[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Sm—The Association for Education in Citizenship has recently been formed in order to assist those who feel the necessity of consciously preparing the young people of this country to deal with the problems of citizenship in a. demo- cratic State. Many teachers in every type of school are already trying to achieve this end both through the school curriculum itself and through outside activities. The Association will endeavour to provide a centre for those teachers who are specially interested in those problems.
Its methods will include the collection and dissemination of information as to what is being done now, the compilation of bibliographies, the encouragement of research into possible new methods, and the maintenance of - a library. Though it is meant in the first instance to be of assistance to practising teachers, the Assodition also hopes to attract as members all those who feel that the very existence of dembeMey is threatened unless it is possible to give the voters of to- morrow ideals of public service and some knowledge of the complicated questions With which they will have to deal.
The Association is non-political and un-denominational, and will cover all.types and graded of education—elementary, Secondary, continued, university, &c. The minimuni annual sub_ icription is 2s. 6d. Membership is open to all who arc in general agreement with the object.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Honorary Secretary, Association for Education in Citizenship.
Morley College, 31. Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.1.