WAR-OFFICE April 20.-2s1 Life Guards—Lieut. T. Naylor to be Capt. by porchase, vice Gardnor, who retires; Lieut. C. H. Drummond to be Lieut. by purenase. vice Naylor ; W. H. Holmes. Gent. tube Cornet and Sub-Lieut, by purchase, vice Drum- mond. 2d Drag. Guards—Sergt. -Major G. Bushman (llidingmaster) to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Buller, appointed to the 14th Light Drags. 9th Light Drags. — Paymaster Sergt. J. Heydon to be Regimental Quartermaster, vice Williamson. de- ceased. 14th Light Drags.—Major W. Havelock, from the 9th Light Drags. to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase; Capt. E. Hervey to be Major. without purchase.
To be Captains—Capt. W. Walmau. from half-pay of the Regiment ; Capt. J. Caul- field, from half-pay of the 6th Drag. Guards; Capt. C. Steuart, from the 80th Foot,
by purchase, vice Waivau, who retires ; Capt. G. G. Shaw. from the 4th Light Drags.; Capt. A. E. Bromwich, from the 4th Light Drags. vice Harvey; Lieut. J. H. Tongs', by purchase, vice Caulfield, who retires. To be Lieuts.—Lieut. J. Blakeway, from half-pay of the Cape Corps; Lieut. A. Browne, from half-pay of the 551 Foot; Lieut. J. Chambre. from the 96th Font; Lieut. C. Peterson, from half-pay 11th Light Drags. ; Lieut F. Holder, from the 13th Foot; Lieut. the Hon. G. A. F. C. Graves, from the 31st Foot; Lieut. A. Seeds- more, from the 4th Light Drags. ; Lieut. R. II. Gall, from the ad Foot. by purchase, vice Blakeway, who retires•' Lieut. J. F. Fitzgerald, from the 4th Light Drags. ; Lieut. J. A Todd, from the 4th Light Drags. ; Lieut. R. B. Preltejohn, from the 4th Light Drags. ; Lieut. H. F. Hodgson, from the 9th Light Drags. ; Lieut. C. W. Thompson, from the 81st Foot. by purchase, vice Browne, who retires; Lieut. T. W. Smith, from the 2nd Foot; Cornet W. W. Allen, by purchase, vice Tonge.
To be Cornets without purchase—Cornet J. T. Brooks, from half-pay of the Regi- rneut; Cornet W. E. Buller from the 2d Drag. Guards.
To be Comets, by purchase—R. P. Apthorp, Gent. vice Allan; 3. Coster, Gent. vice Brooks, who retires.
To be Assist.-Surg.—Assist.-Surg. E. W. Stone. M.D. from the 48th Foot.
1st Foot Guards—Lord A Hay to be Ensign aud Lieut. by purchase, vice West, promoted. 1st Foot—Capt. R. Stewart from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice T. Niekoll. who exchanges; Lieutenant H. R. Marindin to be Captain, by purchase, vice Stewart, who retires; Ensign Walter Munich son to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Marindin ; Spencer Vansittart, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Mitchelson. 3r1 Foot—Ensign C. A. Thompson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gall, appointed to
the 14th Light Drags.; Gent. Cadet A. H. H. Mercer, from the Royal Md. Coll, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Thompson. 13th Foot—Ensign F. Van Stranbenzee to
be Lieut, without purchase, vice Holder, appointed to the 14th .Light Drags.; F. W. Stehelin, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Stranbeuree. 19th Foot—W. L. Pennefather, Gent, to be Ensign, vi ithout purchase, vice Farquharson. who resigns. 254 Foot— Ensign J. Brennan to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Smith, appointed to the 14th
Light Drags.; II. Bowden, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Brennan. 26th Foot—Ensign A. Miller to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Daniell, dec.; Eusigu R. C. Jones to
be Lieut, without purchase, vice Miller. whose promotion, on the 8th of February 1841. has been cancelled; Ensign H. de Quincev, from the 92d Foot, to be Ensign, vice Jones. 28th Foot—A. Browne, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Split,. promoted. 37th Foot—Brevet-Major II. 0. Wood to be Major, without purcha e. vise Manners, who retires upon full-pay; Lieut. T. E Le Blanc to be Capt. vice Wood; Ensign G. M. Chhborn lobe Lieut. vice Le Blanc; B. Edwards, Gent. to be Eusign, vice Clibborn. 67th Foot—Ensign W. R. Adair to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Whittingham, promoted in the 88th Foot; J. Sivewright, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Adair. 80th Foot—Lieut. F. Winningham, from the 87th Foot. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Steuart. appointed to the 14th Light Drags. 81st Foot—En- sign J. Gildea to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Thompeon, appoiuted to the 14th Light Drags.; J. C. Hearts. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gildea. 85th Foot- Serg. W. Neill to be Quartermaster, vice Edwards, who retires upon half-pay. 92s1 Foot—J. Napier, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice De Quincey, appointed to the 224 Foot. 94th Foot—Ens, It Roney to be Lieut. without pie. vice Chambre, appointed to the 14th Light Drags.; H. A. Bruce, Gent, to be Ensign. vice Roney.
Brevet—To be Majors in the Army—Capt. W. Wainman, of the 14th Light Drags.; Capt. J. Caulfield, of the 14th Light Drags.; Capt. R. Stewart, of the lst Foot.