Cabinet Councils were held at the Foreign Office on Saturday and on -Wednesday.
The Commissioners appointed to consider the state of the several Bishop- rics in England and Wales have made their first report. It is summed up in these recommendations—.
"1. That the diocese of Saint Asaph consist of the whole counties of Flint and Denbigh, and such parts of the counties of Salop and Montgomery as are now in that diocese, except the deanery of Ceifeiliog in the last-mentioned county.
"2. That the diocese of Bangor consist of the counties of Anglesea, Carnarvon, and Merioneth, and the deaneries of Ceifeiliog; and Arwstley, in the county of Montgomery.
"3. That the diocese of Chester consist of the county of Chester, and the dea- ner7ofLartrigton, in the county of Lancaster, except the parish of Leigh. ,4 the new bishopric of Manchester be forthwith founded, and endowed out of the revenues at the disposal of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- . land applicable to episcopal purposes.
"5. That the diocese of Manchester consist of such parts of the deaneries of Bendel and Kirkby Lonsdale as are in the county of Lancaster, and of the deaneries of Amounclerness, Blackburn, Manchester, and Leyland, and the parish , .of Leigh, in the deanery of Warrington, all in the same county. "6. That an archdeaconry of Liverpool be founded in the diocese of Chester; _ and that such arelideacenry comprise the deanery of Worrell, in the county of • Chester, and the deanery of Warrington, (except the parish of Leigh,) in the county of Lancaster." The income of each see is to be fixed at 4,200/.
We understand that it is probable that the vacant bishopric of Sodor and Man will be conferred on the Honourable and Reverend R. Eden, Vicar of Battersea, and brother to the Earl of Auckland.—Standard.
The Marquis of Londonderry, in his capacity of "General and Colonel -of 2d Life Guards," has written from Paris a long letter to Lord John Russell against the Army Service Bill; which he characterizes as "an old rotten measure already condemned by dear-bought experience." The Mar- -quiz's enthusiasm betrays him into lax arguments and laxer grammar. Inter alia, he contends that the Duke of Wellington is "hostile to your Army re- form." "If you will canvass," he says, "the sentiments of nearly all the officers of rank, service, and experience in the Army, from the Field- Marshals down to the Major-Generals, you will find but a very sorry few that think other than destruction of your attempt." He concludes by im- ploring Lord John Russell to let his fame in after ages rest on his reform of the British constitution- " There will be an account to settle on that score in history. But give up this misjudged measure in contemplation for her Majesty's glorious Army. We want no reform, or revolution, or disorganization there. Let well alone. Everything in events external and internal (as far as human foresight can see) loudly calls for a sane and safe policy with our military and naval forces."
In consequence of Lord Morpeth's statement in the House of Commons, -during the debate on the Government Education scheme, that the applica- tions from the Roman Catholics had never assumed a distinct form, the Honourable Charles Langdale has written a letter to Lord Morpeth, to prove, for his own justification, that since June 1846 there has been a con- stant correspondence with various members of the late and present Goiern- ments, involving a series of direct applications to be:admitted to a participa- tion in the aid to be granted for educational purposes. Mr. Langdale calls upon Lord Morpeth to make such an explanation "of the expression attri- buted to your Lordship as I feel assured would have been the ease had your Lordship been aware of all that had transpired upon the subject" To this appeal Lord Morpeth has responded with characteristic frankness-
" Grosvenor Place, April 27.
"My dear Mr. Langdale—I certainly believe that I did not express myself in the positive manner in which I have been reported on Tuesday last, respecting Catholic applications having never assumed a distinct form. However, this mat- ters the less as I readily admit that it appears by your own correspondence with members of the Administration and the Secretary of the Committee of Privy Council, that you have made persevering efforts to bring the claims of Catholic schools under their notice; and I as readily declare, that the sooner those claims are recognized and complied with the better pleased I shall be. "Believe me, my dear Mr. Langdale, your very faithful servant, " Moarara."
Monday was the birthday of the Queen of the French, who has just completed her sixty-fifth year. It was also the birthday of the Dutchess d'Aumale, who is now entering on her twenty-sixth year. On Tuesday Queen Christina entered her forty-second year.
The Duke de Broglie, the new French Ambassador at the Court of. S. James's, is to leave Paris in a few days for London. The Count do Jarnaa '1 does not continue in the office of first Secretary. The Prince de Broglie, (the Duke's eldest son,) who is at present Secretary to the French Em- bassy at Rome, is appointed to the same post in London. It is said that the Count de Jarnac is to be appointed Minister at Munich, in the place of M. de Bourgoing, who is to retire from the public service.—Morning Chronicle'.
Mr. Dietz, whose name has been so repeatedly mentioned in the domestic affairs of Portugal, arrived in London on Wednesday.
Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith landed from the Ripon steam-ship, on Thursday, at Southampton. He was met at the Docks by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councillors; who welcomed him with an address of congratulation on his return to England, and of praise for his victorious achievements in India. The bells rang a merry peal; a salute was fired from the town battery; and a grand entertainment was given in the evening.
