1 MARCH 1856, Page 32


It appears from the official tables that the total Ordinary Revenue of South .Australia for the year ending 30th September 1855 was 423,8681. Of this total, Customs supplied 137,42l.; Licences, 10,453!.; Postages, 74911.; Gold revenue only 313/.; from the Land Fund a sum of 30,0001. was trans- ferred ; and the balances from the revenue of the preceding year amounted to 205,835!.: exclusive of the last two items, the receipts of the year were 188;0331. The Land Fund Revenue was no less than 267,758/. within the year, with a balance from the preceding year of 126,6624 The Ordinary Expenditure of the colony was 336,3077. "Establishments, including Civil List, consumed 174,4131. ; Works and Buildings, 30,429/, . Roads, Streets, Bridges, and Public Works, 102,394/. The Land Fund Ex! penditure was 247,449/.-Works and Buildings, 12,6241. ; • Roads, Streets, Buildings, and Public Works, 80,0581. • Immigration 12,887!.- Grant in aid of Ordinary Revenue, 30,000/. ; Remittances to Land and Emigration Commissioners, 80,1211. The finances of South Australia have for years past been in a Expenditure. disathtirs:

factory state, as the following figures show-the colony keeps accumulating



Year. Crown Revenue. Ordinary Revenue. Total.


1851 49595,999911 4118475,0426°6 224221,545.497

,17 314,432 1852 121,137 102,U5 223,462 140,047 1853 208,896 523,328 284,783 1854 394,581 305,929 700,510 630,812