The Russian Grand Duke has sent 300/. to the Duke
of Rutland as his subscription to the Wellington ,Memorial.
The Marquis of Dalmatia, Soult's son, will probably succeed Count Sebastiani as .Ambassador from France to this couutry.
The Prince and Princess Doria and suite are expected every day in London, on their way to Alton Towers. Two beautiful carriages have been built for them in town, and much English furniture has been already despatched to the sumptuous palaces of the Doria family at Rome and Genoa. All the splendid jewels of this illustrious house have been remounted for the Princess Doria, late Lady Mary Talbot ; who will wear the accumulated gems of many centuries, and become mistress of the most magnificent set of jewels in Europe. The size and beauty of some of the diamonds and other stones are extraordi- nary.—Morn jeep Post.
Letters from Florence, dated the 19th ultimo, announce the death of Caroline Murat, ex-Queen of Naples, after a painful illness of sixty days. The Commerce says that she had the consolation of dying in the arms of her brother, Jerome Bonaparte, her daughter, and son-in-law.
The Secretary of Don Miguel has shot himself, accidentally, near Rome, in loading his fowling-piece.
The weather has been, till within these few days, unseasonably cold in this country and in France. There was a heavy fall of snow at Greenoble on the 17th of May.