1 MARCH 1856, Page 17



Partnerships Dissolved.-Morgan and Marsden, Macclesfield, machine-makers- Ridge and Co. Newark-upon-Trent, booksellers--Blakenay and Owen, Iluyton, Lancashire, chemists-J. and W. Lee, Greet Bolton, cloggere-Glover and Flax- man, High Street, Southwark, tallors-Bolton and Son, 1 eadon Yorkshire, cloth- manufacturers-B. and J. Smith, Manchester, victuallers-Adkins and Co. Olney, millers-Drew and Parsons, Fore Street, stationers-Lund and Sons, Heywood, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards G. T. Lund-Taylor and Webster, Manchester, manufacturers of-laces--Goodwin and Son, Worcester, millers-Atwell and Morgan, Bruton, Somersetshire, auctioneers-Barton and Co. Sheffield. merchants-Weir and. Co. Gloucester Terrace, Whitechapel, and Great Dover Road, drapers ; as far as re- gards G. Weir-Bouch and Son, Liverpool, warehousemen-Stun sion sen. and Sum sloe. Jun. Monckton Combs, Somersetshire, quarry-masters-Pearie and Harris, Bell Street, Edgeware Road-Barker and Purchon, Leeds, auctioneers-Caudery and Bonner, Fenchurch Street, brokers-Kelly and Waters, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, book, binders-Butterfield and Co. Keighley and Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-manufac- turers ; as far as regards II. .7. and F. Butterfleld-,K.ermath and Sturrock, Tooley Street, corn-factors-Stephenson and Sons, Ossett, Yorkshire, manufacturers ; as far as regards M. Stephenson jun.-Tod and Rosin, Birmingham, drapers-Neish and Small, Dundee, merchants. Bankrupts.-Stsios Cour:: and JOSEPH Lrtuairea, Hatton Garden, manufactur- ing-goldsmiths, to surrender March 8, April 11 : solicitor*, Taylor and Co. Great James Street, Bedford Row ; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury. HENRY Ilmeros, Dunstable, straw-hat-manufacturer, March 5, April 8: Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman St. Rime Kum GERNEY, Uxbridge, cook, March 5, April 8: solicitor, Stopher, Cheap- side ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. SARAH BREWIN, Wisbeach St. Peter, miller, March 11, April 8: solicitors, Wing and Du Cane, Gray's Inn Square; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. THOMAS KNOWLES, Seymour Street, Euston Square, chemist, March 11, April 8: Street.

r, Hodgkinson, Little Tower Street; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basin ll gha . Loris Bmierrrsen., Broad Street Buildings, merchant, March 12, April 9: tors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basing- hall Street.

Wnrism SMITH SLATER, Birkenhead and Liverpool, timber-merchant, March 3, 31; solicitor, Gill, Birkenhead; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. GEORGE GOODRICH, Horsley, Gloucestershire, chemist, March 10, April 7: solici- tors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol ; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol.

Selmer. Haaver. Cardiff, outfitter, March 10, April 8: solicitors, Bevan and Oin- king, Bristol ; Bird, Cardiff; official assignee, Miller, Bristol.

GEORGE CLARK MEDD, Leeds, grocer, March 7, April 11; solicitor, Middleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds.

Groner U:ewrs, Sheffield. scale-presser, March 8, April 12: solicitors, Morris and Co. Moorgate Street Chambers ; Dixon and Blackwell; Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield.

Join; TRAVIS, Crompton, Lancashire, cotton-spinner, March 10, 31: solicitors, Radclife and Murray, Oldham ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. JOHN Sierra, Rochdale, grocer, March 8, April 10: solicitor, Livctt, Manchester ; official assignee, Hemaman, Manchester. HENRY and WILLIAM COOP, Chequerbent, near Westhoughton. Lancashire, silk- manufacturers, March 7, April 4: solicitors, Hall and Janion, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester. Jon us OWEN, Salford, baker, March 7, April 4: solicitors, Hall and Janina, Man- chester; official assignee, Hemmen, Manchester. Dividends.-March 17, Howard, Kingston, and Great Tower Street, wine-mer- chant-March 19, Bennett, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, tailor-March 17, E. and S. Benson, Mansfield Street, Portland Place, hotel-keepers-March le, Beard, Milman Mews, New !Allman Street, Guildford Street, and Parliament Street, metallic-plate-manufacturer-March 20, Weller, Giltspur Street, leather-dealer- March 20, Virtue, Newman Street, Oxford Street, and Alfred Mews Tottenham Court Road, carpenter-March 18, Hart, Old Street, St. Luke's, victualler-March 18, Shales Brighton, linen-draper-April 8, Mose, Ripley, Derbyshire, grocer- March 20:Morgan, Dowlais, Glamorganshire, grocer-Mardi 18, S. M. and N. S. Lotinga, Newcastle-upon-Tvne, and North Shields, merchants-March 19, Graham, Wingate Grange, and Low Spenny Moor Durham, grocer-March 19. Holmes and Marshall, Sunderland, timber-merchantsLMarch 27, Balkwill, Exeter, boot-maker -March 27, Veale, Aahwater, Devonshire, miller. Certificates to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 18, Twelvetrees, Holland Street, Blackfriars, blacking-manufac- turer-March 18, Ladd, Cambridge, draper- March 20, Hagen, Aldermanbury, merchant-March 18, Hatt, New Park Street, Southwark, cow-keeper-March 19, Morrell, Upper Russell Street, Bermondsey, leather-dresser-.tpril 8, Stomach, Not- tingham, lace-manufacturer-March 20, Anderson, Stourbridge, inn-keeper-March 20, Lodge, Wolverhampton. brewer-March 20, Pee,- Ashby Abbott*, Shropshire, publican-March 20, Bate, Wolverhampton, victualler-March 20, Griffiths, Ludlow, carpenter-.March 20., Allen and Moore, Birmingham., medalists.

