Zbe Court.
Tux Court has been occupied with the usual ceremonies of the season; while the frequent record of Cabinet Councils and audiences indicates that the Queen has had a greater share than usual of public business. That accounts for her Majesty's having been less diligent than usual this week in taking out-door exercise.
On Wednesday the Queen held a Levee. Her Majesty and Prince Albert left Buckingham Palace at two o'clock, with the usual escort, and followed by the Royal suite; and the Royal pair were received at St. James's Palace by the Lord Chamberlain and the Lord Steward. The Duke of Cambridge was present at the levee. The presentations were not numerous. Among those presented, were Mr. Justice Wight- man, on being made a Judge of the Queen's Bench ; Sir Robert Ker Porter, British Chargé d'Affaires to the Republic of Venezuela, and Sir George Arthur, on their return to England. Several addresses of congratulation on the birth of the Princess Royal, from various places and public bodies, were presented at the levee, and some petitions; one from St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, praying for a change of Ministers. Addresses of congratulation were presented to Prince Albert and the Dateless of Kent on Thursday. The Queen held a Court on Saturday, at which Count Pollon, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Sardinia and the Duke of Lucca, had an audience ; and another Court on Thursday, at which Chekib Effendi, the Turkish Ambassador, M. llavrocardato, the Grecian Minister, and General Alava, the Spanish Minister, had audiences, the two latter to take leave.
On Monday, the Duke of Wellington, as a Grandee of Spain and Knight of the Golden Fleece, attended at Buckingham Palace, by appointment of the Queen of Spain, and invested Prince Albert with the insignia of the order of the Golden Fleece.
Viscount Melbourne had audiences of the Queen on Saturday, Mon- day, Tuesday, and Thursday. On Tuesday he was accompanied by the Marquis of Normanby. On Saturday, the Prince and Princess of Leiningen arrived at Buck- ingham Palace, on a visit to the Queen. They visited the Dutchess of Kent soon after their arrival.
The Queen and Prince Albert visited the Concert of Ancient Music at Hanover Square Rooms on Monday ; and the Italian Opera on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The Prince and Princess Leinin- gen were of the Royal party at the Opera on Tuesday. Yesterday, the Queen and Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Kent, the Duke of Cam- bridge, the Dutchess of Gloucester, and the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, went to see the exhibition of the Royal Academy, in the National Gallery. The Dutchess of Kent and the Prince and Princess of Leiningen attended at the German Opera last night. The little Princess Royal has been taken out for a ride in a carriage and four, often during the week.
Saturday was the birthday of the Dutchess of Gloucester ; when her Royal Highness received visits of congratulation from Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Kent, and the Duke of Cambridge.
There has been a frequent interchange of visits among the Royal Family ; and the Duke of Cambridge has been as active in his visiting movements as usual.