American plot
Sir: One knows Auberon Waugh is not always wholly serious. But he has repeated so often that he wants Britain to merge its identity in a European state because he hates American culture and despises the British ruling elite that one must assume he means it (Another voice, 10 April). This is very puzzling. Waugh must know that for over 30 years the American State Depart- ment and our Foreign and Commonwealth Office have been working together to push us into Europe. De Gaulle twice vetoed our application to join the EEC just because Washington wanted it to succeed.
Inside Europe, as de Gaulle foresaw, we can only be a Trojan horse for America. If Waugh wants to save continental Europe from the American cultural domination that is our inevitable fate, his best course is to urge Britain's withdrawal from the EEC.
David Watkins 79 Pendyrys House, Mortimer Road,
Pontcanna, Cardiff