1 MAY 1858, Page 20

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WAR Orricz, Pall Mall, April 27.—Caralry—lOth Light Drags.—Lieut. J. 3. Wynniatt, from the 52d Foot, to be Lieut, paying the difference, vice Suckling, who exchanges.

52d Foot—Lieut. F. ii. Suckling, from the 10th Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice Wynniatt, who exchanges. Ceylon Rifle Regiment—The surname of the Ensign appointed on the 23d inst. is " Deniain," not "Denman," as therein stated.


Wan OFFICE, Pall Mall, April 30.—Caveat-y-1st Dragoon Guards—Capt. G. Paynter to be Major, by purchase, vice Thomson, who retires ; Lieut. E. IL Crewe to be Capt. by purchase, vice Paynter ; Cornet C. R. K. Hubback to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Crewe.

4th Dragoon Guards—Cornet R. D. B. Cunninghame to be Lieut. without pur- chase vice Baumgarten, appointed to 10th Light Drags.

5th,Dragoon Guards—W. G. Proctor, Esq. formerly Paymaster in the Turkish Contingent, to be Paymaster, vice E. O. Pearse, who reverts to half-pay Royal Marines. 10th Light Dragoons—Lieut. E. P. Baumgarten, from the 4th Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. vice Cass, promoted ; T. S. Ball, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Hudson, promoted.

Military Train—W. Townley, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice R. E. Foster, who resigns. infantry—Grenadier Guards—Lieut.-Col. H. Hume, C.B. from the 95th Foot to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. vice the Hon. F. A. Thesiger, who exchanges.

Scots Fusilier Guards—Lieut. and Capt. G. G. Gordon to be Adjt., vice Brevet- Major R. J. Lindsay, who resigns the Adjutancy only.

4th Foot—The first Christian name of Ensign Bridson, appointed, withoUt purchase, on the 30th March, is William. 5th Foot—Capt. 3. .1. Symonds, from half-pay lJnatt. to be Capt. vice Thelma, appointed to the 24th Foot ; Lieut. E. W. B. Villiers, to be Instructor of Musketry.

10th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-R. Johnson, Gent.; J. L. Kelly, Gent. llth Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-W. Magill, Gent. ; 0. C. Robinson, Gent. 13th Foot-Ensign C. E. Palmer to be Lieut. without purchase; R. H. B. Airey, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Pritchard, who resigns. 15th Foot-Lieut. R. Clancy, from 98th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Young, appointed Adjt. of a 1)ep6t Battalion ; E. J. Boultbee, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 16th Foot-The surname of the Gentleman appointed to an Ensigncy, in the Ga- zette of the 23d April, is Busfeild, and not Busfleld. 18th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-C. G. ?dinnitt, Gent.; St. G. A. Smith, Gent.; T. B. Meredith, Gent. The second Ckristian name of Ensign Mars- land appointed without purchase in the Gazette of 23d April 1858, is spelt Ash- burst, and not Ashurst, as then stated. 19th Foot-Lieut. J. II. Kirke to be Capt. by purchase, vice Amid, who retires ; B. Rogers, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase.

20th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-R. Fraser, Gent. ; G. E. Bolger, Gent.; C. H. Webster, Gent.; C. Hugs, Gent. 22dFoot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-M. Fenton, Gent. ; P. S. Nevile, Gent.; Lieut. G. Turner to be Instructor of Musketry ; G. M. Davidson, Esq. formerly a Paymaster in the Turkish Contingent, to be Paymaster.

23,1 Foot-J. H. Tulloch, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase.

24th Foot-E. H. B. Sawbridge, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase; W. R. B. Chamberlin, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 30th Foot-Lieut. J. P4Campbell tobe Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.- Col. A. Campbell, promoted in 20th Foot ; Ensign C. Tyner to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Campbell.

39th Foot-A. L. Calcraft, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Thackwell, promoted.

54th Foot-Ensign J. G. Jebb to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Herrick, dee. 55th Foot-Brevet-Major R. Hume to be Major, without purchase, vice Friend, dec.; Lieut. J. W. Tievor to be Capt. without purchase, vice Hume ; Ensign 31. M. Gillies to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Trevor ; C. F. Faber, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Landon, promoted in the 24th Foot.

59th Foot-J. T. Rudd, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Leighton, who retires.

60th Foot-Capt. S. W. Bligh to he Major, without purchase, vice Douglas, dec.; Lieut. F. D. Farquharson to be Capt. without purchase, vice Bligh ; Ensign H. S. Hodges to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Farquharson. 62d Foot-C. W. Brown, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice C. J. Miles, pro- moted in the 5th Foot.

