1 JUNE 1861, Page 10



Tan continued fine weather, and the approach of the dividends, have contributed to support the English market in the absence of specula- tion, which has been more dormant than at any period within our recollection. Money is about k per cent under the Bank rate in Lom- bard-street, whilst in the Stock Exchange it is worth 4k to 5 per cent.

Consols have fluctuated between 911, 911, and 911, 92, during the

week, and bargains have been marked on the official list at 92, 911. This morning the market opened at an advance of upon last night's quotations, in consequence of the majority on the Ministerial side. Consols, which were yesterday 911, 91/, "buyers," opened 911, 92, at which figures they have remained all day, closing firm. India Five per Cents. have improved to 1014, 101/. English Stocks generally leave off firm, and with a strong tendency to higher prices. The Foreign Stock Market has been quiet. Russian Bonds show firmness ; on the other band Mexican is duller on the late less satis- factory news. In the English Railway Market there has been a further advance in prices, the settling just passed over having shown a great paucity of stock; the average rise all round has been between lidfticiferut.; the chief advance has been in Manchester, Sheffield,

which from 41 42 has risen to 431 44.

In Foreign Shares Luxembourg have improved 10s. per share on some extensive purchases made in the new of good traffic returns, in common with other Belgian lines, from the treaty of commerce with France ; the approaching opening of the line from Luxembourg to Treves is also calculated to throw increased traffic on the above-men- tioned Railways. The subscription in Paris to the Railway obligations has been covered to the extent of three times the number to be al- lotted ; the allotments therefore will be proportionately reduced. De- posits to the amount of 2,600,0001 were paid in without in the least affecting the Market, where money is at 41 per cent. In Miscellaneous and other Securities, quotations are firm, but without any material alteration.