Declarations of Dindends.-Stevenson, Barnharn, inn-keeper ; first div. of 31. 10d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Taylor, Epping, draper ; first div. of 3s. 9d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays Graham, Coleman Street-Jones, Liverpool, boat-builder; second div. of Is. 4d. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Ogden, Liverpool, tailor ; first div. of 24d. any Wed- nesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Parker, Southport, hotel-keeper; fourth div. of 3d.

any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Anson, Leeds, cloth-merchant ; first div. of 2s. 10d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Webster, Heckmondwike, blanket-manufacturer ; first div. of 4s, any day ; Young, Leeds-Rhodes, Wakefield, boot-maker ; first div. of Sr. Ott. any day ; Young. Leeds-Turner, York, perfumer ; first div. of 4s. 71d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Bapty. Leeds, woollen-yam-spinner ; first div. of O. any day ; Young, Leeds. Scotch Sequestrations.-M•Leod, Glasgow, bookseller, March 4-Macdonald, Edin- burgh, civil engineer, March 10-Smith, Glasgow, merchant, March 7-Campbell, Bowfield, Renfrewshire, bleacher, March 7.


Partnershipa Dissoloed.-E. and E. B. Robinson, Thavies Inn-J. T. and E. F. Earl, Acton, bakers-R. and J. Yeoman, West Cranmore, Somerset, corn-dealers-- Bowden and Taylor, Sheffield, iron-founders-Marshall and Tracey, Charles Street East, Hampstead Road, plasterers-Hodson and Watts, Camden House, Turnham Green boarding-school-proprietors-Holman and Jones, Bedford Row, attorneys- Pieklei and Webb, Halifax, plasterers, and Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, brick- makers-Taylor and Co. Birmingham, plumbers-Broux and Co. Bury Court, St. Mary Axe, agents-Blunsom senior and junior, Haventry, veterinary-surgeons- Dutton and Turner, Staveley, Derbyshire, drapers-Mannenng and Rutland. Dover, plumbers-Hall and Osborne, Paddington Street, upholsterers-Wakeley and Brown, Culford Road, Kingsland, fancy-brush-makers-The Church Printing Com- pany, Church, Lancashire-Oakden and Co. Lancaster, patentees for improve- ments in the treatment of waste wash waters of woollen and other mills-Harris and Jewell, Seckforde Street, composition-frame-manufacturers-Bell and Sankey. Manchester, engineers--Mullineux and Harrison, Harwich, contractors--Collinge and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-Moller and Burroughs, Angel Court, Throgmor- ton Street, foreign-agents-Naylor and Co. Leeds, wool-merchants-Marsh and Sugden, Oldham, machinists-Plant and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners-Hall and Son, Circus, Minories, ship-brokers-Hartley and Broadbent, Bradford, York- shire, plaster of Paris manufacturers-Thompson and Briggs, Liverpool, provision- dealers-Newton and Wallingford, St. lye's, solicitors-Fenn and BuckLand, Hack- ney, livery-stable-keepers-ugh and Smith, Birmingham, platers-Avison, Bro- thers, Crosland Moor, cloth-dressers • as far as regards W. It. As-ism-Hanson and Hiscox, Meathrop, Westmoreland', tilverstone and Lancashire Railway Works -Southern and Southern jun. Salford, chemists-Stott and Illingworth, Bradford, Yorkshire, architects-Hicks and Co. Grand Junction Wharf, 1Paddington, coal- factors-Cropley and Symons, Cambridge Street, Old St. Pancras Road, iron-founders. Bankruptcies Annulled.-Euvrni WINSCOM, Croydon, pianoforte-dealer-Tnostis WurrarmAn and JosErn Lesser, Morley, Yorkshire, dyers. Bankrupts.---.T.ssuw Towww, Lloyd's Rooms, RoyalExclunge, ship-owner, to sur- render March 14, April 11: solicitor, Keighley, Basingliall Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street. RICHARD JENICCe POLOLABE, Borough Road, millwright, March 7, April 11: soli- citor, Ashley, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

WILLLUI M`Racsnav, Plaistow, merchant, March 15, April 11: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury.

