[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In his article which appeared in your issue of January 24th Mr. H. G. Wells wrote : " among other assump- tions of Islam, God the Father-Creator is assumed . . This assumption of the fatherhood of God does not exist in Islam ; it is stated in a text of the Koran that " God did not beget children nor was he born." In that religion the relation between man and God is that of a slave to his master, as is abundantly suggested by many Moslem names such as AM Allah, AM El Rahman, AM El Azim, &c., where the word Abd signifies slave, and the word following it signifies God (Allah) or an attribute of Him like Merciful (Ratunrin), and Great (Azim).—Yours faithfully, Faculty of Science, Egyptian Univ., FARES IIENAW. Cairo, Egypt.