Mrs. Hampton is the name of the "young lady" whose
first appearance at the Princess's Theatre in the Sonnambeia we mentioned last week; and we have Enloe had an opportunity of seeing, hearing, and judging for ourselves. We think she justified the favourable opinion expressed by some of our contemporaries; being a very intelligent and agreeable actress, and a singer whose high natural gifts have evidently been improved by a thorough musical education. Altogether, she is the best Amine that we have seen on the English stage.
Mrs. Butler commenced a short engagement at the Princess's on Mon- day. In recording an opinion of her performance of Julia in The Hunch- back, we may say that the passages in which she shines are those which require vehemence and energy, and that the quieter portions of the cha- racter fall comparatively flat. That there is always evidence of intellect in her performance is unquestionable. The attention with which she lis- tens to Clifford's description of a country life—the mournful soliloquy on his conduct, beginning with the words "He never loved me: "—are ren- dered with artistic elaboration; but throughout all this tranquil part, there is a want of that freshness and spontaneous feeling which can give effect and colouring to the simplest lines of a character. One approves, but one remains cold. On the other hand, the address to Master Walter, in which she urges him to prevent the marriage with Rochdale, and in which all the energy of her nature is compressed into a few words and moments, is finely delivered, and is made specially remarkable by the passionate rapidity of the articulation. In Joliet, which Mrs. Butler has played since her appearance in Tat Hunchback, she is so much the less successful as there is more need of that native tenderness in which the actress is deficient. From what we have said of her Julia, it will be readily conceived that the bedchamber scene WAS the grand effort in the Juliet The climax is certainly worked up with great power; but it is doubtful whether this is sufficient to compen- sate Mr a long period in which no sensation whatever is produced. It should, however, be remarked, that at the Princess's Theatre, Mrs. Butler plays with as indifferent a company for the legitimate drama as could well be got together; and that, though a foil may be a very good thing to a certain extent, it should not be such a foil as produces a sense of weariness at the whole exhibition. The one thing we can best look upon with plea- sure in Romeo end Juliet, is the new scene of the balcony; the background of which is painted with good atmospheric effect by Mr. Beverley,—a theatrical artist not half so much known as he deserves to he.