1 JUNE 1918, Page 1

We have alluded elsewhere to Mr. Lloyd George's courting of

the Irish Nationalists, a courtship which has been echoed with equal ineptitude by a great portion of the Radical and Official Press. We do not wonder that the stomachs of the Irish have been turned by many of these clumsy and greasy appeals for good-fellowship. When will people learn that the Nationalists of all kinds, quite as much as the Sinn Feiners, are indulging in the luxury of hate ? At the present moment they not only hate us, but what enrages them more deeply than anything else is to be told that they are mistaken, that they do not really hate us but are only annoyed for the moment, and that ultimately they will love us as deeply as we love them, and so forth and so on. Indeed, we are making a new Irish grievance. It used to be said that the great Irish grievance was : " The English will not even believe that we don't speak the truth." Now the Irish are beginning to feel that we will not even believe that they loathe us !