1 MAY 1830, Page 5

THE Krgo.—In the Gazette of last night, notice is given

from the Lord Chamberlain's Office, "that the levee and drawing-room, announced for the 5th and 7th of May, will not take place ; but his Majesty's birthday will be celebrated on the 7th of May, in every other respect."

THE CABINET.—A Cabinet Council was unexpectedly summoned on Sunday by the Earl of Aberdeen, at which all the Ministers in town at- tended, and sat in deliberation from three o'clock till past seven. Another Council assembled on Monday, which was fully attended.

Prince Lieven, the Russian Ambassador, is about to leave England for some time, in consequence of some family arrangements connected with the recent death of his mother.

Mr. SAMUEL FAVELL.—A piece of plate, subscribed for by 230 of the officers and members of the corporation of the City of London, was pre- sented to this gentleman oniMonday last. Mr. Favell retires from public life full of years, and with the well-earned reputation of an honest, able, and indep`endent man.

NEW ST o ex.—The total number of dissentients to the plan of converting Four per Cents into Three per Cents, amount to 770; and the sums which they hold amount to 2,400,000/.

THE NEW POtLICE.—At the wardrnote of Farringdon Without, held on Monday, a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the New Police, for the extreme activity they exhibited at the late fire in Fetter Lane ; where their conduct was most favourably Contrasted with that of the dozing and drunken vagabonds of the City watch. A vote of censure on the latter was proposed, but withdrawn.

EXTENSION or THE POLICE—The Commissioners of the New Police intend this day to extend the police force, to Chelsea, Paddington, Ham- mersmith, Fulham, and Kensington. Each division will consist of 186 men, 16 serjeants, and two inspectors ; making an increase of 1020 men.

KING'S COLLEGE.—The annual meeting of the Governors and Subscri- bers to the King's College, was held yesterday, at Willis's Rooms. The Duke of Wellington, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and many other persons of dis- tinction were present. The shell of the building, it was stated, will be closed in before next winter, and the College will be opened in October 1831. The shell of the building will cost 63,947/. Some defalcations in the subscriptions are anticipated.

At the New 'Western Synagogue, St. Alban's Place,- Haymarket, on Sa- turday, prayers were offered for the restoration of his Majesty's health. This is the first time that prayers have been offered by the Jews for any member of the Royal Family. Every individual made an offering at the altar (in no instance less than half-a-crown), and the amount received was considerable.

Clurra TRADE.—It appears that the cause for which the China ships are detained, is the failure of Chimqua, a Hong merchant, in the settlement of whose affairs a decided preference to his old Chinese over his recent Eu- ropean debts was given. Representations to the Viceroy had produced no effect, but a smart rap, a /a chi noise, over the knuckles to some of the pe- titioners. Having stated that he had received a petition from the English Chief, Plowden, on which he had ordered the treasurer and judge to delibe- rate and report, the Viceroy goes on in the true Ercles vein," But lo ! other foreigners, hearing the rthnour, were led to join the party, and follow the example in.a worse degree. The other day the two nations of Indians and Hollanders, Dorabjee Magniac and Van Ceneghem, also dragged in and picked up several topics, which they presented in a petition. Already I have given a severe reprimand in reply. Now again these (the Spanish) foreigners dun me with a petition in three topics, joining in harmony, and thundering the same, and thrust forward their mad, incoherent nonsense. It is worthy of detestation in the deepest degree. Try to contemplate the Celestial empire, her abundant harvests, and her mountains of wealth : her national treasury full of overflowing ! What dependence can she have on the petty merchandise of all your barbarian nations to supply her with re- venue ?"—The Hong is now reduced from twelve to seven ; and of the seven, two manage almost all the business. The only conclusion from all which is, that the Company is as injurious in Asia as in Europe—that it plunders the English and ruins the Chinese at one and the same time.

The failure of Messrs. Palmer and Co. of Calcutta, for 3,000,000/. has created a great sensation in the City.

HUNGERFORD MARKET.—A meeting of the shareholders in the slew Hungerford Market was held on Monday, in the Crown and Anchor at the last general meeting. The report established that the undertaking promised well. PHILOLOGICAL Sctroor..—An institution under this name exists in Gloucester Place, New Road. Its object is to give a respectable education to the sons of families who have been from unforeseen circumstances re- duced in the world. The boys are not boarded ; those who pay amount to fifty-five, the foundation boys are seventy in number. The annual exami- nation took place on Monday, when the Bishop of London presided, and expressed himself highly pleased with the progress of the scholars. It is thought that hay-making near London will commence about the first or second week in May.