1 MARCH 1856, Page 16


On the 18th February, Mary, Wife of Isaac Hughes, of Nantsyddion, of four children—three girls and one boy ; the mother and children are doing well. ' On the 21st, at Kidderminster, the Hon. Mra. Claughton, of a son.

On the 22d, at Beaumaris, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel C. G. Fagan, of a son. _ On the 22d, in Harley Street, the Wife of the Rev. Edward Thompson, D.D., Vicar of Kington, Herefordshire, of a daughter.

On the 228, in Lowndes Square, the Hon. Mrs. Claude Lyon, of a son.

- On the 23d, at Bath, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Moray Macleane, of a daughter.

On the 23d, at Surbiton Hill, Surrey, the Wife of James Brotherton, Esq.. Re- ceiver-General of Inland Revenue, of a daughter.

On the 23d, at the Rectory, Corton Denham, Somersetshire, the Hon; Mrs. Augus- tus Byron, of a son. On the 26th, at Torquay, the Hon. Mrs. Spring Rice, of a daughter. On the 26th, at Belfast, the Wife of Major-General Gough, C.B., commfuldingthe Northern District, of a daughter.


On the 15th December, at Bangalore, Captain Pereira, Twenty-sixth M.N.I., son of the late Lieutenant-General M. L. Pereira, Madras Army, to Louisa Bower, eldest daughter of the late Alfred Hurt Langston, Esq., of Little Honvood, Bucks. On the 3d January, at the Cathedral, Bombay, Mark Style, Esq., Assistant- Surgeon Bombay Army, to Marian Jervis White Jervis, second daughter of Sir Henry Meredith J. W. Jervis, Bart., of Bally Ellis, county Wexford.. On the 19th February, at Christ Church, Cheltenham, Captain Portal, Fourth Light Dragoons, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Lieutenant-General Taylor, C.B., Lieutenant-Governor of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. On the 21st, at Freshford, Somerset, Captain John William YounghusbEuid, Eighth Regiment Bombay NI., third son of the late Major-General Charles Young. husband, Royal Artillery, to Clara Jane, fourth daughter of the late Robert Grant Shaw, Esq. On the 228, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, W. Windham Lukin, Esn. Brevet- Major Royal Artillery, son of the late Rev. John Lukin, Rector of Nursling, Hants, to Blanche, daughter of Henry Wakefield, Esq., of Russell Square, and grand- daughter of the late Gilbert Wakefield, B.A.


On the 16th February, at Leamington, Louisa Manners Sutton, eldest surviving daughter of the late Right Rev. Charles Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Canter- bury; in her 69th year. On the 19th, at Morwick Hall, Northumberland, General Sir John Grey, E.C.B.

On the 19th, in Paris, Sarah, Marquise de Pritelly, widow of the late Marquis de Pritelly,. and eldest sister of the late Captain Worrell, R.N., of Pownall Hall, Cheshire ; in her 91st year. On the 21st, at Barlaston Hall, Rosamond, relict of the late Ralph Adderley, Esq., of Barlaston and Coton. both in the county of Stafford ; in her 60th year. On the 21st, at Worthing, Harriet, eldest daughter of the tate Rev. William Byass, Rector of Stopham, Sussex ; in her 91st year. On the 23d, at Newlands, Frenchay, Colonel John Frederick Sales Clarke, com- manding the South Wales District ; in his 54th year. On the 25th, at Kingston, Surrey, Rear-Admiral Godby. On the 25th, at Craigforth House, Stirlingshire, Thomas Smith, Esq., late Phy- sician-General, Hon. East India Company's Service. On the 26th, at Camberwell, Colonel Henry Thornton, C.B., late of the Eighty- second, and formerly of the Fortieth Regiment ; in his 77th year. On the 28th, at Torquay, from the effects of over-exertion with the Baltic Fleet, Herbert William Wilberforce, Lieutenant R.N., and eldest son of the Lord Bishop of Oxford; in his 22d year. Lately, in Chepstow Villas, Bayswater, Lieutenant-Colonel liobert Anstruther, of Thirdport, N.B.