ATimes' telegram from Kobe announces that the Japanese people are seriously irritated by the conduct of their Government in abandoning the Liau-tang Peninsula ; that the Premier, Count Ito, will probably be overthrown ; and that it has been found necessary to suppress fifty or sixty vernacular newspapers in a single week. It is not likely that the discontented will attack the authority of the Mikado, which rests upon the traditional belief of the common people that his descent is divine; but the popular anger will compel the Government of Tokio to refuse all further concessions. They are already pressing the Chinese Court about the indemnity ; they have despatched an expedition to take possession of Formosa ; and they are strengthening their bold upon the administration of Cores. Reports are afloat that the Russians are marching troops into Man- churia, and that the French fleet is watching events in Formosa, with its decks cleared for action; but the certainty that if Japan is further thwarted its Government must declare war or go through a revolution, will tend to sober both Paris and St. Petersburg. No further arrangements have been made about the indemnity; and so faithless are the Chinese, that it is quite possible a Japanese demonstration against Tientsin may be necessary to bring Pekin completely to its senses. It must be remembered, however, that the authority of the Emperor over Southern China is almost nominal, and that Prince Kung and his colleagues may be actually at a loss how to compel their subordinates to carry out the Treaty.