1 MAY 1875, Page 22

The Story of a Fellow-Soldier. By Frances Awdry. (Macmillan.)— This

is a short biography, intended for younger readers, of Bishop Patteson. Miss Yonge's "Life," admirable as it was in many respects, was certainly in its first form a somewhat forbidding work. Its very weight was burdensome to a degenerate age, which is not equal to the stately folios which delighted our forefathers. An abridged edition has since been published, but there was still room for the very interesting little volume before us. This is of a length that should not try the patience of any reader. Its subject-matter is of an interest 'which speaks for itself. The Bishop's early life is passed rapidly over; his missionary work is told in some detail. No work more simply noble was ever done, and we are very glad that boys and girls should have this admirable opportunity given them of reading about it.