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Badley, 41iingdon, Berks, _April 22, 1858.
Si—Permit me, through the medium of your paper, to correct an im- pression which might be created by Sir I. Tralawny's question in the umme of Cunintons on Tuesday night, that the Colony of New Zealand would have been contented to accept, and made provision for accepting, the Government guarantee for 200,000/. to relieve the Land Fund from the New Zealand Company's debt, if the larger sum, required to relieve the Land Fund also from the liability for the purchase of Native lanes, had been refused.
Such an impression would be contrary to the fact. The Resolutions passed by the New Zealand Legislature distinctly require, that provision shall be made simultaneously for the discharge of the Land Fund from both liabilities.
A Resolution, proposed by Mr. Fitzllerbert of Wellington, on the 2d of July 1856, accepting the Government offer of a guarantee of 200,000/. for discharging the Company's debt by itself, was negatived by the addition of words making it essential to discharge the Land Fund from both liabili- ties simultaneously. The Loan Act provides for raising 500,000/. in one entire sum, for the discharge of both-liabilities. Failing the Imperial guarantee for the entire amount, no part could have been raised, and the whole arrangement would have fallen to the ground. The statement made by me to the New Zealand Guarantee Committee last session was in accordance with the above facts, and is perfectly accurate. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant,