and financial system.
The present monopolistic political system militates against any new party emerging as an electoral force. Instead of aiding the growth of healthy political competition also the media largely ignores or ridicules the smaller nationally oriented parties, while most local authorities, controlled by the major parties, refuse them facilities, usually on the somewhat spurious grounds of security.'
Consequently, however disenchanted the people become they cannot conceive of any political power except through the medium of the political Establishment.
But if Britain is to survive as an independent nation a new party, free from class traditions and outdated political thinking and which aims to unite the Nation must overcome the obstacles of prejudice and apathy and come to the fore as a genuine and radical alternative to the three major parties. At the present time only one, the National Front, seems likely to provide such an alternative, but with the political, economic and financial crisis deepening every week who can say whether the advent of even a radical political approach may be in time to save Britain from oblivion.
Philip Balzer 243 Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley, Berks