30 APRIL 1942, Page 13


a,—Mr. Victor Gollancz tells us that we are fighting for the right of every human being, in every country, freely to develop his personality," that this objective can only be obtained under international socialism. e can only conclude from this that he thinks the war is being fought a international socialism. This must be a most unpleasant suggestion some of our troops, but they can console themselves with the thought not one of the United Nations has mentioned international socialism g their objectives.

He also tells us that socialism will substitute the motive of public ice for the motive of private profit. Christianity has been trying to this for 2,00o years. Why should socialism succeed where Christianity failed? Perhaps Mr. Gollancz thinks that the profit motive can be dicated by force. Also might not freedom to develop personality uire the pursuit of private profit? If so, socialism and the free -elopment of personality are antipathetic ideas. He also says that the 1 thing which we are fighting is in effective control of the State Power Germany and some other countries. Might not this evil thing be excess of State Power itself?—Yours faithfully,