67th Foot-The second Christian name of Ensign Chaplin, appointed, without purchase, on the 13th April 1858, is Worthy, and not Wortley as then stated. 69th Foot-Lieut. It. A. Skues, from the 3d West India liegt. to be Lieut. vice De la Poer Beresford, who exchanges.

72d Foot-Brevet-Major R. Rocke to be Major, without purchase, vice Mackenzie, deceased ' • Lieut. .7. C. Stewart to be Capt. without purchase, vice Rocke ; Ensign J. Pennefather to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Stewart ; Ensign J. R. Kildahl to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Pennefather, whose promotion on 281 March, is to be cancelled.

76th Foot-The second Christian name of Major Brewster is Craigie.

77th Foot-Lieut. G. E. Leggett to be Capt. by purchase, vice M•Ilenry, who re- tires; Ensign J. Jordan to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Leggett.

78th Foot-Ensign T. Mackenzie to be Lieut. without purchase ; .1. T. S. Rich- ardson, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Mackenzie ; Lieut. A. C. Bogle to be Adjt. vice Macpherson, promoted.

85th Foot-Lieut. D. H. Mytton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bruce, who retires ; Ensign F. A. Thomas to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Mytton ; L. Cooper, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Thomas.

95th Foot-Capt. and Lieut.-Col. the Hon. F. A. Thesiger, from the Grenadier Guards, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Hume, who exchanges.

96th Foot-Lieut. R. D. Douglas to be Capt. by purchase, vice Pierce, who re- tires ; Ensign E. J. Scovell to be Lieut. by purchase, vice D. Douglas, 100th Foot-Capt. and Brevet-Col. G. de Rottenburgh, from half-pay Linen. to be Capt. ; Capt. and Brevet Lieut.-Col, J. II. C. Robertson, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt.•' G. Grant, Gent. from Assist.-Storekeeper in the Commissariat Depart- ment, to be Quartermaster.

Rifle Brigade-To be Captains, without purchase-Lieut. J. P. C. Glyn, vice W. F. Thynne, died of wounds ; Lieut. J. Singer ; Lieut. J. S. Knox. To be

Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensign F. Ames, vice C. Glyn; Ensign E. Palmer, vice Ames, whose promotion on the 26th of March has been cancelled ; Ensign E. H. Buller, vice Singer; Ensign P. L. C. Phillips, vice Knox.

lot West India Regiment.-Ensign It. Brew to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Dunn, appointed to the 24th Foot.

3d West India Regiment-Lieut. H. C. De la Poer Beresford, from 69th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Skues, who exchanges ; H. D. Massy. Gent, to be Assist-Surg. vice Manners, resigned. For W. Gair, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, as stated in the Gazette of Dec. 18, read Deputy-Assistant-Commissary Vi'. Gair, from half-pay of the Field Train Department, to be Ensign, 8:c.

Boyal Canadian Rifle Begintent-T . H. Bond, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase.

Gold Coast Artillery Corps-Ensign F. J. Bolton to be Adjt. vice Taylor, pro- moted.

Hip& Battalion-Capt. and Adjt. G. King to be Major, without purchase, vice Sir J. E. Alexander, promoted in the 234 Foot ; Capt. R. Young, from the 15th Foot, to be Adjt. vice King, promoted ; Paymaster M. G. Taylor, from half-pay of a Deptn Battalion, to be Paymaster, vice C. S. Naylor, transferred to the Invalid Depet at Yarmouth.

For "Memorandum. Major and Brevet-Col. W. C. E. Napier, upon half-pay Unatt, to be Superintendent of Studies at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, vice M'Dougall, which appeared in the Gazette of 5th February 1858, read "Royal Military College. Major and Brevet-Col. W. E. C. Napier, upon half-pay %att. to be Major and Superintendent of Studies, vice M•Dougall."

Hospital Staff-Staff-Sum. of the First Class W. Sall, M.D. from half-pay, to be Staff-Surg. of the First Class, upon full-pay, and attached to the 20th Foot ; F. /I. Preston, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg, to the Forces, vice Franklyn, appointed to the Royal Artillery. 'lobe Acting Assist,-Surgeons-H. .1. Shirley, Gent. ;J. W. Crow, Gent.; M. L. Burrows, Gent. ; J. A. Young, Gent.; F. E. Scanlan, Gent.

Brevet.-The undermentioned Officers, having completed three years' actual service in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be Colonels in the Army under the Royal war- rant of Oct. 6. 1854-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. J. Bissett„ Cape Mounted Rifles ; Lieut,-Col. H. D. O'Halloran, lot West India Regiment.