The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland arrived at Kingtown, on his return from England, on the 22d, and immediately proceeded to the Vice- regal Lodge, in the Phcenix Park.
The Evening Mail reiterates an announcement put forward by that journal a fortnight since, to the effect that Lord Ebrington is to have the seals of the Home Office, and that their present possessor is to proceed. to Paris to succeed Lord Granville in his high functions of Ambas- sador to the Court of the Tuileries. The Mail adds, that in the event of Lord Ebrington going to the Home Office, the Earl of Clarendon will proceed to Ireland as Lord-Lieutenant ; and that Lord Seaton is to have the command of the forces in the room of Sir E. Blakeney, whose term of service has expired.
Lord Castlemaine, it is believed, will be a candidate for the vacancy in the Irish Representative Peerage caused by the death of the Earl of Belmore.
At the usual weekly meeting of the Repeal Association, on Monday, a letter was read from Mr. O'Connell. The modifications in Lord Morpeth's bill—the raising of the rating qualification from 51. to 8/, forced on Government by "friends of Ireland," Lord Stanley's Bill, and Lord Howick's "monstrous proposition," furnish the requisite topics for the document ; which closes with the promise of a domestic Legislature, and an exhortation, in order "to achieve this noble triumph of reason and justice," to attend to " practical details" : "it depends upon the Repeal Wardens (the collectors of the Repeal Rent) to obtain the liberation of their native country." " My son John," adds Mr. O'Connell, "will be in Ireland as soon as possible, to work out the details." A letter was read from Son John, accepting the duty imposed upon him by the Committee, of reporting upon the plans and docu- ments submitted to the "Volunteers."
The following extract from the second report of the Association on the Registrations is interesting just now : it exhibits the various kinds of franchise at present subsisting in Ireland-
" No. 1 50/. freehold, (over and above rent, &c.)
"No. 2. 20/. freehold, ditto "No. 3. 20/. freehold, rent-charge. "No. 4. 10/. freehold, (in perpetuity.) " No. 5. 10/. leaseholders, (for sixty years, provided he holds directly undo* owner in fee.) "No. 6. 20/. leaseholders, (for twenty years, provided he holds directly un-
der owner in fee.)
"Requiring Occupation. "No. 7. 10/. freeholders, (if not in perpetuity.) "No. 8. 20/. leaseholders, (for fourteen years, whether holding under owner
in fee or not.)
"No. 9. 10/. leaseholder, (for twenty years, whether holding directly under owner in fee or not.) "No. 10. 10/. leaseholder, fur any number of years above twenty, if not holding under owner in fee. "All the above appertain to counties, and the same to cities, with the addi- tion of one or more, namely, the sole occupier of a house, shop, warehouse, counting-house, worth 10/. per annum. There are a few small towns not worth mentioning, where a 5/. value confers a vote."