EDUCATIONAL TV S1R,—We have been informed that the Institute for
Educational Television, foreshadowed in press announcements last autumn, is now legally in being.
We feel it necessary to state that the sponsors have made no attempt to elicit the views of any of the organisations with which the undersigned are associated.
All the functions proposed for the new Institute are within the competence of one or other of these organisations. In part they are already performed: id so far as they are not, the deficiency is due to lack of finance, not lack of will. The. creation of a stew Institute will wastefully duplicate the functions of existing bodies and make it more difficult for them to secure the needed expansion of finance. J. A. HARRISON Director, Educational Foundation for Visual Aids E. M. HUTCHINSON Secretary, National Institute of Adult Education F. S. MILLIGAN Chairman of Central Committee of the Standing Conference on Television Viewing 1. C. F. QUINN Director, British Film Institute W. D. WALL Director, National Foundation for Educational Research D. WATERS Chairman, Society for Education in Film and Television