1 MAY 1858, Page 11



This has been a week of considerable animation in all departments of the Stook Exchange. On Monday business commenced heavily, but during the morning a large number of speculative purchases were made in Consols for the June Account, causing the market to closest about per cent improve- ment upon the previous week, prices remained steady up to Wednesday, when a further advance of 4 per cent occurred upon the announcement that the 2,000,0001. of Exchequer Bonds due on the 8th of May will be paid off at the Bank on that day, instead of being renewed ; it was also a general ex- pectation that a reduction in the Bank minimum rate of discount would yes- terday have been adopted ; (no alteration was, however, made.) Consols rose to 961. buyers ; there has been an occasional slight reaction, but the markets have altogether exhibited great buoyancy. The improved state of feeling the last day or two in France, coupled with the receipt of higher prices on the Paris Bourse, may be considered the true cause ot the advance in quotations on this side ; but for the excitement which till lately existed, the present briskness would evidently have sooner occurred from the enormous and con- stantly accumulating sums waiting to be employed. Today the Funds have been somewhat flatter upon various rumours touching the Derby Adminis- tration. Consols close 974 4—a decline of 4 per cent from the highest price reached, but an advance upon last Saturday of 4 per cent. The demand for gold at the Bank has again been very limited, and loans on Government Securities are freely offered at 14 per cent. Bank Stock leaves off 220 223. Console for June A.ccount, 974 974. Exchequer Bills 33 37, and Reduced 96/ 964. The tone of the Foreign Stock Market has been decidedly much flriner all the week, nearly all descriptions being quoted higher, from 1 to lt per cent. Turkish Six per Cents are 98 994. Peruvian Three per Cents, 67 581; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 82t 83t. Money continues abundant in this market, as elsewhere, at about 4 percent. The final prices in Mexican are 204 204; Venezuela, 344 3.5t ; Buenos Ayres, 8082; Buenos Ayres Deferred, 17 19; Chilian Six per Cents 103 105; Grenada Active, 20 21 ; Victor Emmanuel, dis. prem. ; Spanish Three per Cents, 44 444; Ditto Deferred, 254 26. In sympathy with the advance in English Securities, the Railway Share Market has been very active every day ; and notwithstanding the half- monthly account occurring today and the number of operations required for the settling only, there has been independently. a large amount of business doing all round ; shares have been steadily rising, and close this afternoon at an improvement upon last Saturday of from 10s. to 3/. per share. The leading lines leave off as follows—Midland, 96 951, having risen 3 percent; London and North-Western, 944 96; London and South-Western, 48 484, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 91i 914—showing an advance of 2 per cent. Caledonian, 424 43; London and Brighton, 1051 1064; South-Eastern, 214. 214; Great Northern, 2.54 254. French Shares have been firm, but business has not been of importance ; quotations have not advanced in pro- portion with English shares. Tomorrow (Saturday) will as usual be ob- served as a holiday on the Stock Exchange, the Transfer Books at the Bank of England being always closed on the let of May.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending an Wednesday the 26th day of April 1868.


Notes issued £92,331,040 Government Debt £11,016,180

Other Securities 3.469,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 17,869,040 Silver Bullion Z32,334;40 £32,334,010


£38,077,056 I £38,077,016

• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct, Proprietors' Capital 411,553,000 Government Securities (11111%1- i-test 3,171,871 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). 49,835,181 Public Deposits. 3,830,190 Other Securities 16,465,430

Other Deposita 15,667,645 Notes 11,920,435 Seven Days and other Bills... 861,347 Gold and Silver Coin 816,710

Mr. Glyn has been elected to succeed the late Mr. Roberts as Chairman of the Committee of Bankers ; and Mr. Bevan is to be Deputy Chairman.

The Committee of London Bankers have resolved that if the proposed stamp on cheques is imposed the expense must fall on their customers.

At a meeting of the National Live Stock Insurance Company, on Tues- day, a resolution was carried in favour of a winding-up. The manner in which the Company had been managed by the Directors met with universal censure.

Including the various guaranteed Railway Stocks, the East India Com- pany have to pay interest on nearly 100,000,0001., upwards of 23,000,0001. of Railway Stocks, and some 70,000,000/. of loans.

The corn-market is at length rallying : on Monday there was an increase of 18. per quarter in the price of wheat.

Large transactions in silk are taking place in London, in consequence of the low price ; the deliveries between the 1st and 24th of last month amounted to the unprecedented total of 7090 bales.