* * Inland Air Mails in Britain It is what
we might expect that the first inland air mail service in Britain should be to a remote region difficult of access by ordinary means, such as Kirkwall in the Orkney. Islands. The saving of time in this case is no less than two days ; the effect of the new service is that a letter posted in London today can be delivered in the Orkneys tomorrow, at the ordinary postal rate, up to two ounces, of l id. But the use of air mail services within the country is not likely long to be confined to out-of-the-way districts. Recent developments of regular air services by private enterprise are proving that Britain is not too small to make effective use of internal air transport. It is surprising that the Post Office has not already either availed itself of private air services or started aeroplanes cf its own for the transmission of express letters. Indeed, either it will have soon to initiate a regular system of transmission of mails by air, or the law will have to be altered to enable private companies to do the work for it.