Irish blarney
Front Soinbhe Lally Sir: What a silly article Martin Walton writes about the Irish ('Green with envy', 25 May). All because some shinner refused him a chair.
An English accent is generally welcome anywhere in Ireland. We love your courteous, charming tourists. However, an arro gant, uninformed individual who seeks only to sneer will quickly feel the chill in any part of the world.
Uninformed, as in exploiting the hoary old potato 'priest-ridden' in an era of drastically falling church attendances; uninformed, in describing Connacht as the 'rebel kingdom' — Ulster is the rebel province, not kingdom; uninformed, in ridiculing rural planning which has at least served to preserve rural communities, unlike scenic rural areas in Northern Ireland where both Unionist and Nationalist representatives have condemned British-style planning strictures that have depopulated the countryside.
True, we have our share of corruption, but note how thoroughly our system lends itself to the investigation and exposure of those involved. And no, most senior political figures were not involved.
Soinbhe Lally
Rossnowlagh, County Donegal