1 JUNE 1861, Page 25


On the 23rd ult., at 4, Queen's-gate-gardens, South Kensington, the wife of M. E. Grant Duff, Esq., M.P., of a son.

On the 25th tilt, at Clifton, the wife of Captain Alan Gardner, R.N., of a son.

On the 25th ult., at Waghen Hall, Beverley, Yorkshire, the Hon. Mrs. Blakeney, prematurely, of a still-born daughter.


On the 23rd ult., at the parish church, North MUMS, Henry Francis Freeland, Esq., of Aldingbourne, near Chichester, to Elisabeth, daughter of the late John Osmond, Esq., of liedhampton, Hants.

On the 25th tilt, at Algiers, Mr. Mercier-Lacombe, Councillor of State, Director- General of Civil Services in Algeria, to Henrietta Mary Louisa, daughter of John Bell, Esq , Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-GeneraL On the 28th ult., at Crediton, Devon, the Rev. Sackville George Cresswell, incum- bent of St. Luke's, Posbury, Devon, to Sarah Anne, youngest daughter of the Into John Rowe Bennett, Esq., of Sandwell, Devon.


On the 5th April, at Madras, Dr. Ramsay Sladen, Physician-General, in the 79th year of his age. On the 23rd ult., at St. Alban's Hall, Oxford, the Rev. Edward Cardwell, B.D., Principal of St. Alban's, Hall, Camden Professor of Ancient History, aged 78.

On the 25th ult, at Dalquharren, Ayrshire, Mary Butler, aged 78, for 60 years a faithful servant and friend in the family of the late Sir Samuel Romilly.

On the 26th ult., at 5, Montague-place, Russell-square, Vice-Admiral Constantine Richard Momsom, aged 68.

On the 27th ult., at Exmouth, Devon, the Hon. Mrs. Wellington, second daughter of George, lath Viscount Hereford.

On the 28th ult., the Ven. James William Forster, LLD., Treasurer and Vicar- General of Limerick, Archdeacon of Aghadoe, and Rector of Aghadoe and Tank- ardstown, Killarney.

On the 28th ult., at 18, Camden-street North, Camden-town, Ann, widow of Wil- liam Westail, Esq., A.R.A., in the 72nd year of her age.

On the 28th ult., at 6, Eaton-square, Louisa Anne, eldest daughter of the late CoL George Hart Dyke, Coldstream Guards, and niece of Sir Charles Lemon, Bart,