Jesus MECHLE, Sleaford House, Battersea Fields, engineer, March 7, April 19 solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers.

GEORGE DAVUI, Wigmore Street, cabinet-maker, March 11, April 8: solicitor, Pa- trick, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court. JACOB WILLIAM HENRY SCHAFER and Wniasst HENRy Birown, Fenchurch Street, merchants, March 14, April 8: solicitors, M•Leod and Stenning, London Street ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury.

Tnonss joeur Mena, late of Coleman Street, rope-maker, March 10, April 3: solicitor, Marshall, Sion College Gardens ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

Taoism° EMERSON, Milton Street, builder, March 7, April 3: solicitor, Hall, Moorgate Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. Amman JOHN Gauss, Chalcroft Terrace, Lambeth, brush-maker. March 10, April 3: solicitor, Moss, Gracechurch Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street.

Romarr Doman Twisty-sr, Tipton, chemist, March 12, April 2: solicitors, Smith, liorseleyheath ; Mottrani and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. Timmy Slam, fiedgely„ farmer, March 13, April 3: solicitors, Smith, Tipton ; lilotteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham. Wimisms CARTER jun. Leamington Priors, ironmonger, March 12, April 2: solicitors, Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birming- ham.

Primus Swan, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, March 11, April 8: solicitors, Bewley, Nottingham ; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham.

HENRY PILING, Bristol, baker, March II, April 8: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol ; official assignee, Aeraman, Bristol. 11/CHARD GRIBBLE, Pilton, Devonshire, carpenter, March 12, April 10: solicitors, Grabble, Barnstaple; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter.

Joan Dot:amass, York, tailor, March 14, April 24 : solicitors, Mann, York ; Clark, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds.

----Mumma Fox, Scarborough, cod-liver-oil-manufacturer, March 26, April 16: so- licitors, England and Saxelbye, Hull ; official assignee, Carrick, Hull. Wittman SOTEIERN, Liverpool, glass-dealer, March 17, 31: solicitor, Stone, Liver- pool; official assignee, Casenove, Liverpool. Thomas BenivErr, Blaydon, Durham, glass-bottle-manufacturer, March 17, April 13: solicitors, Bolding and Co. Fenchurch Street ; Scaife, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Dividen.-April 15, Thompson, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, tailor-April 15, Poyser, Derby, boot-manufacturer-April 1, Hall, Oldham, bobbin-manufacturer-April 1, T. and J. Mayor, Freckleton, Lancashire, merchants-April 2, Sladen, Manchester, corn-dealer.

Certificates to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of Meeting.-April 1, Gedryeh, Llandaff, farmer-April 3, Bradley, Wilmslow, Cheshire tailor.

Declarations of Dividends.-J. C. and T. Lucas, Aldersgate Street, druggists ; first div. of Sr. 6d.; first div. of 20s. on the separate estate of J. C. Lucas, and first div. of 20s. on the separate estate of T. Lucas, any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Batley, Northampton • first div. of 4s. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Douglas, Woodcote, stage-coach-proprietor; second div. of 7s. 84. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Shaekell, Regent's Canal, Hammersmith, coal-tar-manufacturer ; third div. of Sid. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chain- bers-Overbury, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, woollen-warehouseman; first div. of Is. 44. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Pownall, Ipswich, ship-owner ; first div. of 3. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Rout- ledge, Commercial Road, wharftnger ; first div. of Is. 64. on the separate estate any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Lockwood, Wakefield, chemist ; first div. of 2s. 24. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Neal, Pembury. Kent, inn- keeper ; first div. of 2s. Old. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basingball Street-Paton, Bread Street, warehouseman; second div. of Id. any Wednesday ; Whitmore. Ba- singhall Street-Burrows and Buddock, Wakefield, worsted-spinners ; first div. of 7s. 94. any day ; Young, Leeds-Smith, Low Moor, worsted-spinner ; second div. of 21. WI. any day ; Young, Leeds-Cumming, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ironmonger ; first div. of 3s. 94. anySaturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Rich, Leigh, Lan- cashire, joiner ; first div. of S. 104. on March 18, April 1, or any subsequent Tues- day; Fraser, Manchester. Sequestrations.-Glass and Duncan, Glasgow, booksellers, March 11- Findlay, Glasgow, merchant, March 10-31.Arthur, Glasgow, provision-merchant, March 10-Schuiders, Glasgow, wright, March 14-1towand, Glasgow, surgeon, March 10,