1 JUNE 1912, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR Or TRIO " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Will you permit me to reply to the question which "A Liberal Nonconformist" asks in his letter which I have read in the Spectator of Saturday last P I am a member of the Church of England, and my attachment to the Church of my baptism and of my ordination has been increasing steadily during all the years of a long life, but to me it is by no means obvious that the Welsh Disestablishment Bill " would never have received the support of the religious portion of the Welsh nation did it not also appeal to their cupidity and spirit of revenge." I have not been taught and trained to think thus of my fellow-Christians, and in this respect I believe that I am not alone among my fellow-Churchmen, and so it is, Sir, that I venture to send you this brief reply from