TEE Conference at Paris is in full session. Its members assem- bled on Monday, and took their places round the table at which is to be settled the question of peace with Russia or war for Europe. The preliminary step of an armistice was agreed upon. Next day the sittings were suspended, in order that the record of the fact might be composed with due deliberation and perfect accuracy; and the subsequent proceedings have not been dis- closed. The armistice is to last till the 31st of this month ; and is limited to military operations on shore, leaving the fleets free to resume a blockade. The departure of General La Marmora from Turin for the Crimea is only one of many movements which evidence the unrelaxed preparatives of the Allies, in case Russia should elect the alternative of war ; the fortifying of Stockholm being another significant fact in the opposite quarter. In the midst of these anxieties, the Conferenee continues its sittings, deliberate and not hasty in its disclosures.