1 MARCH 1856, Page 32


The Sydney Mint, from the 25th June to the 3d November 1855 received 82,076 ounces of gold, and issued 178,600 sovereigns.

Up to the 14th September, New South Wales Government Debentures for a total of 994,900/. had been issued. The money raised was employed for railways, public works, sewerage, water-works, immigration.

In the quarter ended 10th October 1855, the exports from Sydney were of the value of 587,902/. The increase of the population of Melbourne by immigration experiences a great falling-off: in the three months ending September last, the net in- crease of immigrants was only 7157. The population of the colony at that time was estimated at 311,434.

For the first nine months of 1855, 13,784 immigrants arrived by sea in South Australia, and 3528 emigrated from the colony ; leaving an increase of 10,256. From the 1st October 1852 to the 30th September 1855, 2153 vessels, of an aggregate tonnage of 1,114,992, entered the port of Melbourne, carry- ing 156,697 passengers.