The Duke of Argyll died, at Inverary Castle, on Monday last. He had been suffering for some weeks under a painful bodily ailment, from which he appeared to be recovering when he experienced a fatal relapse. The Duke was born in 1777. He was thrice married,—in 1802, in 1820, and in 1831. In early life he entered the Army, and served under the Duke of York and Sir Ralph Abercromby in Holland. He afterwards, as Baron Sundridge, represented the county of Argyll for more than twenty years; and retired from Parliament about the year 1821. He did not succeed to the Dukedom until the death of his brother, in 1839. The Duke held several hereditary offices; was Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, and Knight of the Thistle. He is succeeded in his estates and honours by his only son, George Marquis of Lorn; who married, in 1844, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Sutherland.
The not unexpected death of Lord Cowley took place, at Paris, on Tues- day night. Henry Wellesley was the sixth son of the second Earl of Mornington, and brother to the Duke of Wellington: he was born in Ja • nuary 1773; entered office at the early age of twenty-two, and has been Ambassador at several courts; vacating the Embassy in Paris on the recent return of the Whigs. His diplomatic services obtained him a Peerage, as Baron Cowley, in 1828, and a Grand Cross of the Bath. He was twice married,—¢rst, to Charlotte, daughter of Lord Cadogan a lady who was divorced and subsequently married to the Marquis of Anglesey; and se- condly, Lord Cowley married a sister of the present Earl of Salisbury. He had issue three sons and two daughters; and is succeeded by his eldest 11013, Henry Richard.
Intelligence has been received of the death, at Graefenberg, of Mr. Thomas Joplin, the founder of joint-stock banking, and who has for many years held a prominent position in the banking and mercantile world. He had gone to Graefenberg to try the effect of the celebrated water cure, but had for some months before his death relinquished it.—Tinies.
Dr. Cazenova, surgeon of the Lunatic Asylum at Pau, has just treated a case of madness by the inhalation of ether, with very promising results.
The Times states, on the authority of a correspondent, that an attempt is in operation to carry out a Frankfort lottery scheme in this country, by drawing country clergymen especially into buying tickets. It is managed in this way. A circular is sent from " Klambeck and Co." of Frankfort, enclosing a ticket: in about a week, a letter follows, in these terms--" We observe with pleasure your having kept the share enclosed in our preceding letter, and trust you will have Boon to congratulate yourself for having done so. The number is now duly regis- tered in your name; and for amount of the stake we shall feel obliged by your remitting the sum of U. on our account to Messrs. Fullerton, Smith, and Co., 6, Mark Lane, City, London; who will forward against your payment our draught on you." Then arrives a letter from the English firm, announcing the arrival of a draught for 11. on the fortunate ticket-holder, and asking in what way he will please to pay it. The correspondent of the Times advises his clerical brethren to follow his example, and put all the documents into the fire.
A boy of thirteen has lost his life by playing with machinery, at Bielefeld's papier-mache works in North Wellington Street. The boy had been cautioned oa the danger of touching the steam machinery; but, in sport, he thrust his hand between two large iron rollers which were revolving at full speed: his hand touched the rollers, and in an instant was drawn between them, and the arm dragged in up to the shoulder: before he could be extricated, the machine had to be pulled to pieces. The limb was amputated, and some days afterwards the boy died.
Van Amburgh has been in some danger from his subject ferry, at Baltimore, in the United States. He entered a cage occupied by a lion, a tiger, and two leopards; while playing with one of the leopards, the lion seized him by the left side of his body, the brute-tamer cried out, and the lion let go, but left the mark of its teeth in the man's flesh. Van Amburgli had lost strength from previous illness, and his habits of intercourse with the animals had been interrupt.
On the authority of a letter from Beyrout, the Union Monarchique charges the Jews of Mount Lebanon with a murder similar to that committed some years ago on Father Thomas, at Damascus. The new victim was a little boy six years old, one of a party of children assisting in a Maronite procession at Deir-el-ICamar. A violent storm dispersed the procession, and forced the people to different im- promptu shelters. On reassembling, the little boy was missed; a fruitless search was made; but after a lapse of three days, the corpse of the poor child was dis- covered in a field: his hands, feet, and side, had been pierced, and he had been bled besides in the neck.
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—
Zymotic (or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contagious) Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses Diseases of the 1.ungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion
D■502.6e6 of the Kidneys, Sc Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Sc.
Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, Sc. Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc.
Old Age Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance
Total (including unspecified causes) 981 014 The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 87.00 in the sun to 19.00 In the shade; the mean temperature by day being colder than the average mean temperature by 2.1°. The direction of the wind was variable, but principally
from the North and East.
Number of spring deaths. average.
145 . 166 99 Its 158 334 • .. 275 38 29 84 70 9 8
16 10
15 8 6 57 57 17 28