SIR,—Having been informed that the performances of the Brains Trust were probably the most popular items in the programme of the B.B.C., I made up my mind to see whether I could derive instruction or amuse- ment from them. My first experience was probably unfortunate, because not only were the questions foolish, but the performers were common- place, and the proceedings were only diversified by a series of jokes which would have disgraced the judicial Bench. I therefore made two further efforts, and was careful to see that the " cast " consisted of persons who were distinguished in various walks of life. But the results were singu- larly disappointing ; not only were most of the questions devoid of any general interest, but the answers were for the most part such as one would expect to get from an intelligent schoolboy. I presume that the performers are well remunerated for their services out of public moneys, and I could only come to the conclusion that clever men when called upon to give extempore answers to very commonplace questions are hardly seen at their best. Indeed, I felt tempted to suggest that the institution should be known as the " Brains Trust Limited," with an emphasis on the Limited!—I am, Sir, yours, &c., B. A. COHEN.
2 Temple Gardens, E.C.