Harvey v. Hatcliffe
As readers know, Quoodle is not uninterested in most kinds of sport. A home engagement I am looking forward to reading about is next Sun- day's title fight between Rowse and Hotson in the auditorium of Covent Garden. Dr. A. L. Rowse, the 'controversial' champion of Shakes- peare studies from All Souls, is lecturing on the Sonnets to the Friends of Covent Garden; and in the audience will be Dr. Leslie Hotson, the Connecticut contender. As everyone knows, Rowse's nominee for the mantle of Mr. W. H. is William Harvey; Hotson's, William Hatcliffe. Who will win? I gather that so great is the in- terest in the meeting that the engagement has been transferred from the Crush Bar, capacity 300, to the auditorium itself. It promises to be the most exciting evening in the Garden for non-balletomanes since Lowell Thomas pro- duced With Lawrence in Arabia there in 1920, with •T. E. L. himself, Balfour, and Sherif Hussein of Mecca hanging about in the wings....